Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spreading My Wings

I finally did it.

Ye Olde Schoolhouse Country Store in Sodus, NY

I am stepping out in faith and spreading my wings to fly to the next level.

Live retail!

I had been thinking a lot about taking my love of vintage and passion for thrifting to a real live brick and mortar store. Selling on Etsy is great but I have so much stuff and I want to buy more stuff so I needed another outlet.

As soon as the idea entered my mind, I would dismiss it because of the cost of renting a booth, where it might be and just for plain and real fear. What if I didn't sell anything?

I found myself sharing my desire out loud again though, to my friend Susan, who has been in the retail world for a long time.

I believe that the Lord gives us the desires of our heart when we follow and obey His word the best we can. He also uses other people to put the puzzle pieces together to make it all happen.

Thanks to Susan's connections with a lot of the people who run the country, primitive stores in the area, I was able to grab the last open booth at Ye Olde Schoolhouse Country Store in Sodus, NY. As soon as I went to look at the space and talk to Larissa there, I was in. I told her she didn't even know what I sold and she said she trusted me and if Susan said I was good, then I am good.

The door has been wide open ever since and I am still walking through it!

It is the sweetest place.

Only 6' x 11', my space is perfect for me. Just big enough to get my feet wet. I already feel like I am in over my head though! Lots and lots of trips and work to get it all set up and priced.

And then there is that fear again. What if nothing sells at the Open House coming up this Friday, April 29th?

Or, what if a lot sells and then I have to fill it all up again?

Well, that part is not too hard, as I will be shopping this week at two church rummage sales and whatever else I can find to pick at.  

It was very bright the day I took these pictures, the front of the schoolhouse facing north, with Lake Ontario in the horizon. The building is the cutest thing and it was an actual schoolhouse. Old wood floors, great windows and rafters make it so quaint. It was a country shop when I lived in the area 20+ years ago and then closed. Reopened last year, the vendors and the quality of product offered are top notch. I am humbled to be a part of it.

I shopped my house and my Etsy inventory to fill my little space. I even brought out the button frames and bracelets from my Button Lady days. This is the "Think Mother's Day" table!

There are some theatre items too from the community theatre my husband and I have.

Lots of smalls....

Some more button items and my upcycled pant hangers.

A pig, a basket and a pair of roosters. 

It's a start.

If you live nearby, I hope you can stop by the Open House this weekend at Ye Olde Schoolhouse Country Store, 7290 Maxwell Rd. on the corner of Lake Rd. in Sodus, NY. It will be Friday 11-5, Saturday 10 - 5 and Sunday 12 - 5, April 29-May 1.

Visit their Facebook page here where new pictures of the whole shop will be posted soon.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up here this week:
Let's Talk Vintage
Vintage Bliss Tuesdays Linky Party
Share Your Cup
Simple & Sweet Fridays
Best of the Weekend
Anything Blue Friday
"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday
Talk of the Town


  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!! So happy for you! You will enjoy it. I was in an antique mall for 15 years! The only problem with putting Etsy stuff in the booth is when it sells you have to go get it. :) But, that can be a GOOD problem to have!

  2. Congrats! A new booth is exciting!

  3. Oh AnnMarie, congratulations! I am so EXCITED for you! And if I lived in the area I would definitely be there all the time {{smiles}} I sincerely hope you do well and have lots of fun.

    Hugs to you, sweet friend!

  4. I'm so happy for you! Enjoy and Believe!

  5. Dear AnnMarie, You are so right. The Lord speaks to us, whispers in our ears and then places it all before us. We must trust in Him.
    I wish you the very, very best. I know you will do wonderful it is a love of yours and when you love doing something it all works together.
    xo Catherine

  6. Congratulations AnnMarie - your booth looks like you have been a collectibles seller for years ! What a great building and the walls and floors and just right. I moved my link to your blog to my top list of bloggers who have booths. Hope you keep sharing the how and what you are doing with your booth.

  7. Congratulations AnnMarie! I've been wondering where you've been - now I know! Good luck to you in your new endeavor!

  8. Oh how exciting for you! The school house is adorable, I would definitely have been stopping there if I lived in the area. Good luck with your booth. If God led you there, then he will see you through it. Best wishes!!!

  9. Congratulations on your new venture AnnMarie! Good for you for following your heart! I am sure you will do great! How cool that your booth is in an old school house. Your little space looks awesome! I wish I lived closer. I would definitely drop by! Best wishes for great sales.

    Hugs, Vicky

  10. This is so exciting, good for you following your dream!!!

  11. Way to go AnnMarie! I think this will be a fun adventure for you. I have a couple of friends who do something like this and they really enjoy it. :)

  12. AnnMarie,
    Much success in your brick and mortar booth space. I'm excited and happy for you and I know you must be over the moon with excitement. Nice share and I enjoyed the photos.

