Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Highlights of Fall

It feels like Fall is over. The mornings and nights are chilly. It is dark at 5 p.m. The wind is very chilly and strong so there are no leaves left on the trees. There have been snow clouds in the sky!

But did you know that it is Fall until December 21st? The astronomical Fall in the Northern Hemisphere is September 23rd - December 21st.

In the Northeast, we have winter way before December 21st and are usually hoping for more snow by then to have a white Christmas.

We did have snowfall one day this Fall so far....

but it was gone by that evening.

As I was thinking back over Fall this year some things stuck out in my mind.

There were the many Pumpkin Spice products that hit the shelves in everything from the typical coffee to Pumpkin Spice Butter to Pumpkin Spice marshmallows. I was wowed by the display at Trader Joe's.

I always decorate with a few pumpkins on my porch. I found these three very unique ones and love how they look together on my paint splattered stool.
Speaking of pumpkins, my son mentioned that he wanted to carve one this year. He never has and he is 17. This year I said why not? Looks pretty good for a first try.
Driving home one day I was taken by the scene in front of me....kinda eerie with the clouds and the lighting that day.
I stopped at a cute country store in Chesire, NY and was amazed and happy to find this Pottery Barn pillow cover for $5! It goes perfectly in my colors of Fall dining room.
Driving around the town of Canandaigua, NY, I came upon two blocks that are lined with these HUGE trees. They are light tan and look like they have been scraped with a vegetable peeler. Notice the car at the bottom of the picture.

 I go by this pretty pastoral scene of sheep grazing a lot but never took a picture of it. It looks like a rural pasture far out in the countryside. It is actually on a busy road in a residential area of the next town over.
One of the new treats I tried this Fall. Oreo Candy Corn Bark. It was great!
My dining room Fall centerpiece is holding up great, being that it is a selection of gourds, pumpkins and a Mexican Hat Squash. I just love the natural look of the Fall vegetables next to the metal basket.

I happened to look out my parlor window and a flash of reddish pink caught my eye. Looking closer I realized it was two flowers that had bloomed on the branch of a large bush that has no leaves left on it. This tree (can't think of the name right now) blooms in the Spring! Can anyone explain this to me?!

And finally to help get us all in the mood for winter and the holidays with all it's festivities, I had to take a picture of this dress on a mannequin at an Arts and Crafts Show I went to recently.

For the right party, I'd wear that!!
For 5 minutes!
How was your Fall? Are you looking forward to winter?
AnnMarie xoxo
I am linking up with these great blog parties:

 Roses of Inspiration
Wake Up Wednesday


  1. Great post! Loved the nature pics. Wow what a find with that pillow. Our forecast is calling for snowflakes this weekend. ;-)

  2. Hi AnnMarie, I loved your pictures. Those big white trees look like sycumores. Your new pillow was so cute and a great bargain. Today here was cold,raining and windy as could 5:00 pm the sun came and the skies were clearing. Tomorrow maybe our last pretty day for a while. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh what a wonderful area you live in, so much charm! Great pillow cover!

  4. Great post, AnnMarie! Love that your son carved his first pumpkin! Bet he will want to do more next year! Your fall looks a lot like ours does here....grey skies and bare-limbed trees. We are supposed to get some snow this weekend and I am NOT looking forward to it. xo Diana

  5. Enjoyed seeing all your Fall pics. I put off decorating for Fall so long, I just pulled out my faux mums, put on courtyard table and called it good. You did get a good deal on the pillow - nice.
    I dreamed a couple of nights ago that it snowed here. Bad dream - I don't want snow!

  6. Hi AnnMarie, I enjoyed seeing all of your photos. Your son did a great job on his first carved pumpkin and that Halloween bark looks delicious! Love the scenic photos and that floral dress is adorable! Have a great rest of your week,

  7. I've enjoyed your post, we are looking forward to summer but don't know when it will really arrive. The weather is all over the place and is forecast to stay this way til Christmas. Then a long hot summer, but we'll see, haha.


