Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unbridled Passion

 I just can't help myself.

I have over 300 vintage items in my Etsy shop, (not to mention the collection I have in my drafts, expired and inactive files) plus the hundreds of items around my home that I decorate with and am not parting with!

But when Friday and Saturday come around this time of year, I just have to see what is out there. I have to decide whether to go to the garage sales, or thrift stores, or both? Yard sales or flea markets?

Today I went to the most unlikely place you'd ever find myself and especially my husband, ever on a Saturday afternoon.......

The Pioneer Gas Engine 48th Annual Show in Marion, NY.

You see, I recently joined the Rusty Dusty Treasury Team on Etsy which is all about vintage and rusty, recycled and upcycled and just plain fabulous items. It has helped increase my passion for all of that and more!

So when my daughter called me saying "Mom, you gotta get here, there is a lot of rusty, old stuff", I had to go. I was going to hit just a few garage sales anyways.....wink, wink.

As soon as we got there my husband felt out of his element. He joined me because I didn't want to go alone not knowing what I was walking into, and then we ran into an old friend, Dean.

That's my husband Frank on the left near Dean's booth with all the mammoth chain saws. Frank is from Spanish Harlem in New York City. There were tractors and engines and rusty farm tools, long beards, John Deere shirts and a few missing teeth! Yeah, out of his element!

I had a great time! There was a lot of old, rusty, greasy, oily stuff around to buy. Most too high priced for me but I did get some things.

The large bucket is a cardboard and metal candy bucket from the Bunte Brothers of Chicago. It was once filled with 15 pounds of Extra Fine Early American Chocolate Drops. It is a great vintage advertising piece for display, from the early 1950's.

I have a thing for oil cans. Especially the small, cute ones with the long spout. I actually sold one once suggesting to use it as a ring holder. Very cute idea!

These would fall into the rusty, oily category of vintage!
I am not totally sure of what this next item is, but it is so unique and rusty that I had to have it. It must be some kind of percussion instrument. It has a cow bell sound, each side having a different tone.
There was so much more I wanted to buy, but the last item I got was this coal shovel, probably from the 1930's. Very unique decoration for near a wood stove or fireplace.
So I did really good, right? I must mention that my husband didn't get anything! He likes to go thrifting for props for the community theatre we run. No luck here!

I really wanted to hit at least one of the garage sales on my list so we went. It was a memorable time because of the cute elderly couple that was holding the sale.

The husband was sitting outside the garage with a friend and the wife was inside the garage with her grandson. I asked him about the age of the cow jar and he said "You have to ask my wife, that's her department".

Then I was looking at the old tool box and he cut the price in half without me even asking!

I asked her for the price on the framed picture and she said "You have to ask my husband, it's his". He told me the price and then mentioned that it was a relative of his. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to sell it to me and he said, no problem, he had others! Relatives or pictures?!

I almost walked away from the prize item of the day. I was halfway down the driveway when I just had to go back for the big, red, chippy, rusty gas can. The husband ran over to make sure he told me that it didn't leak and showed me the bottom. I asked him how old it was and he said he bought it in 1968. The wife was giggling that I came back and her grandson looked at me like I was crazy for wanting all this stuff!

Days like these make thrifting all the more fun. Sometimes it is just in and out of the car, from garage sale to garage sale with no luck and no fun included.

Now I get to photograph and list all these great items in my NaNa's Things shop. Which is part of the fun too!

What did you do on this beautiful Saturday afternoon?

AnnMarie  :)

P.S. I have this same unbridled passion for that guy on the left in the picture too!!

 I'm linking up to these great blog parties!
Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Weekend Wonders
Strut Your Stuff Saturday Link Party
I Love My Post Blog Hop
Let's Get Social Sunday
Raising Imperfection Sunday Link Party
Amaze Me Monday
Marvelous Mondays
Monday Mingling Blog Hop
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Tuesday Trivia
What's It Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Grow Your Blog Networking Party
Bloglovin' and Google+ Blog Hop
Weekend Wonders
Freedom Fridays
Be Inspired


  1. Hi AnnMarie! Wow, did you have a good time or what? Even your husband found a play-pal on your trip! I am a lover of creche's so I enjoyed your photos of those. I do like the ring holder idea too!

    Saturday afternoon, I went to a Civil War Reenactment Camp. I really enjoy history!

