Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thrifty Treasures and a Purple Cow

I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.
                                            Gelet Burgess, 1895
The purple cow was my final buy at a street long yard sale in a neighboring town. The woman I bought it from said her mother collected them and that there was a poem about purple cow's that she liked. I found it and some history about it and the author on Wikipedia here.
It was a gorgeous morning and I was at the first house at the sale when it opened at 9 a.m. I reluctantly had to leave at 2 p.m. If I didn't have to pick up my granddaughter Cassidy at school, I would have stayed longer! I had some shopping time alone before meeting up with my new thrifting buddy Kim.


I zeroed in on the pink 1950's trunk from the other side of the street. The woman selling it said it was her doll trunk when she was a girl. She revealed to me that she is now 66. Needless to say, I had to have it!
The round fruit basket tops (behind the trunk) have great, wide slats for stenciling, a renewed passion for me. Not sure what I will stencil but I picked up three of them for under $2. The cute sunflower mirror is a cheapy metal piece. I had to have it for my side porch for $1!
Lately I find that I am so drawn to the old clothespins of the 1950's. I picked a huge basketful at the last estate sale I attended. When I saw these two clothespin bags filled, I just wanted them. I don't even have a clothesline! The canvas bag is pretty ripped up and I am going to try and repair it or replace it all together. The old frame on it is great. The blue print bag is in great shape and may be listed in my Etsy shop, including the clothespins!
The two straw purses were a great find. The one on the right is trimmed in British Tan leather, including being lined inside with a pocket, all in the same leather. It has four painted wood ladybug beads on the front. The smaller one has yarn embroidery and raffia flowers. Both are listed in my Etsy shop, here and here.

I am also so drawn to stoneware pitchers lately. The jadeite colored green one had to go home with me to add as an accent in my kitchen. I also found a large roll of burlap ribbon and a vintage glass jar to make a miniature scene in.

The tomato covered pot is not old but is a keeper for  me! I found three shelves....an ivory metal one, a wrought iron one, and a retro wood knick knack shelf....all different and unique. A tin tart pan, an enamelware tray in yellow and a 1950's musical tree stand that rotates. My favorite find of the day and the one I am most excited about was actually spotted by Kim. I probably would have passed it by!


A whole box of National Geographic maps of the world, all in great shape, all dated in the 1960's. I know these are great for crafting. I have seen them used to line vintage trunks.....fabulous! Half price for the whole box of 18 wasn't bad either!

This little pitcher never made the group picture. It was inside the straw handbag for safe keeping. It is adorable and I haven't decided yet to sell it or keep it.

Out of all the items I picked that day I am keeping about eight of them, for now. Finding all these great treasures has recharged my desire to decorate my own home.

Sometime after Mr. Burgess wrote his purple cow poem he wrote a follow-up to it....
Ah, yes, I wrote the "Purple Cow"—
I'm Sorry, now, I wrote it;
But I can tell you Anyhow
I'll Kill you if you Quote it!
Oops! I think I'm safe....that was 120 years ago!
AnnMarie xoxo


  1. I knew the purple cow poem, but had never heard the followup. That is just too cute!

  2. Sounds like such a fun day! I haven't been out thrifting lately and am getting the urge to do so. The purple cow is too cute...it would make a fun and whimsical planter if it was big enough. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  3. I never knew there was a follow up poem either! Too funny. The straw purses are a great find - I cannot keep them in the booth. Love the little pink and white pitcher - so sweet. Can't wait to see how you use the maps!

  4. LOL~ I have not yet come across a purple cow but the poem to go with it is priceless! Thank you for sharing your latest finds.... my favs are the pink trunk and the green pitcher!

  5. I really enjoyed seeing all of the wonderful treasures from this trip AnnMarie, thanks for sharing! I especially love the purple cow (and the poem) the straw bags (especially the one with the ladybugs) and that tomato pot, adorable!

  6. Such wonderful finds. The maps are fab. I use those all the time inside trunks and they work great and look fantastic.

