Thursday, May 8, 2014

Almond Joy Cake

And this cake is pure joy!

I just made this cake as a birthday gift to a friend that requested an Almond Joy Cake years ago! I could not find the recipe she wanted then. I wonder why!

These are the "cookbooks" I use on a daily basis. They are binders filled with magazine rip outs and computer copied recipes. Every once in awhile I go through them looking for a recipe and then find five other ones I want to make!

The recipe I did find is absolutely delicious and when I delivered it today at my bible study, four other women wanted the recipe just on the mention of the name, ALMOND JOY CAKE!

Here it is:


1 package boxed chocolate cake mix
30 large marshmallows (no more, no less!)
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1  14 oz. bag coconut

1/2 cup evaporated milk (one can works for the cake and frosting)
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1  12 oz. bag chocolate chips
1 cup almonds, chopped

Bake cake as directed in a 9 x 13 pan (I split mine up into two 8 x 8 pans. One for you, one for me!).
Combine the evaporated milk, 30 marshmallows and the sugar in a medium saucepan and cook on medium until melted.
Add the coconut and pour all over the hot cake.

In a medium saucepan bring the sugar, evaporated milk and margarine to a boil and then remove from heat. Add chocolate chips. Stir until melted. Add the chopped almonds. Pour over warm cake and let sit. Serve when cooled.

It is extra yummy eaten cold out of the fridge...just saying.

I found this part funny. The original recipe says "This cake is very, very rich and should be served in the smallest serving size possible". WHAT??!! NOT!!??

Eat as much as your conscience allows because you won't be able to stop yourself!


Happy Mother's day to all the lovely Mom's!!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties this week:

Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
The Pin Junkie Friday Link Party
Feathered Nest Friday
diy Sunday Showcase
Sweet & Savoury Sundays
It's a Bouquet of Talent Party
Amaze Me Monday
Marvelous Mondays
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Tasty Tuesday


  1. Looks great, but I wish I could take the calories out!

  2. LOL
    My cookbooks look just like that. :-)
    I am excited to try this. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. looks great! thanks for sharing:)

  4. Oh my! That looks and sounds delish! Had some dental work done today so probably could not eat it now, but I sure know how to save it for a later time.:-D
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Looks very yummy, I am not surprised those ladies wanted the recipe x

  6. AM, that looks and sounds sinfully delicious.

  7. Looks scrumptious!! The snacks at your house must be amazing.... :)

  8. Hi Ann Marie, Oh WOW this sounds so good. I have to do gluten free but I have chocolate cake GF from Betty Crocker that I could sub for the boxed cake. Your friend is going to love this. What a great gift.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy and also have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. Oh my, this looks delicious! I am not a big chocolate lover, but Almond Joy is one of my favorite candy bars. I am pinning! Thanks for sharing the recipe with SYC.
    Glad you found it!

  10. This looks delish! Found you on an Etsy team we have in common. Great blog! Check out my new one, if you get a minute! Nikki

  11. Looks yummy. Thanks for sharing at THT!

  12. Oh my gosh, I was eating a little mini Almond Joy today wondering if there was a recipe for cake. So glad to find this!

  13. Sounds and looks delicious. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!


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