Friday, December 6, 2013

Let the Decorating Begin!

It's Five on Friday time!

This is a fun blog party to link up to every Friday. The hosts are Darci, AprilChristina and Natasha. Just write 5 things on your mind today and post at the party! Then go read what others have been doing all week on their Five on Friday posts!

1.What has been on my mind this week and I am sure most of us in the blog world is decorating for Christmas! I finally started and finished this week, except for one tiny detail....the tree! We went to get it last Saturday and it took us all of 15 minutes from start to finish. My husband doesn't want to cut our own anymore so we go to a nice tree farm nearby that have really nice pre-cut trees. The second one we looked at was ours. It has been up since then and we are still waiting for the branches to relax a little. It is a Frasier fir and smells heavenly.

2.You can still see the blue underside of the branches, so while I am waiting for it to fall a little I decided to try and make the tree topper I saw on Priscillas blog. Mine came out a little big after three trys but I put it up there anyways to live with it and see how I like it....I figured I had at least a week!We are decorating the tree tomorrow and I still haven't decided. Is it too big?

3. I have been baking this week whenever I could. The gingerbread is chilling in the fridge as I write this. I usually start in November and bake the whole month and freeze them so I don't have anything to do in December but enjoy the festivities. Well, with my Etsy shop and blogging weekly I fell a little behind. I usually make about 12 different kinds of cookies plus assorted chocolate bark and candies. I do have a good start on it though....see?

My freezer is a little frozen over....a project my husband
and I are working on!
4. As of today I think the decorating is done. I have so many boxes of things collected over the years to decorate with but this year I really wanted to have a more vintage look so I have been collecting new things to decorate with. Here is a sneak peak of what I have been up to.....

5. Between packaging orders, running to the post office, managing my shop, decorating, cleaning, and baking, my storage area in the basement has gotten out of hand. I actually took some time to straighten and somewhat organize it....yes, this is a lot better than it was! With 400+ items in my shop I am running out of room to store them all. Of course I have no plans to stop picking and thrifting for vintage stuff to help fix the problem! Can you visit my shop and take some of these things off my hands...please? :-)
Happy decorating and baking!

I am linking up with these great blog hops:
Five on Friday
Be Inspired
Pink Saturday
diy Sunday Showcase


  1. Just beautiful, AnnMarie! Love that white mantle and white mini-trees. You have definitely been busy -- how do you keep up? Cheers and Merry Christmas! Catherine

  2. Well done post. I really like your tree topper.

  3. Everything looks so beautiful and festive, dear AnnMarie :) You have certainly been busy, my friend. Take care! Hugs to you

  4. How fun! I love your mantel! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is great!

  5. I would not have thought to use a book page wreath for a tree topper, but I love it! Great job.
    Blessings, Deborah


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