Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Some Birthday Blessings

I love this because of the crown. I dubbed myself the Queen on my 50th.
Still trying to live up to it!

My birthday was Monday. And, like I do every year for a week or two before, I start dreading the day in anticipation and fear that it doesn't turn out great.

There is only one chance a year for it to be great, right?

There was a time in my childhood in the 60's, in the era of huge snowstorms and mounds and mounds of snow that my party would be cancelled due to bad weather. And some other times my day just didn't go very well or the way I wanted it to.

What is my excuse for still dreading it? I don't know and maybe I need to just get over myself. I think after this year I may have to. I am writing this blog post partly to document my day to remind myself how nice it was and partly to brag! And leave it to the Lord to use the events of the day and people in my life to help me do just that.....get over myself, I mean.

Birthday Blessing Number 1:

 My husband usually takes the day off for my birthday but since there is really nothing to do in the dead of winter on a Monday, he went to work. Besides being at work made him that much closer to the birthday cake he had to pick up. More on that later.

So I decided to take myself for some retail therapy on my birthday. I LOVE shopping by myself when I am serious about getting something new! I headed to the mall where I could hit the most stores in one place. I decided the sky was the limit and so I went to the really nice store that I got a birthday coupon for first. But my thrifty self just couldn't spend that kind of money on any of it, 15% off coupon or not. I moved on.

On my second stop I hit the jackpot! I fell in love with the Ralph Lauren sweater above because of it's retro, madras kind of colors and print and it is a hoodie......can't pass that up! It was on the rack marked 70% off the original price which happened to be $169. I figured with the discount it would be $50 and since it was my birthday and my first purchase, I said why not. When the clerk rang it up and took another 25% off, I was thrilled. Total...$39.48.

They tried to get someone to buy it at 50% off for $84.50. Thank you to all those who passed it by! I must say that it was quite a chore going through the racks and racks of clearance at Macy's, and a lot of other department stores, because the clothes were, well, HIDEOUS! It was just a sea of matronly prints and styles that I am just not ready to give in to yet. I am only 57 ya know! And yes, I was in the right department for my size and age!

I also found this cute dress for $20 from $80 and this boyfriend cardigan in soft pink for half price.

This last shirt is for my daughter Candice for her birthday. She loves owls. So cute! It fits me too though.....nah! It's for her.

A quick stop at Pier One, just because I always have to look, got me this really pretty scarf. I have seen these on Etsy and been coveting one for myself. For $15 on my birthday.....yes!

Birthday Blessing Number 2:

My blessings for the day started at 7:30 a.m. with a phone message from a dear friend whose birthday is a week later than mine. We are so looking forward to our celebration together again this year.

I arrived home from my shopping therapy to birthday greetings from another friend who just happened to be driving by when I was parking. We chatted and hugged and she was on her way. Such a nice surprise!

There were several phone messages with sweet birthday greetings from some unexpected people waiting for me. My email inbox was filled with greetings posted on my Facebook wall. Then my daughter Jena arrived, family in tow, to make dinner for me......my gift, along with the pretty frosted vase with my favorite Daisies. I received Mario's, a local Italian restaurant's newest cookbook, as a gift for Christmas from my son Michael so we thought it would be a good time to try some recipes. We had Portobello mille foglie with warm charred tomato vinaigarette and Fusilli cavolfiore. Yes, it was as gourmet and delicious as it sounds. Sorry, no pics!

My cake was phenomenal. It was just a short trip from work for my husband to Savoia's, an Italian bakery, to pick up a Cannoli Cake. This is what is left and it was so delicious.

My daughter Candice and granddaughter Cassidy joined us for cake and gave me my first Alex & Ani bracelet. It says Nana on the rose. So pretty!

Birthday Blessing Number 3:

My son Michael plays in a basketball league at our Community Center on Monday nights. He is a huge NBA fan and had been talking about how certain NBA players have been scoring 50 points a game. He told me he was going to score 50 points for my birthday. We all layered ourselves up to face the bitter cold and went off to his game. I am proud to say that he scored 4 baskets....8 points! My preemie son with mild cerebral palsy in his legs who was never supposed to run or play sports is now playing basketball, doing great and adding to his team's big win. I would love for the doctor who told us he would never run to see just how fast he CAN run up and down the court.

