Saturday, May 23, 2015

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

It's Rhubarb season in my area and Strawberries will be coming along in June.
I made my first Strawberry Rhubarb Pie yesterday and my oh my was it good. The only recipe I ever use is from my Betty Crocker's Cookbook from the 1970's. That cookbook is in rough shape, proving how much I have used it over the past 30+ years and how enduring the recipes are.
The rhubarb was from a local farm and was given to me as a gift. It was huge. It was about 3" wide by 2 feet long....really! Sorry I didn't get a picture of it. I have enough for at least two more pies. It freezes well in a plastic freezer bag.
I had to use store-bought strawberries, which aren't as sweet as local, but this recipe has enough sugar in it to make anything sweet!
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
Pastry for 9" two crust pie ( I cheat and use Pillsbury's All Ready Pie Crust)
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon grated orange peel (optional)
2 cups cut up 1/2" pieces of rhubarb
2 cups sliced strawberries
2 tablespoons butter
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare pastry in your pie plate.
 Stir together sugar, flour and orange peel.
Turn 1 cup of the rhubarb and one cup of the
strawberries into the pie crust and
sprinkle half the sugar mixture on top.
Repeat with remaining rhubarb, strawberries and sugar mixture.
Dot with butter. Cover with top crust, seal and flute.
 Cut slits into the top. Sprinkle with sugar.
Cover the edge of the pie with foil to prevent excessive browning.
Remove the foil the last 15 minutes of baking.
Bake 40 to 50 minutes. or until crust is brown and juice bubbles out of slits.
Enjoy this sweet, tart pie either warm or cold with whipped cream. It is quite juicy so I could not get a good piece out of the pie plate for a mouthwatering, enticing picture!
It's not about the presentation, it's about the taste!
AnnMarie xoxo
 I am linking up with these great blog parties:


  1. Your pie sounds amazing. I've noticed several bloggers making rhubarb olden as I am, I've never had rhubarb pie...not sure I've ever even tasted rhubarb. Wonder why? Anyway, your pie sure looks goooood.

  2. This pie looks delicious! I have a similar Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1970s, and still use it on rare occasions when I cook. :-)

  3. When we first moved down here, no one knew what rhubarb was and I couldn't find it anywhere. I love a good strawberry/rhubarb pie!!

  4. Looks good. I remember rhubarb pie from my youth.

  5. Looks so good. I don't think I have had strawberry/rhubarb pie since I was a child - think one of my relatives made them.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

  6. How absolutely scrumptious, and a thing of beauty, as well. Like Beverly says, this was the first thing which "caught my eye," and it's absolutely perfect. I'm a bit fascinated by rhubarb in anything, for my Deep South roots did not include such a lovely rosy plant in the garden, and I don't think I saw it in a market for many years.

    Perfection in a pan..

    rachel (the husband-christened Dish Junkie)

  7. Hi AnnMarie, I have that same cook book from the 70's. It was a shower gift many years ago and I still use it today. Your pie looks so good but I won't be making it as I am highly allergic to rhubarb. Had it once and nearly died!!

    Wishing you a Happy Memorial Day!!

  8. This looks so tasty! Perfect for a holiday weekend ;)

  9. Looks tasty! Can you believe I've never tried rhubarb before? What does it taste like? What is the texture comparable to? Hope you ahd a lovely Memrial Day! Have a great week....:)

  10. Looks mouthwatering enough to me :-)

  11. I have that same cookbook lol! Strawberry rhubarb is my favorite pie -- I'm a terrible fruit pie baker though! Yours look superb!

  12. I have never had Rhubarb pie but I would try that in a minute! It looks wonderful!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Something to Talk About!

  13. I have never had Rhubarb pie, but that looks delicious. I love my old cookbooks the best.

  14. My favorite pie ever, AnnMarie :) I only allow myself to make one a year since I can't resist it! I use Betty Crocker's pie crust recipe and the Joy of Cooking filling recipe. Yours looks yummy--

  15. OH yum! Just love rhubarb and strawberry together! Your pie looked amazing, and indeed, it is how it tastes that counts! I have the same Betty Crocker cookbook, and it is a dear friend to me too :)

  16. Aren't those old cookbooks we all have simply the best? They contain the best full-proof recipes! Your strawberry rhubarb pie looks and sounds delicious - real, good, old fashioned fare! Thanks for sharing it with us!


  17. I REALLY REALLY want to try this! Thanks for linking up at BOTW, AnnMarie!

  18. What a beautiful pie! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!


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