Monday, August 19, 2013

Random Things

Just some random interesting things that happened this past weekend, with pictures. I finally have learned to take my camera wherever I go in case there's a blog post in it!

My husband's company participates in offering it's employees free days at different places throughout the area. The place for August is the Rochester Museum and Science Center on East Avenue in the city of Rochester. It is a beautiful area of the city. My husband loves going to that area because it reminds him of the "good" parts of New York City, where he grew up. I have lived in the area all my life and can't say that I visit these places very often. We decided to go on Saturday.

The first "scientific" thing you encounter when you arrive to the museum is the Whisper Dish.
This is how far the two dishes are from each other.....

My husband could not believe that it really worked until he and my son tried it out. He got a kick out of it.....

There's my son way down there, whispering....

After a few hours at the museum we decided to hang around the city more to partake in the "culture" and stay there for dinner. We were meeting our friends Karl and Diane at a restaurant located in the High Falls district of the city, on Brown's Race, where Rochester's early industrial development took place.

The restaurant is called La Luna and boasts about it's fantastic view of the falls while sitting on the deck to eat. Sounds romantic right?

Do you see any Falls? Nope, there aren't any in view. They are way far to the right around the bend and we never did see them. We could hear them though.

It is a pretty view though,  surrounded by historic warehouses and huge water powered wheels. Rochester was once known as the Flour City and now is known as the Flower City because it hosts the Lilac Festival every year.

Here is a cool, huge wheel and the walls surrounding it.....

 We never did eat at that restaurant. It ended up being too pricey and so we decided to find somewhere more suited to our budgets!

We did walk around the area though before leaving. The city had renovated a lot of it to make it THE place to go to walk around and eat in one of the many restaurants.

As we were gazing out over the landscape, there, near the woods, was a family of deer. We could see the rack on the male, then the mother and then the babies. They were heading toward the water for a drink. Very cool, being that we were in the middle of a city. You can just see them on both sides of the white pole.

We ended up at Hogan's Hideaway on Park Ave., another cultural, cool place of the city, for dinner and sat out on the deck with the bees.

You never know what you will encounter when venturing off to the city. Walking our food off just a block from the restaurant and we were encountered by a very inebriated man and a good Samaritan who was trying to keep him from walking into traffic and to help him find his way home.

We walked by a brightly lit room, decorated in bright colors and fabrics with a Buddha statue at the far end. There was music and chanting going on. We whispered as we went by.

We always have a great time hanging out with Karl and Diane. This was an especially memorable one.

What interesting thing did you do this weekend?

AnnMarie :)

Linking up with these great parties:

Monday Mingling Blog Hop
Amaze Me Monday
You're Gonna Love It
Tuesday Trivia
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
What's It Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Freedom Fridays



  1. Hi AnnMarie! I love those parabolic dishes, they are so cool! I have seen them before, and even some buildings are built with acoustics like that.

    And the deer! I really had to stare at your photo, but I got the image. Good thing your weekend was so full, it makes up for my boring one!

    Good to see you!

  2. Wow, I have never heard of those dishes. They look like a lot of fun :) Sounds like a wonderful day - thanks for sharing with us. Hugs!

  3. Hi Nana, thanks for stopping by my blog. It looks like you and the family had a great day just hanging out around town. Sometimes we don't really have to go too far to have a some good old family time. I love the idea of the whispering dish. I think my hubby would like that too.

  4. Hogan's is one of my favorite places for lunch. It usually makes me feel good after having spent a couple hours at the Parkleigh, next door.

  5. Looks like a fun day. Thanks for sharing your random things, and for visiting me. Following you back.xoxo

  6. Looks like a fun day out with the family. I don't think I did anything too interesting this weekend - at least I can't remember.

  7. So fun! I'm thinking of all the things you could say into the whisper tube..."This is a recording. Please leave a message after the beep." "Bless me father, for I have sinned..." and of course, "Sweet nothings..."

    I spent the weekend converting my blog over to WordPress. It was almost as fun as giving birth without an epidural, but not nearly as victorious. :D

  8. Looks like you had wonderful family outing:)Love the idea of the whispering dish, seems like your husband had a lot of fun with it:)The huge wheel reminds me so much of old times when the city of Rochester was one of the "boomtowns" famous for its flour mills. Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to leave me the sweetest comment. Hugs, Poppy

  9. Looks like great fun in "the good parts of NY" - lol

  10. Wow that looks like fun, I've not seen whisper dishes before! You captured a great moment there with your Husband laughing. Blessings Niki x

  11. What a cool way to spend a summer day. I think the whispering dish is amazing. I've got to find some fun to do this weekend, too.


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