  8. I always enjoy these posts AnnMarie. You have enjoyed a special fall season and we still have a few weeks left. Even though I know it seems like winter already for your area. Love looking back at your photos and all you've seen, enjoyed and created. Your son's first pumpkin carving is great!! Have a blessed Thanksgiving! xo

  9. What an enjoyable post with all the beautiful snippets from your life! The beautiful pictures you shared of the skies and trees are lovely! We have had three snowfalls here now, but none of them have "stuck", lol. I guess winter is just teasing us for now. Your fall centerpiece is lovely too! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

  10. And you be sure to take a picture for the 5 minutes you have that outfit on!! ;-) Fall is still hanging around down here in the south, even though we have had some very chilly nights at freezing. When were in Reno, we experienced snow there and it was beautiful...but gone all too quickly!

  11. Oh yes, I am definitely looking forward to winter {{smiles}} I LOVE the winter season and once the snow arrives I do the happy dance.

    Your Oreo Candy Corn Bark looks incredible! Was it really sweet or just right?

    Enjoy your afternoon, my friend. Hugs!

  12. AnnMarie, your son cracks me up! Being the mother of one child -- a boy -- I can totally relate to your young man. I just love the way he puts his head in the photos. . .it reminds me of "Where's Waldo?" I'm giggling as I write this because I can imagine the fun you two are having. Oh, I miss those days! Enjoy each one. . .cherish them and hold them to your heart. xo

  13. My fall has been mostly hot! Of course that's what we always expect in Florida. We have had some pretty days though and a little cool front here and there. Enough to give us hope of cooler days to come. Your photos are the sheep in the field. So pretty! Have a happy Friday my friend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  14. It was nice to see photos of upstate NY in autumn. I loved to take a drive upstate during the autumn months when I lived in Brooklyn a few years ago. Now I'm in Colorado and autumn comes very early here in September. We've already had snow!

  15. What a beautiful way you've captured the season! Love your gourd centerpiece & the vivid flowers in the tree and that mannequin--WOW!

  16. Enjoyed your pictures. Sounds and looks like a very nice nice season. Here in eastern NJ we have been enjoying a 'no-coat' November. But necessity Christmas comes to the craft room early, in 'real life' I embrace Fall decor until the 1st Sunday in Advent. Life is short, why rush things? Pining the dress form art. I always think it would be fun to try. Cheers! Happy Pink Saturday! Susan

  17. I like hearing about your shopping trip and the $5 pottery barn pillow cover.
    I don't like how early it's dark nowadays when I leave work at 5pm it's very dark on these cloudy days.
    Love the Christmas mannequin I have seen a few of these girly mannequins and love them

    I have snow

  18. Oreos AND candy corn...yum! I'll have to try this next year! I have two boys who are adults now. I miss them living at home! Enjoy this time with your will go fast! And I love that mannequin!!! :) Thanks for stopping by to visit me!

    Cottage Blessings,
    Rebecca at
    Chippy White Cottage

  19. That outfit has 'AnnMarie' written all over it, and that blue is SO your color ;).

    Since we are less than two hours apart, our Fall looks a lot like yours. Love your son's first pumpkin carving, and he looks mighty proud too!

    Have a wonderful holiday!


  20. Your scenic photos are so pretty! Your sons pumpkin turned out well and it sure looks like he's enjoying the sweets!

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  21. Beautiful photos! How lucky to live near some sheep.

  22. Oh, wow! I love the fall pillow you found! So pretty. I enjoyed reading your post...I am visiting from the link-up at The Enchanting Rose. God bless you with a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! :)

  23. Enjoying your posts. I'm your newest follower. Love how it feels like I'm visiting an old friend.

  24. Our fall has been very similar Ann Marie. Had snow twice, but melted quickly. We've really had a mild season. I loved looking back at your fall! I adore the fun and unusual pumpkins you can find now days. So cute on your chair! Glad your son had fun carving his pumpkin. Something you just have to do at least once! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Oh, that scenery, AnnMarie! You live in such a beautiful area. You've certainly done justice to fall with your photos! Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!


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