Birthday Blessing Number 4:

I never prayed for a good birthday. But the Lord knew what I needed to stop dreading the day and He delivered. He used the events of my day and the people in my life, from early morning straight through to 9 p.m. to accomplish just what I needed. He's like that you know.....He knows what you need before you do and He works it all for good. He loves to bless His children.

My day was so good. God IS so good!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these great blog parties:

Inspiration Monday
Fluster's Creative Muster
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Wednesday's Adorned From Above
What's It Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Share Your Cup Thursday
Freedom Fridays with All My Bloggy Friends
Anything Blue Friday


  1. You are well loved AnnMarie! I am so glad that you had a beautiful day!
    Sandy S.

  2. You are well loved AnnMarie! I am so happy that your birthday was blessed.

  3. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a good one. Definitely looks and sounds like you had a successful shopping trip and some yummy cake.:)
    I have not been to Macy's in some time now.

  4. Happy Birthday, sweet AnnMarie! I am thrilled to hear your day was wonderful and from the looks of things you found some incredibly beautiful items - love the dress :) Hugs to you, my friend!

  5. Hi AnnMarie,
    Just stopping by to wish you a Happy and Blessed Birthday! I feel like we'd be good friends if we lived closer! Stay warm - Spring's coming!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful birthday and congrats on the clothing score. Love the pink sweater. Hope your post-birthday days are just as great!


  7. Happy Birthday AnnMarie, what a great birthday, shopping therapy, family love and a great supper and cake.

  8. Better late than never, AnnMarie...

    "A Happy Birthday to you,
    A Happy Birthday to you,
    Every day of the year, may you feel Jesus near,
    A Happy Birthday to you,
    A Happy Birthday to you,
    And the best one you ever had!"

    Love you!!!

  9. Happy birthday!! SO glad it exceeded your expectations!

  10. Sounds a lovely day. :D Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!

  11. Happy Birthday AnnMarie! I'm glad you had a wonderful day.

  12. Happy belated Birthday AnnMarie! You did great shopping for great bargains! I purchased a designer purse at Macy's just after Christmas. I also got it for 50% off.

  13. Happy Birthday AnnMarie!! Seems like it was a birthday "made in Heaven!" I think you should have gotten an owl shirt for yourself! :) And your cake looked scrumptious!! Many happy blessings to you!! AntiqueShopGirl

  14. awwwww I loved this so much :) I loved hearing about all the blessings God gave you on your special day, seeing the treasures you scored at the store and youe cake . . oh my . .my mouth is drooling ;) lol And yes, God knows exactly what we need at exactly the right time doesn't he? Happy Belated birthday wishes Ann Marie! May God continue to bless you throughout the year! :)

  15. I'm so sorry I didn't get over yesterday. Happy Birthday. I hope it was a good one.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  16. ❀Happy Birthday to you ♪♫ ¨*:•♥¨*•.,¸¸,:•: Happy Birthday to you•:♪♪♫♥ •.,¸¸,:•:❀Happy Birthday, Dear AnnMarie ♥♥♥♪♫♪♥♫♪♥♪♫ Happy Birthday to you!!!! ♥!!!! ♥♥♥♪♫♪♥♫♪♥♪♫

    Please, please save me a piece of that cannoli cake

  17. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Sounds like one awesome day and congrats to your son.


  18. A very Happy Belated Birthday, to you, AnnMarie! All your birthday blessings are just that, blessings and you have NOTHING to fear about your special day going wrong, again! Hope you have a wonderful years, full of good health and happiness!


  19. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! You got some great deals and pretty new clothes. I love the optimism of your son, scoring 50 points. Love that he can run, a marvelous miracle! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Happy belated birthday, AnnMarie! So happy to see that you treated yourself to a fun day. Love the owl shirt. I'm a t-shirt and blue jeans kind of gal, and I'd wear that all the time.

  21. Such nice post about the birthday blessings. Thanks for this share. My husband’s birthday is also coming in a week and he is also coming back to home on same day so there will be double celebrations. I would love to host a BBQ party for him at one of his favorite Los Angeles venues.


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