Monday, June 29, 2015

Meet and Greet ME!

Jann at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson is having a meet and greet through the blog world. She invited those of us that couldn't make it to her in-person meet and greet in her home in the Midwest to write a blog about ourselves, what we love and what makes us happy, so we could get to know each other better.

I decided to do mine in a pictorial view of what I love most. There is my faith and family and friends and then there are those things that are just ME...

First in my life....

Couldn't make it through a day without Him
My family...

My husband Frank, me, son Michael, daughter Jena
Daughter Candice
Grandson JC and Granddaughter Chloe

Granddaughter Cassidy

And friends....

Bonnie and I knit, chat and drink decaf together!
All 6 of us celebrate each others birthday together. We always
have the best time.
I love....

I have to have a container of my homemade snack around at all times!
Banana chips, mini chocolate chips, wasabi peas, coconut, raisins, peanuts
I love being by the water.
The Forsythia blooming in June makes my heart sing!


And the lilacs bring back happy thoughts of my
farmhouse in the apple orchard

This Orange Blossom in full bloom makes me happy

I love waking up to this view every summer morning....

And this in the winter.....
I am a true picker, junker, antique hunter

I buy it, sell it and decorate with it.
Decorating is a passion of mine.

I love coming home with a huge haul of goodies.
Baking is another passion of mine and I am not afraid to try
unique things. These are chocolate avocado cookies.
I used to craft in my 20's and am now just trying my hand at
DIY again.
I am currently focused on stenciling.
Fall is my favorite season and I love traveling to Naples, NY
to smell the concord grapes on the vine.
I love decorating for Christmas.

There is so much more but I will end with this last picture. You will just have to sign-up by email to get all my posts which include a little bit about me in each one! And click over to Jann's party where you might find other bloggers you know that you can get to know better.
I just love cats and this is my beautiful Maine Coon kitty
Miss Kitty.
She passed away in February and so I am looking forward
to this Fall when I will get another kitty.
AnnMarie xoxo
I am linking up with this fun blog party:


  1. Ann Marie, it was so fun to read through your post today. I just came over from Jann's and I had the privilege to attend her party and see her lovely decorated home and yard. I enjoy your Etsy shop! Have an amazing week. Jo

  2. Love all the details and especially the photographs you shared. Beautiful blooms, family and friends.

  3. Love the photos, that view and love finding out more about you! What a beautiful family you have!! You really do favor one of my cousins, Bena Ann!

  4. I love the way you did your post with little photo stories, great idea! I love the water too and your cat is adorable. Keep up the craft work, I love your stenciling projects!

  5. I'm munching on snack mix while I read this! Only it isn't homemade - I got a big bag at Costco. :) Miss Kitty was gorgeous. Sorry you lost her. :( That is so hard. But it's great that you will be giving a loving home to another kitty.

  6. Love the snapshot into your life, AnnMarie!! You have a wonderful life & it was so touching you ended the Meet & Greet with Miss Kitty. Always enjoy your fabulous posts! Hugs, AntiqueShopGirl

  7. Hi Ann Marie, So enjoyed getting to know you better through your wonderful pics. I too make that snack mix and love it. At Christmas I add red and green M&M and give jars as gifts too. It's so good and addicting. LOL
    You have a lovely family and Miss Kitty is adorable. I know you must truly miss her.
    Thanks for sharing more about you.
    Hugs and Blessings, cm

  8. I enjoyed getting to know you better. It was neat to see the pictures of all the things you love. I think I would like waking up to those scenes in summer and winter also.

  9. I'm happy to get to know you better! What a very interesting post! Now that I'm a widow I'm focused more on travel these days.

  10. My dear AnnMarie, it was such a joy to get to know you are such a lovely lady. My, those lilacs are absolutely stunning! I bet they smell delicious! :)

    Hugs to you, dear one. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with Roses of Inspiration. You are such a blessing!

  11. Hi AnnMarie, so fun to learn more about you and I love the photos! It has been a pleasure to connect with you through blogging! Hugs, Cecilia

  12. Oh my cute friend, these are the many things that I love about you! We have so much in common and that is why I felt a bond with you from the get go! So many of the things that make you happy make me happy! Thanks so much for supporting me and for linking to the 'meet and greet'!

  13. AnnMarie,what a great post you did here. I could never be so concise, and your picture story is wonderful. I loved Jann's concept of the meet and greet, and even though I am already following you, I learned a few things with this read. Have a great weekend!
    Rita C at Panoply

  14. Beautiful photographs, AnnMarie--I just love all your flowers. Your yard looks like a nursery!! So beautiful. Hope you have a blessed time with your lovely family this week-end :)

  15. So nice to "meet" you through this pictorial! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things and hope to see you again this week!

  16. Wonderful pictures, you have a beautiful family. As I've looked through your posts I realized we have a lot in common, especially our faith. I lost my 14 year old dachshund this year, she was a sweet friend. I am new to blogging and would love any tips anyone could give.


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