Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Perfect Day

Do you ever wonder about how others spend their day?

I think about people in other countries and wonder what their routine is day to day. Or what their perfect day looks like.

I can sometimes wish for or even envy other's lifestyles but I know that I am where I am supposed to be in life and for now it is taking care of my family and my home.

Being home most of the time doesn't mean that I am idle or doing just the things that I have to, like cleaning and laundry. For me, it means I am doing things that I LOVE and that usually keep me very busy!

My Perfect Day....

....starts with a kiss goodbye from my husband Frank (at 6:15 a.m.!) filled with meow's by two hungry kitties....

....starts with a good number on this....

....a strong cup of Joe....Trader Joe's, that is. I do love a cup of Starbuck's Blonde as a treat now and then, but at $11.99 a pound compared to Trader Joe's $4.99 a pound, guess which one I drink every day? Trader Joe's Dark Roast is excellent too.

....a yummy, healthy breakfast....12 grain toast with peanut butter and sliced bananas, all from Aldi's. We are Jif peanut butter fans in this house but I finally tried Peanut Delight from Aldi's. Absolutely no difference in taste. It just happens to be $2.99 for the same size Jif for $5.29.

....a cha-ching or two on phone is set to cha-ching whenever I get a sale in my Etsy shop!

Then it is off to the computer. I have to renew items in my Etsy shop, list new items, hopefully have an order or two to process and also check my email. Oh, and write a blog post now and then!

A perfect day is when my new computer does not act up or go out because of our local service.

My "office" co-worker is usually with me all day.

Some perfect days are grocery shopping days, some are out with girlfriends or errand days and others are thrifting days. Love those the most. Even better to have thrifting days with girlfriends!

....a perfect day is filled with a visit from Chloe and JC......

....or a cookie decorating day with Cassidy....

My perfect day......

....includes baking, one of my passions.  I may try a new recipe or make an old favorite. My son wants dessert every night, but I can't deliver that every day! Occasionally I  bake for our community theatre or some other event. This Ho Ho cake is a favorite.

....starts winding down when my son arrives home from school around 2:30 and my husband arrives home around 4:30.

All of my boxes and filler to ship the items for my Etsy
shop come from the dumpster at Frank's job. anticipating dinner time.....these days I am cooking one healthy meal for me and one manly meal for my husband and son.

Beet Salad

Theirs.... claiming my spot on the couch for the rest of the evening watching this....

or this.....

My mornings are not my own so I don't do devotions first thing. I do them before bed when the kitties are tucked in for the night and can't crawl all over me and I have some time to myself.

I stay connected by praying and talking to the Lord all day long for whatever is going on that day or for what is going on in others' lives. Most people who pray know that you could spend all day just praying for others!

My perfect day ends getting into this..... relax and start reading my devotions which include Our Daily Bread, The Word for Today, Jesus Calling, Jesus Today and A Grandmother's Prayers. Phillip Mouse is a children's book written by a friend that I am reading before I give it to Cassidy to read.

I received A Grandmothers Prayers, by Kay Swatkowski, from Discovery House, the publishers of Our Daily Bread. I highly recommend it! It is a 60 day devotional with an emphasis on subjects grandmothers can pray for their grandchildren, with each day concluding with a Let Us Pray and Think and Do section with prayers included.

Goodnight for now and wake up to another perfect day in my home sweet home.

What does your perfect day look like?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Freedom Fridays with all My Bloggy Friends
Home Sweet Home
Share Your Cup
Best of the Weekend
"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday
Link Up Party


  1. It is a perfect day, AnnMarie! Mine is very similar - peanut butter and banana on WW, coffee (Starbuck's here near Seattle), hungry pets, kissing the hubs goodbye, blogging, cleaning, maybe some crafts, occasional thrift forays, healthy dinners and baking, and if I get a visit from my kids or sweet grandson, the day is perfect. Love your reading list, too. I am reading 'Grace' by B.C. Aronson. Now I need to check out your Etsy shop and my day will be complete :) xx Karen

  2. My dear friend, you day is indeed simply perfect :) My perfect sweet hubby waking me up at 5:30 with a cup of coffee {he has done this sine we got married}, packing his lunch and getting him ready for work. Waking up the little one, getting him breakfast, and starting school. Reading a blog or two during lunch time and preparing supper afterwards. Spending some time in my craft room and then making an afternoon pot of coffee for hubby and me :) Enjoying supper with my two sweeties while playing a game and then sitting by the fire during the evening while listening to hubby read the little one a book :) And finally crawling in to bed with a good book of my own {I usually read for a couple of hours before drifting off.

    Delightful post, my friend. Thanks for sharing. Hugs!

  3. This was the best post, AnnMarie! I love that a perfect day doesn't have to be filled with exotic things...just little things that make us happy. One of the best parts of my day is that first cup of coffee! I love peanut butter on toast with bananas, too, with just a sprinkle of cinnamon. Wishing you perfect days every day!

  4. Such a great post AnnMarie! Your days sound delightful and full. idle hands for you! :-) I love having full days. ..especially those that involve taking to others! Have you tried Trader Joe's Cookie Butter (their peanut butter)? It is delicious! I love Our Daily Bread. ..great devotions! Hugs and love sweet friend!

