Sunday, September 6, 2015

Which Flea is it??

I have been wanting to go to the Avon Flea Market for a couple years now. It is known in these parts as a big outdoor, pretty nice place to go pickin'.

My treasures for the day.
The only problem is that it is only held on Sundays and it closes by 2 p.m. Not enough time to drive the 50 minutes after church and be able to shop like I want to shop. And, not sure I should skip church to go to a flea market!

We went out to dinner this past weekend with some friends at their favorite Italian restaurant. It was a 50 minute ride. When we got off the expressway, right there down the street were signs for the Avon Flea Market next to a big, old gray building. What luck!

Love this set of three blue and white onion pattern pieces. Marked Japan

It has been hit or miss all summer for church because of things going on so I asked my husband if it would matter if we missed ONE more Sunday to go to the flea market the next morning.

I am not a backslider!

Don't judge me :-)

We went to the flea market.

I was so excited to get there, only to be let down a little bit by the atmosphere and the "junk" to be found. I didn't help that it was humid and 90 degrees.

So pretty!

I did find a lot of good stuff though.

I have never seen a canister set like this. So retro!

I went off on my own while my husband and son had a bite to eat. They started chatting with a couple that told them there was a bigger flea market down the street at the Vintage Drive-In (love that).

We set out to look for it, only to be sidetracked by a small building with junk outside that may have been a flea market.

It wasn't. But another couple there told us they had just been to the drive-in one, it closed at 2 p.m., and that a lot of the vendors were packing up. It was 1:30.

Speaking of sidetracked...I am going to right now. On our way there we missed our exit (I have to ask you if the driver or the passenger is responsible to watch for it??!! I wasn't driving.). We went a half hour out of our way and then had to backtrack.

I was sitting there watching the minutes tick by on my watch.

I really hoped this was all going to be worth it!

So back to the drive-in flea market. It was bigger and nicer and great stuff. A lot of the vendors were packing up but that is usually a good time to get deals. Right away a guy offered a lamp to me as I was walking He didn't want to pack it. I took it!

Pretty, right? It is very heavy and he said it was his mothers.
I was thrilled, till I turned it over.....Made in China!

We walked around a little bit and I got chatting with a nice couple at their booth. I asked them if this was THE Avon Flea market or was the other one it? They said this was and it is called The EAST Avon Flea Market. I never paid attention to that part when I Googled it.

So I skipped church, started the day with a migraine, walked around another flea market most of the day in 90 degree weather and it wasn't even THE one I wanted to go to??

Lord, are you trying to tell me something?!

I did find a few really cute items at the "real" Avon Flea.

Cute rusty tin napkin and salt and pepper holder

And the rest of my treasures from the day are throughout this post.

I am going to church next week, but I may have to skip a Sunday in October to go to the real East Avon Flea Market again. It closes for the year at the end of October.

I just sold one of these Santa squeeze toys so I thought I'd put this one in my shop. Great for your doggy or baby!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am sharing with these great blog parties:

Amaze Me Monday
Show and Share
Thrifty and Vintage Finds
Vintage Bliss Tuesdays Linky Party
Let's Talk Vintage
Vintage Inspiration Party
Share Your Cup Thursday


  1. There is a good flea market here and it's on Sunday and only open till noon, so I get it!
    Now you know where to go...

  2. So many wonderful finds! I was also out today in the 90 degree heat at a flea market in Cedarburg WI. (missing church too). Glad you had a nice time. Milena

  3. I guess we've all had those disappointing flea market experiences when they don't live up to our expectations. I hate when that happens. Glad you were able to salvage the day a bit.
    Mary Alice

  4. There are no flea markets by me, it sounds like it would be fun though. I'm sure you are glad you finally got to go and check it out.

  5. Wow what a day. Some nice finds and no time wasting next time when you go.
    Have a good week.


  6. I can identify with the agony of skipping church for a flea market. When I was in the "biz," my favorite auction was about 3 hours away, on Sunday only, and started around 11 am. I have been guilty a few times for skipping to attend, but just a few, lol! You found some great pieces! Love the blue and white onion set and the sconces set! ~Rhonda

  7. Even though the lamp was made in China, I still think it's pretty. And "free" ain't bad. Fleaing would be fun. Nothing like that around these parts. :(

  8. There's those gorgeous candle holders. Love them! And that yellow canister set is so fun.

  9. I love all of your treasures!!! What a stroke of luck to be able to shop there! I love flea markets....they have such an eclectic mix of everything!

  10. Well, you had quite the adventure. Glad you finally found the right flea. We don't have much in the way of flea markets around here. Too much rain, I guess.

  11. That was quite a day you had AnnMarie! I've had a few like that, and I feel your pain, but that canister alone was worth it!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting! (Now I'm going to have to google where the Avon Flea Market is ;). )


  12. Very charming canister set, along with all your other treasures, AnnMarie. You have a knack for finding very pretty things!


  13. What an adventure! Well, at least you came home with some great things! I think you definitely need to go again in October. And btw, I think it's the driver's responsibility -- Whenever I look down, my hubby makes a wrong turn!

  14. Well, Ann Marie, you may have missed church but you found a lot of answers you were seeking! You did find some very nice things as well. . . it can be disappointing when the flea turns out to be junky. We have one of those too! Enjoy your week and thanks so much for stopping to link up wth Let's Talk Vintage!

  15. Hi AnnMarie, You sure found some great treasures. Love the canister set and the lamp. The flea markets will be back here when the temps cool down.
    Have a great week. Hugs,cm

  16. Funny story, but it sounds like you had a fun adventure! Have a wonderful week!

  17. Hi AnnMarie :)

    That sounded like quite the adventure! I'm glad you took us along ;)

    You found some great things and I'll bet you find a lot more next time.

    Thank you so very much for your sweet comments. I'm so glad to "meet" you :)


  18. I love flea markets as well! I went to a flea market last Saturday. Always great to find a "treasure".

  19. Lots of fun goodies, AnnMarie! My favorite are the retro canisters!

  20. I'd say it was worth it even though you ended up in a different place. What an adventure and so many fabulous treasures to bring home. Thanks for sharing your adventure at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  21. Great finds! I love the set of yellow canisters!!! Now that the weather has cooled down, I'm off garage saling!!!

  22. The canister set is so beautiful! I love it! Thanks for linking up at Vintage Bliss Tuesdays. :)

  23. Love the canisters and the Santa. Glad you have discovered the best flea to attend.

  24. Oh, the adventures of the Avon flea! lol! Sounds a bit like something I would do Ann Marie. Looks like your fared pretty well even after the mishaps! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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