Monday, May 15, 2017

A Flea Market Kind of Mother's Day

The flea markets are just starting up around here so I wanted to get to one as soon as I could.

We planned our outing for Mother's Day. What better way to spend Mother's Day than indulging my pickin' passion?

"We" included my husband, son and I. They are such troopers when it comes to things I want to do that they may not necessarily choose. They got to pick the restaurant for dinner though....more on that later.

We had to drive an hour and a half to the flea market I chose, since it was in Clarence, NY, which is near Buffalo. I was attracted to that one because there were supposed to be tons of vendors outside and lots of indoor flea markets too. As you can see the skies were a little ominous, so the turnout was not great.

We ended up dodging raindrops in between the sun and downpours, on and off most of the day. Only in NY.

I had my cart in the truck and I was all ready to go, rain or shine. My husband made it a little game for me. My mission, should I choose to accept it, was to spend as much of this wad of money as I could while we were there. He wouldn't tell me how much was in it and I was not allowed to count it. And, I had to give back whatever I didn't spend. Oh boy! Easy peasy!

Or so I thought. I found a lot of stuff but couldn't help being thrifty minded even though I wasn't spending my own money! I passed by a lot of good stuff that was too pricey for me to buy and resell, even though it would cost me nothing. Believe me, by the end of the day, that changed and I spent with abandon!

Here are some of my finds. I realized once I went through them all that I had a variety of different styles of vintage, which I love. I didn't purposely look for different styles, I just picked what I love.

Some industrial finds included two oil cans, a red fan blade, a GE fan that works and a rustic turquoise box.

I never pass by Christmas items, any time of year, if they are a good price. These were.

My Farmhouse finds....

I think I have to keep the paper mache rooster basket/planter for awhile and I am definitely keeping the tablecloth.

After I found the turquoise wicker shelf I found the green one. Why not? I love them both.

I always grab feed or potato sacks when I see them. They sell well in my Etsy shop.

Here are my girly girl finds. The wicker vanity and hand mirror are so unique and the turquoise zippered bag has gold handles.

One of the first things I found was this vintage gold daisy bracelet. My favorite flower is any variety from the daisy family so it was a "gotta have it" purchase. It is a keeper.

When it started raining too much to keep walking around, we went into some of the Antique stores. I found some unique and very pricey items that were fun to look at but not to buy!

Yup, it says $14,500

It was time to head toward the restaurant for our reservations. Guess what kind of restaurant my husband and son chose? Steak and seafood of course! I don't eat red meat so I was hoping to find something I would like on the menu. I did.

It is called Lobster Mania.

I don't think an explanation is needed.....

The restaurant is a rustic cobblestone fine dining place where they make your soup and salad table side and cut your meat to order table side. My son couldn't resist sitting in the chair in the front.

Speaking of my son, he gave me the sweetest card and gift. A few weeks ago we both had our hair cut by my daughter at her salon (girly) and after I wanted to go to a kind of girly shop nearby to see what they had. Michael was a trooper and came in with me. I found the most delicious smelling candle called Dancing in the Rain. The owner was hinting to him what a good Mother's Day gift it would make. Fast forward to this past Friday night when he asked my husband to take him to go get it for me.

That picture of us was taken about 10 years ago!

So how do you think I did spending the money?

I did not spend it all but put a good dent in it. I reluctantly handed the remainder back.

When I counted up what I spent compared to what was in that wad of money, I'd say I did pretty good. I felt a little guilty for how much I spent.

For about a minute.

I know, I'm spoiled.

I prefer to think of it as being blessed :-)

Now to inventory all my treasures and decide if they are going on Etsy or to my booth.

Woe is me, how will I get through it all ;-)

To those that celebrate, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday.

One last thing to share. Have you heard of the bitmoji app for your smart phone? You make an avatar of yourself and then it is attached to all kinds of emoji's that you can text to anyone.

Does it look like me?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:
Amaze Me Monday
Let's Talk Vintage
Share Your Cup
No Rules Weekend Blog Party
Vintage Charm Party
Friendship Friday Blog Party
Friday Feature Linky Party
"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday


  1. AnnMarie, I love the game your husband concocted for you for Mother's Day! And how sweet of your son to get the candle. Yes, the avatar is cute and does look like you. :)
    Flea market season is definitely upon us, and I need to get motivated. My sister & I will start tomorrow by rearranging our spaces, trying to make it all look new and inviting. You're off to a great start. Happy hunting.