  5. AnnMarie,
    I enjoyed this post so much, it was so enjoyable to hear about your day and get more of a glimpse into your life. Your co-worker, made me smile. I was very touched by the sweetness, gentleness and thoughtfulness in your writing. You have a blessed and beautiful life and you appreciate it! Thank you too, for sharing your connection to God, He is indeed in charge of my life as well.

  6. Simple things are best aren't they! Just the simple routines of life that bring comfort and joy... I so enjoyed reading about your day, and the little peek into your daily routine. Your kitties are so sweet, and I know what you mean about having quiet time, and them showing up, lol! I love to read devotionals as well, my all-time favorite is My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, among others. It is wonderful to be able to pray as you go all day, although I find I need my quiet time in the morning, and again before I go to bed too! :) Enjoyed this so much Ann-Marie, and hope you continue to have many more such perfect days :)

  7. Hi Anne Marie, it looks like to me that you have many amazing days! Ones that many people would envy. Thank you for sharing it on SYC. xx Jo

  8. Hi AnnMarie, can I come and spend the perfect day with you in your Victorian? That would make everyday perfect for me! :) No I'm kidding, God and family are really all that I need. But it's always nice to dream.
    I do a lot of the same things you do through the course of a day. And I need to fix my own healthy meal like you do. I have gained a few pounds over the Holidays.
    This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

  9. What a lovely post, my friend. I like this for it gives me a real glimpse into your day, and actually I felt like I was there with you. Your "two meals" look delicious, but I'd go for your beet salad. Love salads like that. My favorite. Great reading/devotional material. And your grandchildren are just so cute. But then, you already knew that. Hugs, Nancy

  10. Hi Ann Marie - I like the way you think! Contentment is a blessing and I consider myself blessed. Stay well, my friend.

  11. I like to peek into other people's lives and see the similarities and the differences. You are more organized than I am. I tend to wander fro task to task before completing one. I am afraid I would forgo the beet salad for whatever deliciousness is simmering in that pot!

  12. Sounds perfect! I enjoy spending time at home and I am always busy, too. No more kitties, here, just a few big fish. Not huge conversationalists, but good company just the same! ;-)

  13. How fun to hear more about your daily routine, AnnMarie, similar to mine in many ways! Your grands are darling--had Facetime with mine this morning ;) Hugs, Cecilia

  14. Ann Marie, your perfect day sounds just like that-perfect! My schedule has some things similar to yours, yet some differences. But still, it's perfect to me. Happy to know that I'm not the only one who prays and talks to the Lord off and on all day. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Sounds like a good day! I make peanut butter toast with bananas for my daughter and we call it chunky monkey!

  16. A lovely, inspirational post, Ann-Marie. My perfect day is a day when I am my best self, creative, content, rising above pettiness and envy, challenging myself to face new adventures.

  17. Your perfect day sounds wonderful AnneMarie with no stress. My perfect day starts with a good cup of coffee. We make Starbucks coffee too! Hope you have a nice week.

  18. My perfect day would sound very much like yours and sometimes on the weekend or on my breaks from teaching, I get them! I enjoyed this post! It's nice to get a peek into your day to day life. Love the ch-ching tone you get with a sale! I would love hearing that sound. :) Have a great week filled with perfect days!

    Hugs, Vicky

  19. I love this post, AnneMarie! Your perfect day sounds wonderful and full of all those things that also help your hubby and family to have successful days. I'm reading a book called Ordinary, affirming the routines of life that may seem unimportant and even boring to some, but are so critical for a healthy worthwhile life that impacts others beyond us.
    Mary Alice

  20. Sounds like a wonderfully perfect day. Saturdays are usually perfect days for me because they start with going out for breakfast, which is one of my favourite things to do. But pretty much any day that has blue sky and sunshine feels perfect to me... even in the winter. Love PB and banana toast. I'm a Kraft crunchie girl. That Ho Ho cake looks delicious.

  21. How awesome your perfect day is filled with those you love and that cake looks amazing. My husband would love it!

  22. Hi AnnMarie,
    Well now, I thought I was the only one who ate PB and banana on toast...
    I loved reading this post and your days look like they are filled with all of the things that you love! I would be happy shadowing you any day! ;)
    That beet salad looks amazing!
    Wishing you a wonderful rest of your weekend!
    Hugs, Kimberley

  23. When reading posts like this, it makes me realize how much so many of us have in common. It's easy to relate to your descriptions of perfect days Ann Marie. If I could throw in a massage for good measure, I'm right there with ya'. ;)

    I've been trying to visit you for a while, but kept getting a 404 error code. Oddly, I saw your comment on another blog and clicked your link from there and voila, it worked!

  24. Congratulations! We loved reading about your "perfect day", and it was featured on this week's link up party at So Much at Home! I hope you will come share more of your posts. God bless.

  25. Oh my goodness...stopping by from So Much At Home to say: order up! I'll take one of these days, too! :) What a great idea for a post, too. Hope your day today, if not perfect, is at least good!


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