  13. AnnMarie!
    I am so, so happy for you, I feel giddy, truly I do! You have such a wonderful, extensive and credible collection of vintage collectibles that this is just the place for you! You are following your dreams, your heart and faith. This is really, really good!
    Sending you a big hug for a great successful grand opening!

  14. How charming, AnnMarie! God really does give us the desires of our heart when we commit our way to Him! Blessings in your new endeavor!

    1. I'm so happy for you AnnMarie. Thank you for sharing your new adventure with us @Vintage Charm! Blessings, Cecilia

  15. Congrats on your new endeavor. Your things look great. Best wishes for a great sale opener.

  16. Oh AnnMarie, I am so happy for you and know you are going to be a huge success!! I wish I lived closer, I would certainly come by to say hello...and shop!! Best of luck!

  17. How exciting! Good luck to you! I hope you sell lots of things. That would be neat, to have a store inside an old schoolhouse. Your display looks really nice and I like your assortment of items to sell.

  18. This is wonderful news Ann Marie! I know a couple of people who do this and they really enjoy it. I'm sure you will too!

    Your collections look fabulous...something for everyone it seems. Good luck with the opening. You're going to rock it!

  19. AnnMarie, I am so excited for you! Your space looks very enticing, and I only wish that I lived close by and could visit! Good luck with your Open House weekend!

  20. Hi AnnMarie, Congrats on this direction. I am so excited for you. Having had booth space for over 10 years, I know this journey and you will do great. You are going to have so much fun. Love your photos and wishing you best of luck. Great sales!! Blessings xo

  21. Your space looks amazing AnnMarie! Congratulations on your new venture--I know you're going to do great :) I just wish I lived nearer, because I'd love to stop in and do some shopping. Many blessings--

  22. Congrats!!! Your space is adorable and already filled with such treasure. I have no doubt that you and your booth will be a huge success!

  23. Wow! That's so awesome AnnMarie! I'm so excited for you. I know your new venture will be a great success. Wish I lived closer so I could pop into the Open House. Congrats!

  24. exciting! i did a booth for awhile and it was fun. It wasn't as cute as yours though!

  25. Anne Marie, Congratulations for taking the next step. I wish you all the best at the open house. The building is lovely. Slow and steady wins the race. Sylvia D.

  26. Hello Ann Marie! Thank you for sharing at SYC! Jo

  27. Congratulations! When we open ourselves up to opportunity, it does all come together in just the right time. I hope you had a successful sale yesterday.

  28. Congratulations! Now you have a real good excuse to thrift more. :)

  29. Over from Pink Saturday. Congratulations on you leap of faith. I am too far away to visit. Wish I could. Love the old things. May you do well.

  30. You'll be a huge success! Your space looks so welcoming with so many fun goodies. Congratulations!

  31. Good luck, hope you have a bang-up weekend. Your space looks great, Sandi

  32. congratulations! it is good to follow your heart and i wish you all the best. happy pink saturday. xo

  33. Congratulations on your new shop. You have everything decorated so cute. Wishing you the best!

  34. Good luck in your business fun...bet you will do really good.

  35. The last time I took a big leap of faith, it was the right thing and the right time. You are trusting Him! I can see you have loads to offer. He will take care of you.

  36. Hi AnnMarie, Your post sure made me smile about the days when I stepped out and sold my stuff in a small country antique mall. You did a great job displaying your treasures and I am wishing you great success. I wish I could visit your space and see the old school house too.

    Thank you for your comment on my Pink Saturday post.

  37. Ann Marie, I am so excited for you! Your space looks great and I couldn't help buy eye that sweet pink childs watering can. I have a green one like it. I hope the open house went well and you sold lots! It sounds like a wonderful place and I wish I was close and could shop there. Your booth looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  38. Congratulations on your booth! It looks wonderful. And what a great building!

  39. Giving you a feature today for Let's Talk Vintage! Thanks so much for visiting!

  40. I'm so excited for you. So much fun. I used to have a booth and I enjoyed it.l

  41. AnnMarie, congratulations! I think you will do great there. I like what you have done with your booth.

    xo Dianne

  42. What a fun adventure to have a real live shop - I wish you well!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  43. Congratulations AnneMarie! It is a brave first step, but so was starting a blog, and you are doing great at this. Good luck! Unfortunately when I'm in New York I am usually in the city so it's pretty far away.

  44. Your booth looks great, Ann Marie. Good luck with your new venture.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks for sharing with us. This post is being featured on my Pink Saturday post this week as "the one with the most clicks".♥

  45. How wonderful! I'm so excited for you. And proud. And it all looks so pretty. I hope you sell like mad.

  46. Oh wow...your own little booth!! How exciting for you. I hope everything goes flying out of your pretty little place.


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