Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm in The Saturday Spotlight!

I am so excited to have been asked by Kris to write a post for her Saturday Spotlight: Life Behind the Blogger at Junk Chic Cottage. Click on over to her blog if you are interested in learning more about the woman behind this blog.....Me!

 AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Best of the Weekend
Pink Saturday
Amaze Me Monday
Roses of Inspiration
Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party


  1. Hi AnneMarie,

    REALLY enjoyed your Spotlight feature over at Kris'!


  2. Congratulations on the feature at Junk Chic Cottage AnneMarie. Popping over from there to say Hi and clicking your follow buttons.

  3. I really enjoyed your guest post. Your gardens are beautiful and you have a lovely family too.

    I LOVE biscotti. I make one with cranberries and nuts that I like alot.

  4. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your feature at Kris' tonight!

  5. AnnMarie, how awesome! I love the spotlight feature on you and all of the things you shared. Your kids are all beautiful, as are the grands! I know you are so proud! How exciting about the theater!! The theater is one of the things that drew Edward and I together...we both love plays and go every chance we get! And yes, God is first and foremost and His blessing abound if we open our eyes and look for them! I am so glad that were able to meet and and I love your blog and all of the things you share! Have a wonderful evening and rest of the weekend! Hugs to you!!

  6. AnnMarie, congrats on your feature at Kris' blog. I was happy to learn more about you! We have a few more things in common besides our vintage love - I also am in a second marriage after being single 6 yrs with 2 girls, and feel I am in my right place now (13+ years). No grandchildren or children in my second marriage, but I also love my garden, and both my girls have been very active in our local theater. :) I loved reading all about you. Happy fall - your season to shine!

  7. I enjoyed your spotlight feature so much... and what a beautiful family you have, the Lord is so good! May the Lord continue to bless all you do for Him :)

  8. Hi AnnMarie, so excited for you to be in the spotlight. I am going over next to see your post. Hugs, cm

  9. Hi again AnnMarie, loved your spotlight feature and learning a bit more about you and your beautiful family. God continue to bless you and yours always.
    Hugs, cm

  10. I loved reading all about you and your lovely family plus your love for vintage things! Also your love of our Lord!


  11. How exciting, sweet friend! I am headed over there now....


  12. Congratulations on your Spotlight feature. So fun getting to know more about you and your family.

  13. I found you at Kris's blog~ I have been away from blogging for a while because of some family issues that have needed tending to----BUT---I had to pop by and introduce myself and sign up to follow your blog. We have LOTS in common. I will be back around to read some of your earlier posts and catch up on your life in a bit. Meantime, I am putting you on my side bar so I don't miss any of your posts. Great to get to know you~ Diana

  14. I usually read the spotlight, but haven't made it over there yet. Heading there now. Congrats!!

  15. Saw you over at Kris' - really enjoyed your post, AnnMarie! Learned a few things I didn't know!

  16. Congratulations! Heading over to check out your feature ;)


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