Friday, August 12, 2016

What to Do With This Rusty Goodness?

I have been thrifting all summer with my new rule in mind to be very selective.

If I already have one, don't buy another.

It has to be unique to even be considered.

I really shouldn't buy anymore things on a whim and especially if I don't know what I am going to do with them.

The rusty goodness of this piece threw my last rule out the window.

I saw it while walking away from paying for my other finds. It was only a $1.

It is gorgeous! And heavy!

It is obviously a rake/hoe head or some kind of tool for digging. Or maybe it came off of some big farm machine. I like that idea.

I want to do something fabulous with it but that is not my department. I usually just buy and resell.

I envision it maybe hanging on the wall with something on it, or hanging from it.

No, I don't need another necklace hanger!

I can think of a few bloggers out there on my list of blogs I follow who may be able to help me.

Donna, from Distressed Donna Down Home, is a self professed rust goddess. She is the queen of makeovers using all kinds of painting techniques. She picks and thrifts all the time and has two booths to sell all of her unique finds. What would she do with this? Donna?

Betsy, from My Salvaged Treasures, has a great imagination for repurposing junk. I am always amazed at how she turns pieces and parts of vintage stuff into purposeful and beautiful things. I would love to know what she would do with this. Betsy?

Tuula from Thrifty Rebel Vintage, lives in Canada where the thrifting is fine! She has that eye for finding great junk and things to repurpose. She makes the most gorgeous wind chimes out of old silverware and finds a use for everything she picks in a most unique way. Tuula, I am hoping you can help me find a fabulous use for this fabulous thingy!

And Cecilia from My Thrift Store Addiction, has the best projects and makeovers for all of us out there that aren't that crafty! She has a feature called The 15 Minute Fix where she shows how to make something wonderful in 15 minutes. Cecilia, can you make something fabulous out of my rusty rake thingamajig in 15 minutes?

There's a hole at the top for hanging......hmmmm, some kind of light fixture?

I'll leave it to the experts.

Do you have any ideas for my gorgeous, rusty somethingorother thingy?

P.S. I had to come back and post this picture sent to me by Colleen, a sweet reader who left a comment with some great ideas! How cool is this? It's a garden cultivator from the early 1900's.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:
Best of The Weekend
Snickerdoodle Make, Create, Bake
Cooking & Crafting With J & J
Let's Talk Vintage
Share Your Cup
Vintage Charm Party
Simple & Sweet Fridays


  1. I'm loving your rusty delight, but sadly I don't have any ideas. You're right about Tuula and Cecilia - they are amazing! And I bet they'll have a fabululous idea :)

    Thank you for the lovely visit to my blog to day and for the Etsy love. You're such a kind friend.

    Happy weekend. Hugs!

  2. A dollar??? Omg! I don't blame you for throwing your rule out the window.

    No great ideas here, but whatever you do will be fab!


  3. That would be in my garden shed with tools hanging from it!

  4. Normally it would had been used as a garden plow which had long wooden handles with a large metal wheel in front.
    You could always hand it and put hanging baskets on it or even recycle some metal veggie cans, plant herbs and hang the cans from it or use to hang garden tools from it.

  5. Neat rusty piece! I thought of Diana from Adirondack girl at heart too... they are all super creative! It takes me awhile to mull it over! LOL

  6. That is a unique find and I'm sure you will think of something awesome to do with it. Stay cool and enjoy the weekend. :)

  7. What you have, as Colleen's picture shows, is a garden cultivator. That is, you have the "blade" part. This must be quite old; I don't think anyone has used one of these for years and years! What a neat find, though! I think it would make a great hanger for gardening tools. I'm not coming up with anything that would be a more unusual or creative way to use it. I'd have to look at it and contemplate for a while!

  8. Well my friend, I have two just like them and haven't used them yet. I was going to hang one on the side of my hoosier and hang towels off of it, but decided that it was a little to pointy and didn't want my grands getting hurt on it. Hoping to use them in my she shed.

  9. Hi AnnaMaria...what a unique find your rusty hoe was and what a fantastic your idea of a necklace hanger, that'd be the perfect use l think:-) Thanks for sharing all your links, l'm going to head there now for a visit.

  10. Hi AnnMarie, love this wonderful rusty find. What a treasure. I know you will find a special use for it. I can also see it placed high enough on a wall so no one bumps into it as a cup holder in the kitchen. If they will fit without crowding. Love it. Let us know what you do. Have fun and a great week ahead. xo

  11. I'm not very creative when it comes to things like this, but something tells me you will figure out exactly the right thing to do with it. I love its rustic charm!

  12. Hi, love your old piece. First thing that comes to mind--is hanging on the outside of a shed with vintage garden tools, long and short and one pot of flowers. That would be adorable. And if utilitarian, simply using it as an indoor broom/mop/dustpan holder. I doubt you can bend any those tines, so of course it needs to be up and out of bodies' way. Thanks for the fun post, Sandi

  13. You know I have found one of these at the farm. What a great way to display it.

  14. Love this old rusty piece of greatness! A great idea will come to you or suggested by someone!

    xo Dianne

  15. With Fall coming so fast the possibilities are endless! Loving that piece.

  16. That is a great find! AnnMarie, one fo the types of sunflower I planted was Evening Sun. I am not sure if that is what is photographed though.

  17. this post and how we all see something from this one object!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  18. I was happy to see that a reader let you know what it was. Rusty crusty stuff always appeals to me too. Thank you for sharing your unique find at Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, & Make!

  19. Oh, I love it too and I suspect that it is a true farming implement!
    I am thinking a greenhouse or garden shed for me, but who knows what will result with this amazing piece of rusty goodness!

  20. AnnMarie, Thanks for the sweet mention and I love this piece! I will tell you honestly that many of the finds I end up using in The 15 Minute Fix, start out as a "Now WHAT can I do with that?" piece--so you are definitely on the right track! At first glance it seems like it would make a fabulous hook of sorts, perhaps for garden tools OR in the second photo, it almost has a bug like appearance. Maybe it could be combined with other salvage to create a garden critter. BTW, YOU also have an eye for this sort of thing, proven with your wonderful metal Christmas tree last season ;) Blessings, Cecilia

  21. What a marvelous piece. I would love to get my hands on that. I'm thinking a coat hook so you can put it in an entryway or mudroom? How ever it ends up it is a great find.

  22. Thanks so much for the shout out AnnMarie. :) What a great find for just $1! I love it! Of course everything looks like a potential wind chime to me so I'd probably hang some rusty crusty metal tools from those five tines using some vintage pearl-like necklaces. Rusty metal and pearls are made for each other. I also think it would look awesome with some small planters hanging from it, or I might hang some lace decorated mason jars (with a hint of burlap and jute) and then put candles inside them. Whatever you decide to do with it I know it will be fabulous.

  23. I wonder if you could use it to hang garden tools....or if it's sturdy enough you could hang a plant from it. Oh, I just saw Tuula's idea of jars. Love that!!

  24. AnnMarie, thanks for sharing your rusty goodness with us--can't wait to see how you use it! Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm. p.s. Scrolling back thru, it's actually the 3rd photo instead of the 2nd that looks bug-like to me ;)

  25. I would hang it on the wall and switch out whatever I hung on it.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  26. First, thanks for the shout out! This is a prize for a rust goddess. The cultivator is a great item and I sell every one I can find except for the one hanging in the closet for my paint rags!


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