  7. AnnMarie, love that pink trunk! Great finds ~ fun post! Blessings, Cecilia

  8. Looks like you got some real treasures.
    Not sure about Mr. Burgess' follow statement. Yeah - think you are safe. LOL

  9. I love the green pitcher--it's little and such a great color! And the maps....wow! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the comment on my fan. Have a great week.

  10. Those old maps are a great find! I never find anything like that here. :)

  11. Oh my so many great finds here! I had a dress trunk just like that when I was a kid, I wonder where that went? Are those the steps in your home? I love them.

  12. You had a very Profitable day finding all them wonderful items.
    I do like that purple cow creamer tho.

  13. Love the purple cow poem, along with all of your purchases AnnMarie :) I'm drawn to clothespins as well and am amassing quite a "collection." I'm hoping to find some of that burlap ribbon myself--great, crafty buy. Happy treasure hunting!

  14. Hi AnnMarie, wow you got some great treasures. I love the purple cow along with the poem. I had a smaller doll trunk like that in the 60's, I remember it being a light pink with white and gold. What a treasure you found that. The vintage clothes pin totes are very special.
    Looks like you had a great day.
    Happy June, CM

  15. You really did find some great treasures, AnnMarie! There was a shop here in town, once, called the Purple Cow. I always thought it a strange name, but now I see it has a little legend! I love your pink and white pitcher and the green one, too. So pretty for displaying flowers. xo Karen

  16. Dear AnnMarie, I had a chest for my doll clothes just like the one you found. I love all the treasures you found. I keep the big glass jars like the one you found. I have one that was my mom's and keep my flour in it. I think that many of these treasures are so close to our hearts because they hold fond memories for us.
    I am so glad you stopped by to visit. You have been on my mind and I apologize for being behind in my visits. I know all of our lives are very topsy turvy; however I have not been able to catch up the way I should. Please remember I am so glad that I met you and that we are friends. xoxo Catherine

  17. You had some wonderful finds, AnnMarie...and the cow is my favorite!

  18. You made me laugh, AnnMarie, with the follow up to the purple cow poem! My faves - the maps, the clothespins and the green pitcher! You know how to pick 'em!

  19. Who wouldn't want to be a purple cow? Yours is so cute.

  20. Some great finds here, I particularly like the little jug with the pink around the lip.


  21. I have been sitting here scrolling and gasping at your treasures! I read the poem in reference to your purple cow and of course chuckled and smiled:)
    What a great day you had!
    Warm Hugs,

  22. Oh AnnMarie, what delightful finds! The cow is just too cute and that doll case...adorable! I have one similar, but it's not as old as the one you found :) Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration. Happy weekend!

  23. Wonderful finds...lucky you finding all of those maps! That purple cow is just too cute, I haven't heard that poem in years. Thanks for your visit and kind words ~ Mickie.

  24. I love the purple cow poem. That is adorable! I also love the clothespins and old bag. My grandmother had one very similar and when I was little I used to help her hand clothes on the line. Something that is rarely done anymore. But I can tell you this, there is no better feeling or smell than sheets that have been hanging in the sun all day! :-)

  25. Great finds! And my Grandmother would quote that poem as she made us Purple Cow drinks in the summer — Grape soda with vanilla ice cream! I've never heard the follow-up poem, so thanks for that!

  26. What a cute poem and an adorable purple cow pitcher too. You sure found some great stuff, love those clothespin bags. Thanks for sharing your treasures at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  27. Hi AnnMarie..I am swooning over your vintage finds!! Love the doll trunk. I had a hat when I was a kid that had the Purple Cow poem on it!! It had a purple plastic window to look through...lol. I forgot about it & loved hearing the poem again. Can you imagine finding that hat in mint condition!
    Happy Pink Saturday! Tami

  28. Oh my mercy! I love all of your finds and YES, YES, YES, the doll trunk would have came home with me too! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  29. What great finds! You have a wonderful eye.

  30. Wowzer, what a score! Love, love the jadite colored pitcher and that doll trunk is too cute. The purple cow is such a fun conversation piece. We use to recite that poem all the time as kids. I have a muslin clothespin bag just like that and it is torn almost identically. I have been going to repair or remake for a couple years now and have not touched it yet. lol! I need to get er done! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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