Monday, April 17, 2017

Flea Market Pickin'

I find the best stuff when I'm not lookin'.

It has been so barren and uneventful in the pickin' department around here lately and I have been confined to the local Goodwill and flea markets. It is just about garage sale and yard sale season, but not quite yet.....

This past Saturday was another one of those times when I was out running lots of errands around town and decided to drop into the local flea. It just happens to be right across the street from the bank and the post office.

It is usually hit or miss most of the time there, but I was happy to see that Brenda is back!

Brenda is one of those crazy, thrifting ladies (like me) that loves to chat away about all her finds and where she got them. I don't know her personally but have followed her around the different places she has had shops. She moved south for awhile and now she is back and set up shop in Bob's Flea Market right in town.

She and I have the same taste in vintage treasures.

I really didn't make it much past her booth!

The first thing that caught my eye was this super heavy cement squirrel...

Not sure what I was thinking because I hate squirrels!! Okay, hate is a strong word....I strongly dislike them! They have overrun our yard and invade my bird feeders to the point that I can't feed the birds anymore.

I thought he was cute though. He is from an estate sale down south and probably from the '60's.

Here is all the stuff I got from Brenda's booth.....all except the stool. That one was Bob's, the owner.

I was in the mood for buyin' and Brenda was in the mood for bundlin'. I got a great deal on all my treasures.

The frog is from the same estate sale as the squirrel and he is also heavy cement. He is pretty chipped up but I think he is a keeper. He will keep my other rusty metal frog company for awhile on the front porch steps.

I can never pass up a wooden stool or a wooden tool caddy. I will be listing this one in my Etsy shop soon.

I cannot pass up a pitcher or creamer either....especially an ironstone one. And the recipe box is an FTD flower planter from 1985. It is cute and retro and has a faux wood look with raised flowers and letters. Pretty kitschy!

I was thrilled to see the set of three aqua Butterprint Pyrex dishes (I am thrilled with finding anything aqua!). The refrigerator dishes have their lids but the casserole does not. They are sold as a set in my Etsy shop here.

Then there is the wooden stool. Oh, how I cannot pass up a vintage looking stool! It is heavy, sturdy and nicely scratched up. It was probably a milking stool and is a great farmhouse décor piece to use as a step stool. It is available here.

One last item that thrilled my heart to see today. My daughter texted me that she saw a yard sale on her way to work this morning......on a Monday?

It was on my way home so I had to stop. Lots of high priced furniture and stuff I didn't want but then I spied with my little eye, this wooden aqua tool chest. I asked how much and the guy said, in a voice that sounded like he was afraid it was too high, "$4?" I kept my cool and said okay, "I'll take it."

What??!! Happy dance in my head!

The top is marked "tip up". My daughter and granddaughter informed me that tip ups are the things you use in ice fishing to signal when a fish is on the line.

I learned something new today too.

I think there is a better use for this fabulous about some potted plants in there with the lid up?

I am happy for now. I saw a few signs for sales coming up in town later this week and my favorite, a church rummage sale, next week.

I like to stick close to home. So far it works for me!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:

Let's Talk Vintage
Share Your Cup
Vintage Charm Party

No Rules Weekend Blog Party


  1. I love the crate - i just sold one almost exactly like that.

  2. Love all of your finds! Girl, me and you would have a ball together thrifting! I love the Pyrex dishes. But oh I do love the wooden stool and tool box caddy. You done good! Now ya got me itching to go! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Great finds! It seems like I find the best things when I'm not really looking as well. LOL! Anywho, the aqua wooden box is awesome and what a steal! Have a great week!

  4. What great finds! I'm with you--cement squirrels are much cuter than the real destructive ones! Love the wooden tote and can't go wrong with aqua Pyrex ;)

    1. Thank you for sharing your fabulous flea market finds @Vintage Charm!

  5. You did find some wonderful treasures. I sure do love those sweet little pyrex dishes!

  6. Oh, that aqua Pyrex! Be still my heart! What a great find! I can't wait to get out yard saling!

  7. The aqua tool chest!!!! I am swooning over it. It definitely needs to be in my new house!

  8. What fun and beautiful goodies, my friend! Those Pyrex dishes are stunning! And that squirrel is just too cute.

    Hugs to you!

  9. OH yes! The tool chest was a great find!!!! Good for you! I just remembered while reading your post that our fleamarket is today!(Every Tuesday) Need to get my Let's Talk Vintage posts done the night before, me thinks! Hop on over and link up if you have time! www dot vintandco dot com

  10. Love that box and what a great price!

    By May I'm sure you'll have lots of garage sales to choose from and I look forward to seeing your treasures.

    Have a great week!

  11. Wonderful finds! I would have snapped up almost everything you got!

  12. Love the tool box....and you have some great finds there!! I am anxious for garage sales to start up!

  13. Great stuff! You & I could never shop together!

  14. LOVE that rusty frog!! Love.

  15. Hi AnnMarie, you find the best treasures. Love the garden art and the pyrex is gorgeous!! I love those tool box totes too for painting and try and get them whenever I see them. I'd love to shop with you. Could be dangerous!!
    Have a great week. xo

  16. You found some good treasures, AnnMarie! Love the Pyrex and the wood box. I can picture it full of pretty flowers! xo Karen

  17. Hey, you got some great finds, for sure!! I have to say I have a favorite in this post....that little rusty frog is too cute for words! I know he wasn't from this shopping trip, but he still caught my eye!

  18. Great finds! Love the aqua pyrex and that sweet little stool, but that old tool chest was a great deal for $4. Sometimes it's so hard not to do the actual happy dancing in front of sellers when we find something we love at an amazing price.

  19. I understand why people hate squirrels but I adore them and all their faults. It caught my eye and then I saw your comment so at least you appreciate how cute they are.

  20. I love going to garage sales, especially when an entire neighborhood participates and then I can walk from house to house. I get great toys for the grandkids and every now and then a great buy. Last year someone wanted to get rid of a gift from her mother in law- a beautiful crystal vase for $10 - turns out it was Waterford and worth over $100- that was a find!!!

  21. Oh my Ann Marie, that tool box! I truly am drooling over it. I had never heard of that term either, so I learned something new as well. :) You found some great stuff. I collect the aqua Butterprint Pyrex as well. Have all I need since I've added three more pieces from the estate sale I have been helping with. I would have nabbed that silly squirrel as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. LOL - I DO hate squirrels! They have destroyed several of my gazebo screens in recent summers! I just bought a new one that cost me almost 60.00 so I'd definitely have to pass on the squirrel. Your other treasures are great - LOVE the pyrex!

  23. Hi cutie, just wanted to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC today.

  24. Oh my goodness, AnnMarie, as if the tool caddy and stool weren't enough already, and then you scored that green chippy toolbox! Lurve!

  25. You were in the mood for a little buying, weren't you. =) Some gorgeous stuff there, AnnMarie. Love the little stool and that sweet little aqua toolbox....gorgeous.....just $4....really!!!


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