Sunday, March 13, 2016

5 Random Things

There is lots going on all at once at my house but not one thing enough to write a post about.

I decided to show and tell you five random things I have been up to.


I have been going fairy crazy lately, making fairy terrariums for gifts ever since I received a kit to make myself one for Christmas.

I plan on doing a tutorial post soon on how to make one, since they are easy and very cute. I have made five of them so far but I am going to show you the newest one I made for my sweet friend Lora for now.

It's a little hard to get a good picture but this little terrarium is a layered ecosystem all contained in a jar.

I also plan on making an outdoor fairy garden in a huge galvanized bucket I had filled with flowers last summer. There are so many cute houses and accessories available to make these sweet gardens and I have gotten most of mine at Michael's and JoAnn's.

I picked the house and fairy up recently at JoAnn's in anticipation of my garden. The Gnome I got at a new vintage store.


We are making progress on our dining room (click to read my original post if you'd like).

Or I should say, my husband is making progress on our dining room. I have had a head cold/sinus infection for 3 weeks so it would not be good for me to be scraping wallpaper!

Two walls mostly done....

Still to do.....

Lots of furniture and stuff to move around with no where to put it! Still, the room feels so much bigger already!


I saw this sign at a diner recently and knew I had to make one for our community theatre for the table we set our coffee and desserts on.




I don't know where I saw this quote but I jotted it down on the back of a piece of mail. I just want to share it with you.

Life with Christ is
an endless hope:
Without Him
a hopeless end


At the end of last quarter we received this postcard from my son's high school counselor. He made the honor roll! He is a senior this year and we are busy planning his future!

Random is good sometimes....

What's new with you?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Dishing It & Digging It

What'd You Do This Weekend?
Make It Pretty Monday
Let's Talk Vintage
Roses of Inspiration
Talk of the Town
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup
Thoughts of Home on Thursday
DIY Sunday Showcase


  1. Your little fairy terrarium is so cute! I am crazy about fairy gardens and putting one in a terrarium is a great idea. I can well relate to slow going on the projects around our house. There are some things in mid-progress and others that haven't been started yet. My dear husband has a part time retirement job so I find myself doing what I can to make a dent in things. It can be frustrating. How proud you must be of your son and how well he is doing in school!

  2. Random is good...I adore your sweet creation! Congratulations to your son for making the honor roll. Hope you feel better real soon.

  3. I love random posts and have done my fair share of them over the years. It is a good way to get a peek at everything going on in your life. looks like life is definitely full and blessed for you right now. I love the sign you made...the color is great! That quote you shared is oh so true too! I have never heard that one. The fairy terrarium is so cool! I have the perfect jar for one. Maybe I will make one. COngrats to your son as well. I know you are proud of him! Have a great week!

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. Hi AnnMarie, your terrarium is adorable! What great gifts! Can't wait to see more!
    Loved the Bible quotes too.
    Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I have had pink eye in both eyes! Ugh! Hope you get to feeling better soon so you can help hubby, they always need our help you know? :) Or so we think they do right? Congrats to your son!
    Have a great week!

  5. I love random posts...isn't that the way most of life really is anyway?? Congratulations on the honor roll! We have a senior also, and all of the grades and planning excitement is really starting to hit a fever pitch now...

  6. I agree with Kim. Life really is like a random post. Your dining room is really coming along. The fairy terrarium is cute. Congrats to our son! xo ~ Nancy

  7. Life truly is random, and I do love the little insights into other's lives! Your wallpaper removal project is coming along great, and it will be wonderful when you get to paint! Congrats on your son making the honor roll, so exciting! Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  8. AnnMarie-I'm always amazed at how parallel our lives seem to be. Talking about fairy gardens. I've had one for a couple years. It's hibernating in the garage ATM. It's in a child's wheelbarrow. So cute. I Facebooked it but never blogged it. Will do it. Love the terrarium type.

  9. Hi AnnMarie, You are a busy girl. Love the quotes and the fairy garden is adorable. That would make a great tutorial post. Congrats to you son making the honor roll. How nice the counselor sent a postcard. Looks like you are making great progress in the dining room. I know it's a huge undertaking. Have a great week.
    Blessings xo

  10. Love your fairy garden! I can so relate to the wallpaper, I have it in my kitchen and SO need it to come down!

  11. Hello Dear Lady,
    What a wonderous and busy week it has been for you and I want to say congrats on your son making the honor roll. That is a very big deal and I know the joy you are feeling in your heart.
    Thank you for sharing this quote with us and your Faith. My Faith sustains me too.
    Many blessing to you my dear,

  12. random but important tiny messages here. The dining room project would overwhelm me. Love the fairy garden terrarium. Congrats to your son for being on the honor roll!

  13. Hi AnnMarie, I haven't jumped on the fairy craze yet but I DO love miniatures and those teeny mushrooms are the greatest! Congrats to your son! Blessings, Cecilia

  14. Wow! You are one busy lady! I love that sign -- you did a great job of reproducing it.

  15. Lots off good things in your home and your heart! 😊

  16. I love fairies and have a few things I could use in a terrarium. I look forward to your tutorial. (I had one years ago but I could use some inspiration!) Hugs, Diane

  17. OMGosh, your fairy garden is the cutest AnnMarie. I can see why you've made five already--would love to see the tutorial. It must feel good to be making so much progress on your dining room--wall paper removal is a big, fat pain. I know! Love your coffee sign--that's a new one for me, and congrats to your son on a job well-done :)

  18. Hi AnnMarie - Love your little fairy terrarium and what sweet gifts they are! Lucky friends! I have never stripped wallpaper, but I have heard it is very time consuming. I Look forward to seeing the end result. Love the 'coffee' signs and what a nice thing to make for your community theater. The quote is wonderful, too. Congratulations to your son on his honor roll achievement! You must be so proud. Hope you have a lovely week! Hugs xo Karen

  19. I adore the sweet fairy terrarium. You must be a very popular guest!

  20. You know what Ann Marie? You've inspired me to do more random posts. Sometimes I shy away because I think it just wouldn't be what people want to read about, but that's not really true. I've enjoyed getting a peek into your life and seeing what you and your family are up to. (Congrats on your son btw!)

    The aquariums are adorable, and I think I'd like you as a guest ;).

  21. Wow! Your dining room looks great already with just the bare walls that you've got done so far. I know it's not much fun, but having a sinus infection is even less fun. My sinuses are my weak spot, and I have issues often so I can totally relate. Congrats to your son for making the honour roll. That's awesome!!! I do love miniatures so a fairy garden will definitely be happening this summer I think. Looking forward to seeing your tutorial. That coffee sign is really wonderful!

  22. Ann Marie, first let me say we are so glad to have you at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. I love to see random posts from blogging friends. These are the things that life is really made of, right? Your son is amazing and the future is exciting. My sons are 24 and 26. We continue to be proud of them each and every day. :) Your little terrariums are adorable. What a great gift idea!

  23. Hope you're enjoying a Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Have a nice weekend ahead. Blessings. xo

  24. I like random! Your dining room is really coming along - I hope you are feeling better, but maybe you should "pretend" to still be sick so you don't have to do any work, lol! Cute fairy gardens, and a big congrats to your son making honor roll!

  25. I can identify with "lots going on, but nothing to write a post about".

    So what did you decide to do with the walls? Are you plastering the cracks?

    Thanks for sharing your random life with SYC.

  26. Hi AnnMarie, your fairy garden in a jar is so cute, my girls would love one! And congrats to your son for making the honor roll, great news! Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend?!

  27. Random is good Ann Marie. Love the fairy terrarium and great signs! Congrats to your son!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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