    Happy Sunday,

  2. Hi visiting from lets get social sunday...following by got some great finds there! I'm a junk lover too!

  3. I like the box and bucket. I'd love to go to a yardsale too, but there aren't that many here.

  4. Oh, I wish I could have gone along with you, my Rusty Dusty Treasury Team friend!!! Awesome finds for a beautiful Saturday!! I did check out a funky old Victorian home today, but I think you win the prize for finding treasures.....xoxoxoxo AntiqueShopGirl

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hey AnnMarie! I'd say you had a wonderful time! There's an antique tractor show about the second week in September or October here. I always have to watch for it! Ours is in the midst of Amish country here so it's all the more interesting! And there's always LOADS of rusty and dusty things! It goes for about three days or so and they have ACRES of booths. That's not counting all of the acres of old steam engines and tractors! You'd LOVE it! I know I do!

  7. Wow Ann Marie - what great finds - I especially love the oil cans as ring holders - what a great idea.
    My son is a mechanic - and his boss was getting rid of some old rusty gigantic gears - and I went crazy - insisted he put them aside for me -
    He looked at me like I was insane lmho

  8. You sure did find a lot of treasures! It is so much fun to see the beauty and the potential in things that were once every day items. So delighted you visited that I might return the call.
    Have a blessed day,

  9. Hi Ann Marie! Thank you for your sweet comments. Following you right back!! ~Ann @ Tarnished Royalty

  10. You scored some great things! I haven't been garage saling much all summer. Every weekend seems to be filled up! I must get out there...but not this wedding. I love the advertising basket and oil cans, and the picture of the relative is really cool.

    Thanks again for visiting my blog. I am following you back via Feedly. Have a lovely week!


  11. I too love rusty, crusty ole' things! You got some great stuff! I like oil cans too, but couldn't begin to even explain WhY?! hehe ~ I guess it is their shape! Look forward to visiting again ... Judi

  12. Wow! You got some treasures there. I can't wait to look for some vintage sales soon.

  13. The picture frame is awesome! And the gas can looks just like the one my father had when I was growing up. If I didn't have all this quilt fabric and bead stuff hanging out, I'd probably join right in with the regular garage saling. My 11 year old granddaughter loves it!!

  14. I always love your finds!! Can I confess though...I am especially smitten by the bench that you display them on. !!! :)

  15. Fantastic finds! Such inspiration... zI'm thinking what lovely illustrations some of these would make!

  16. You found some great items!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  17. Wow, such great finds! I love your cow bell and your new ring holder...too cute!

  18. That sounds like "my kind of day" - some of my friends actually are not interested in spending a day this way - I have to go all by myself - their loss..............

  19. I am also a fan of old rusty treasures . . .lol And I happen to own a few oil cans just like the ones in your photograph. :)

  20. Love it all! I am smitten with those oil cans for two reasons-Dad was always oiling something on the farm and the Tin man from the Wizard of Oz!
    New follower!
    Happy Hugs,

  21. I love the term dusty and rusty! You came across some really good items.

  22. What a great bunch of vintage finds. And it's fun even if you don't know the original use. I wonder how much those chocolates sold for when that bucket was new.

  23. I noticed your cow jar in your shop. Ienjoyed reading all about your day at the Pioneer Gas Engine Show and the cute couple's garage sale.

  24. Ann-Marie, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I enjoyed visiting yours...loved the story of your vintage expedition. Also fascinating that you're pure-blood Italian! :)


    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  25. How fun is this!! You have an incredible eye for things!!!! Can't wait to learn from your vintage touch :)

  26. I was wondering what to do with my well used (but cleaned up) oil tins. So far I've just grouped them. Nice idea to use as a ring holder, very masculine. Thanks for visiting, I read all your posts with pleasure.

  27. What great finds -- I enjoyed seeing them.

  28. fun!!! Score! thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite things hop xo

  29. I really like the rusty things that make the cow bell sound!!

    Thanks for stopping by Seriously Kate - would LOVE for you to submit some questions!

    Have a great day!


  30. What great fun! You always find the coolest stuff. I love those sweet oil cans, so clever to use them as ring holders!

  31. Oh the treasures that still await...I've had to tell my hubby to stop going, because he brings too much stuff back. It's all great stuff, but we're just running out of room for it all!
    PS - Thanks for linking up with us at Meet & Greet!

  32. Love those rusty pieces!!!
    :) Liz @

  33. I adore your rusty crusty finds, I have some similar things, like the gas can, oil cans, and shovel!Plus a lot more that I have collected. Thanks for sharing your Saturday with us!
    Smiles, Cyndi


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