Friday, May 1, 2015

April One Day at a Time

Time for another look at every day life here in Upstate day at a time. A fun thing to do throughout the month and then fun to share!

April 1st

Still lots of snow in my yard :-(

April 2

I had 15 minutes to spare so I quick ran into my favorite thrift store. Score! The frame may be getting a makeover, the jadeite plate is a very special find and the silver fork and spoon already has that great natural verdigris on it.

April 3

Decorating cut-out cookies with Cassidy, an annual fun afternoon we've been doing since she was about 4 years old. I have pictures of this pose every year. She will turn 10 on the 11th!

April 4
NaNa and Nonno (Italian for grandfather) delivered the Easter baskets to Chloe and JC. We will all be going separate ways on Easter Sunday. The pink basket for Chloe is my daughter Jena's basket from her childhood. The plush car for JC was my son's when he was a baby.
 April 5

Easter Sunday. We went to Sticky Lips BBQ Sunday brunch with a side of gospel. Great southern food....dirty rice, shrimp and grits, brisket, mac and cheese, biscuits and gravy, fried chicken and waffles. Plus breakfast food including the best banana pudding. Different gospel groups perform each week. These guys were great!

When we left....SNOW!

April 6

Can you see it? There by the base of the tree? That's the first sign of Spring in my yard!

 April 7

Thirty years ago today on Easter Sunday, my daughter Jena was born. The sweet, young child has grown into a sweet, caring woman and I am proud to have her as my daughter and friend.

April 8
It is a cold, rainy damp day and I am feeling under the weather! Does that mean I feel worse than the weather is?! Here is a bright spot in my day. A second flower bloomed on my pretty red Asiatic Lily, an Easter gift from Jena.

April 9

A little over a week later and finally the snow has mostly disappeared.

This is all that is left!!

 April 10

Baking, baking, baking for the open house at our new facility for Impact Theatre's Christian Arts & Cultural Center. A great example of God closing one door and opening another! More on that in a future post!
I made a boxed brownie that is so moist I had to put them in mini cupcake cups, my famous biscotti, my famous oatmeal cookies and a new cake recipe I just had to try to make sure it was good! It was great!

 April 11

A scene from the Open House. My friend Bonnie was there knitting to promote The Knit Whits Prayer Shawl Ministry. Our friend Karl, my son Michael and her husband Lou thought they'd join in.

Fred, who is 85 years young, was painting in front of the gallery wall of his life's work, all donated to Impact Theatre to raise funds.

 April 12

Cassidy's 10th Birthday party. Blowing out the candles with cousin Chloe.

April 13
First Spring day playing catch. It was 80 degrees today!

 April 14

I am so sick today. My closest allies.

 April 15

Had to graduate up to this medicine. Double the mg. Hopefully it works.

 April 16, 17

The view from my bed where I spent the last two days. It was as dismal as it looks!

April 18
The winter in the northeast did a lot of damage to roofs from heavy snow. The repairs begin.

April 19th

Today was supposed to be my daughter's 30th birthday party.....rescheduled till next week because I'm still sick! :-(

April 20th

I gave in and went to the doctor. First day I could get out of bed anyways! Sinus infection. Antibiotic. Yuck.

April 21st

Had to take my son Michael to the doctors. Sinus, chest pain. He had a collapsed lung last July so there is always the fear of that again. Antibiotic, chest x-ray. All Clear! Had to get groceries and had to thrift, just a little!

April 22

The Forsythia is starting to bloom!

April 23

WHAT??!!?? I woke up to this blanket of white stuff this morning. But...but...but my daffodils are bloomed and my tulip leaves are up!!

You can just barely see the little yellow daffodils in the foreground and
the green in front of the garden chair are the tulips.
 April 24

Ya know when you have to make all the food for a party and today is too soon but tomorrow there won't be enough time in the day? Lots of my menu falls into that category! But  I decided to cheat a little and make the angel food cake tonight. I figured it would be okay till Sunday when I make lemon parfaits out of it. It has been a long time since I've made angel food cake.....anyone know why they make you cool it upside down?

April 25

Watching Mickey on Nonno's computer.....

Oh! Nana's taking pictures!

April 26

Finally, I was able to have the 30th Birthday party for my daughter Jena!

with baby JC

with her mason jar lemon parfait "birthday cake" and dark chocolate pistachio cookies
April 27
Every year my family and I walk the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes in Rochester, NY in a team called Cassidy's Crusaders for my 10 year old granddaughter Cassidy who has Type 1 diabetes. Adding to that this year is the MS walk in Canandaigua, NY for my son-in-law Britt who was just diagnosed with MS. I need some new sneakers! I went straight to Skechers and couldn't decide because they are both cute and comfortable. I might have to keep both!
 April 28

 Been craving homemade banana pudding since we had it southern style at brunch on Easter. This is how mine came out!

April 29
I spent a little time outside today in the gorgeous weather and noticed that my tree on the edge of our property has really leaned over even more than ever! I kinda like it.

April 30

Bye, bye April!

Happy May to you!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Best of the Weekend


  1. Gotta love central NY in the schizophrenic spring!!

  2. What a busy month it's been. I hope everyone is feeling 100% now. Love the tree face!

  3. What cute little redheads!! Isn't it great to finally see an end to all our winter snow! You guys especially had a dreadful winter. Happy Spring to you!!

  4. Dear AnnMarie, Glad that you are better and your son too. Happy birthday to Jenna.
    Your grandchildren are adorable.
    April was a tough month with a happy ending.
    It is so good to be visiting my friends again. My brother is out of the hospital and stayed with me a while to help recover. He is on a slow and steady road to getting better with many life changes after the cardiac arrest.
    Thank you for your prayers and concern.
    xoxo Catherine

  5. Hi AnnMarie, you sure had a busy month. I love all your pics and what a darling photo of you and your daughter. Happy Birthday to her. So glad you are feeling better and also your son. The tree face is special.
    Happy May Day and I hope you have a great new month ahead.
    Hugs, CM

  6. You are a busy lady, even with an illness thrown in! Fun seeing the last (hopefully) of your snow and the beginning of spring there. I like your leaning tree, too!

  7. Great to see the transition from winter to spring! Enjoy seeing all of your family photos, and glad you are feeling better!

  8. Hi Ann Marie - I like this recap, and was wondering about the snow melting. I love seeing the timing differences in our regions. Your daughter is the same age as my oldest, :). My mother was from Rochester, and my husband & I stopped through there last fall on our trip to Niagara, etc. I went to Holy Sepulchre and Mt Hope cemeteries, and to my mom's house where she grew up.
    Aren't you glad those roof repairs and that cold and sickness is behind you?! Happy May!
    Rita C at Panoply

  9. Lots going on during the month of April - Winter took its time moving on out, like it did in so many parts of the country this year.
    Hope you and your son are doing much better.

  10. My goodness, you had quite a full month. I loved seeing the pictures of your grandchildren, and of course I can relate to all the snow you had, because of course, we had it too! You are quite an amazing baker, how do you stay so nice and thin?! Hope you're having a great week :)


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