  2. Sounds like a fun "game" to play! Looks like you found some great treasures - love that old santa!!

  3. What a perfect day! I love everything you bought and your lobster looks delicious!

    1. Thanks for sharing your fabulous flea market finds at Vintage Charm--pinned!

  4. What a fun Mother's Day! Love how your hubby gave you the cash and dared you to spend it all! So sweet. You found some great treasures and your meal looks delicious. Cute photo of your son :) Love the little look-alike app! x Karen

  5. Now this is the perfect Mother's Day celebration! Your boys did a good job. Love the wad of cash game and the thoughtfulness of your son. You scored some really good finds, AnnMarie. I'm so glad you had a fun day. You deserve to be spoiled. :) Hugs, Nancy

  6. I love Clarence! We went for the first time last summer. It was on one of the Garage Sale weekends, so it was super packed with vendors and customers. For such a large place, there wasn't a lot of seating and I complained that I could have stayed longer if there were more places to sit. Hubby took the hint and bought me a cart/seat combo. Now I am set!

  7. Glad you had so much fun on Mother's Day! I have quite a bit of "vintage" but I love it because of the memories attached. Heaven knows what I'll do with all of it when we "scale down" in a few years. I even have my grandmother's and mother's baby cups and my grandfather's baby spoon. I hope my daughter and daughter-in-law want pieces from my little collection. Blessings to you!

  8. Ann Marie, I just adore you! I love all of your finds and wow, what a great Mother's Day outing. I have not been to a flea market in a very long time. I need to venture out and to one. We have a flea market about 30 miles from me so I really have no excuse do I? The last time I went it seemed so commercialized and I think it gave me a bad taste. LOVE those girly finds!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day. I bet next time you might spend a little more huh? LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. Hi Ann Marie, what a fun and creative way to celebrate Mother's Day. You sure found some great items and the dinner looks amazing. I would have picked this too as I also pass on red meat! Love that huge red chair. Great pic and such a sweet gift from your son. I'd say you had a wonderful time and great day. xo

  10. What a great way to celebrate the day! I love how your husband made a game out of it and that your son went back to get the candle. You have some thoughtful guys there, you lucky lady. I had to laugh at the pricy antique. $14,000 and the price tag is scribbled on note paper and stuck on her head. So funny!!

  11. What a clever idea hubby came up with! You found great stuff for sure. I hit an estate sale last Sat. and bought oil cans as well. They've found a new home in my she shed. We have such similar taste. I bought an aqua wicker shelf like that a few years ago. I used it in my basement bath for a while, but then sold it at 'fleology'. Loved it, but it's fun to mix things up now and then. I also bought a light up Santa face last year. Mom had one growing up and I love it too! Lobster mania, oh my!! YUM!!

  12. Ha, ha, you are blessed. That looked like a pretty good wad of money. How come you didn't buy that Madonna statue with the left overs??. You got some really great things. Those are the kinds of sales that are so much fun..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  13. How fun, he's a keeper! You found some great items! Lobster mania looks yummy.

  14. What a fun mother's day outing! Also, what a creative idea for your husband to do. Yes.... blessed. :)

  15. What a fun day, AnnMarie, and your hubby was very clever with that wad of cash, I must say! I love both of those wicker shelves...sigh...and so much more. As for your meal, Yes please! That lobster plate looks incredible. Wasn't that sweet of your son to buy that candle for you? It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day weekend.
    p.s. Your bitmoji is adorable! I have one, too.

  16. What a fun day! You came up with some amazing treasures! What a neat way for your husband to spoil you and make your day so special! That lobster looked soo good! Beautiful sweet gift from your son too, how thoughtful! So happy for you :)

  17. Oh AnnMarie, what fun! I loved what your hubby did for you and indeed, what a clever idea. It looks like you had a delightful day.

    Much love to you!

  18. AnneMarie, You had an experience for Mother's Day! Love it. Glad you found some treasures. Have a nice day. Sylvia D.

  19. What an exciting and adventurous day you had with your hubby and son. You picked up some interesting objects (of your affection;)) and had an amazing dinner. What an adorable exterior that restaurant has. Love the stone and the red and white accents.

    Happy weekend, AnnMarie!

  20. It sounds like you had such a fun day. It was so nice that your husband gave you that big wad of money to spend wisely. You dinner you had looks so good.
    Hope you have a nice week AnnMarie.
    Julie xo

  21. I agree with everyone Ann Marie...your hubby and son are keepers for sure! Love the game he came up with, and his restaurant choice was wonderful too. It has such a fun exterior, and wow, that lobster looks amazing!

    That app sounds really cool, and yup, sure looks like you :)


  22. Happy Mother's Day, AnnMarie! The money game your husband came up with is so clever! He and your son each get A+ for making your day extra special! That lobster looks so delicious - I'm about ready to jump in the car and head up there! Looks like you had a very successful shopping spree!

  23. Hi AnnMarie. Just wanted to pop in again to thank you for your visit. Hope you are having a good week..Judy

  24. I would like to have been along for the flea market shopping experience, I like that wad of money $$$


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