Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Thrifter's Creed

"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail (nor migraine) shall keep the thrifter from her appointed rounds."

Obviously I changed the postal workers creed to suit the thrifter in me!

Sometimes you just get the feeling that your favorite thrift store just has something there for you and you've got to go check it out. No matter the weather. Or if said weather triggers a headache!

This week I had a yucky migraine. The barometric pressure changes here in the northeast are killing my head! By midday as it started to lift I just got this strong urge to go check out my local VOA. I hadn't been in a while and I needed some fresh things for my Etsy shop.

The first thing I spotted was this great wooden stool with a braided rug top. It is in great condition and it happened to be Manager's Special day.....30% off furniture and lamps! Plus I get the senior discount of 20% off (you only have to be 55 to be a senior there).

When I went to the counter to pay the clerk said that the stool had only been there a few days and it was waiting for me. See!! I knew I had to go!

Of course I had to see what other treasures were waiting for me.

I spotted this cute wooden bunny with a pull string. My granddaughter Chloe just loves these. She loves swinging them. She won't know about this one! It's going in  my shop.
I was so excited to see a piece of black transfer ware. It has a great flower knob on top which is repeated in the handles on the side. It is quite old with just a triangle mark on the bottom. There is one chip on the whole thing. I have to research it because I have never seen transfer ware in black in person.
This sweet folk art girl caught my eye. When I picked her up I was surprised how heavy she was. She is made of terra cotta and hand painted. The back is quite interesting. It has a hanger for the wall.
I picked up the red framed rooster on the left a while back on a thrifting day and so when I saw the Cock a Doodle Do picture I had to have it.

I think I may hang the first one in my kitchen after I am finally done painting it (yeah I am still working on the white.....took a break over the holidays!). My kitchen is cobalt blue and white and I have recently been adding in touches of this great deep red.
On my way home I stopped at a few of the thrift stores on Main St. in my town. There was a huge box of bottles outside one of them. I have a huge box that I got last Fall full of late 1800's bottles. But none of them were this color. For a $1 I had to have it to add to my bottle display in my bathroom.
I spotted this basket in the front window of another thrift store on my way out. I went on my way to another store but eventually I had to go back and get it. It was 20% off and matches my parlor perfectly. It is all silk fabrics and tiny pink and blue beads on the trim. The bunnies are a find from another trip that I am keeping for now. Too cute not to!
I am finding these days that I am keeping almost as much as I am listing! They may make their way to my shop eventually but for now I am finding great treasures to fill my home.
Is it just me or do you do that too when you are out hunting and thrifting?
AnnMarie xoxo
I am linking up with these great blog parties:


  1. So many great finds! I love the stool and the black and white transfer ware. I've never found it in black and white either. So pretty! The bunnies are sweet. I have good intentions of opening an Etsy shop eventually. I have a couple hundred items to list and still pick things up just for that reason, but most of what I buy is to decorate my own home. The great thing about buying vintage is you can use it until you grow tired of it and then sell it for a good price. Have a wonderful Friday!

  2. That transferware is quite unusual, and i love the basket and rabbits.


  3. Awww... the wooden bunny is adorable! You always manage to find great items, AnnMarie.

    I hope your migraine is gone and you're feeling better...those are no fun! Happy weekend, my friend.

  4. Dear AnnMarie, It is the creed for the hearty of heart! I love it.
    I am sorry that you were not feeling well this week. The weather has been very damp and chilly and certainly not very springlike.
    I have been having a cold or allergies; not sure which but not very pleasant.
    I am feeling better now though and it is so nice to be able to breathe again.
    I love all of your finds and understand perfectly why they are finding a nice home with you.
    Please feel good. xoxo Catherine

  5. Great finds AnnMarie. I love the black and white transferware. You find the best treasures.
    I hope you feel better. I get migraines too and I know they can be awful.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  6. Hi AnnMarie!
    I am so in love with your Black Transferware! I have never seen it in black either....will be interesting to see what you discover about it! love your blog....
    Happy weekend....

  7. Love your thrifter' s creed--we are definitely kindred spirits! Fabulous finds! The black transferware is my favorite :) Blessings, Cecilia

  8. Wonderful finds - especially the stool and the transfer ware. I always rotate special treasures through the house before I sell them. Part of the circle of junk,

  9. That little stool is so sweet, and I love that wooden bunny. I've never seem black and white transfer ware before either. It's quite pretty. I often display things in my home before listing them. Why shouldn't we enjoy the treasures we find before finding them new homes? Then we can find new treasures. It's the best of both worlds.

  10. You really did score! Glad that the headache subsided a little and you were able to get out. Love the stool and the black transferware!! Oh, and of course the blue bottle. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Always follow that gut feeling! Aren't you glad you did? Love that stool and the black and white transferware.

  12. Great finds, AnnMarie. The black transferware is very interesting. Is it a tureen?

  13. I love the black transferware and all of your other finds too, you are right - you were summoned by the mysteries of the thrift store - it was calling to you!

  14. Another awesome set of finds! I am tending to keep things here & there, too! Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing! Hugs, AntiqueShopGirl


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