Thursday, June 8, 2017

Plates in My Garden...and Other Fun Garden Decor

I first started adding vintage plates and saucers to my gardens last year. I already had quite a few plates collected and continued to pick them up at garage and yard sales. I even made a few garden plate flowers for myself (above) and for gifts.

This year I found more and added them in different places around the yard.

Behind my newly planted basil plants.....

Near my hands birdbath....

Around the rusty vintage birdbath behind the Lilac bush....

in front of the old horse and buggy post, surrounded by what will be black eyed Susan's.

to keep my garden frog company......

and of course in my garden sink with newly planted pink Bacopa.....

It is fun to add unusual items to decorate your garden with.

While out thrifting, one of the yard sales had a wood toadstool painted red with white polka dots. I fell in love and asked if it was for sale. Of course not!

I was on a mission now to find one. What I found was an inexpensive way to make one.

All you need is an old (vintage!) wood bowl and a small log. I just happened to have a bowl in my booth and my husband had the perfect log in his fire pit.

Just screw the bowl upside down onto the log. Bury the log into the garden and done!

My bowl had feet on it that were missing and it had a very worn patina. I put it in the garden and all plans of painting it went away....for now. What do you think? Leave it or paint it red with white polka dots?

You may remember my chippy door from last year, that is even chippy-er than ever. It has a new sidekick this year. I found the large green chair at a garage sale for $5. It is so perfectly worn that I didn't want it to lose it's charm. I painted two coats of outdoor polyurethane on it to preserve it's beauty. I will be giving the door the same treatment so it is not totally bare by next year!

Once the Impatiens fill in, it should be fabulous!

This is not new garden décor, but a peek at what is to come for along the back of our yard. I took this picture because I loved how the flowers looked behind this crib headboard. I have three of these plus two other different style headboards that I am going to paint and put up as a fence. The three crib headboards will be white, alternated with an aqua one and a maize one.

Lots of work to do for me as they will all need two coats of polyurethane too.

Last Fall we pulled out my two Hydrangea bushes because they hadn't bloomed in years. I really, really wanted Zinnia's in my garden somewhere, so that was part of the incentive to take them out.

I got my wish.....

I can't wait for them to bush out and fill it all in. I got to use my rusty metal garden fence too.

One last new garden item to show you. My husband's early Father's Day gift is a great piece of metal art by a gentleman that makes them and sells them at the Rochester Public Market. He uses car parts, garden tools and odd pieces to make some fun stuff. He was selling the shovel handles left over from using shovels in his creations and I bought one for the garden (in the picture above with the black eyed susans).

I will end with some other random pictures of garden things. The garden will continue to evolve over the summer. We are actually supposed to get summer-like weather this weekend.

Happy gardening! How does your garden grow?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday
Cooking & Crafting with J & J
Gardens Galore Link Party
Share Your Cup


  1. I love your charming gardens, AnnMarie! The plates are so cute, especially in the enamel bowl, and I love how you made the toadstool! It is hard to decide whether to paint it or not - now you need two - one painted! So clever. Everything looks so pretty - love it all! My poor gardens are rather wild this year due to so much rain, so I am concentrating on my deck gardens mostly. Your gardens are so inspiring! xo Karen

  2. You have such a sweet and charming garden, my friend! I just love your special touches with the plates and repurposed items.

    Happy weekend to you! Hugs!

  3. I agree with Stephanie and Karen Ann Marie. Your garden is super charming and homey, filled with creative touches that reflect your personal style.


  4. I used plates in my garden when we lived in Ohio. Now, here is NC, the yard is so big that I don't know where to start. I think I need professional help, then I can put in the finishing touches, like plates.

  5. Hi AnnMarie. I have used plates in the garden at times. You look like you have some pretty ones and they look really pretty in between your beautiful flowers. You have a very beautiful garden with such pretty flowers. I have used the words pretty and beautiful a few times! But that is what your garden looks like..Have a wonderful weekend..Judy

  6. I love those plates in the ground! Thanks for sharing.

  7. My garden definitely doesn't grow as fun as yours does! It all looks great, but my favorite is the plates in the sink! I vote for painting the toadstool with polka dots -it's cute now, but that will really take it to another level of whimsy! Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend, and enjoy the summer weather this weekend - finally!

  8. Your garden is looking a treat, Ann Marie with the beautiful plates scattered here and there amongst the flowers, the peely-painty door, the cool chair, the child crib head board and the cool car wheel and of course your repurposed very cool. LOVE your Victorian front door and the porch.....all so wonderful. What a wonderful place to sit and drink in your beautiful garden.

  9. Love your amazing garden and your beautiful plates!Hugs,Maristella.

  10. Well look at you with your sweet creative self ! I live it all . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  11. Well, now I want to get my garden boots on and go out and assess where I can implement some of your ideas, AnnMarie. Actually, I've been working on the backyard to make it more appealing -- specifically around the garden shed. I have an old chair that I've been wanting to use as a planter, much like what you've done, and I'd like to plant that up and put it outside my shed, along with other things. Our soil is full of rocks and it's a major pain to get any part of our property ready for planting, so these are all quick temporary fixes. The toadstool is adorable. What a brilliant idea. Natural or painted, it's a wonderful addition to your garden. Love the little elf next to it. Perfection! You've really inspired me, my friend. Thank you for sharing your delightful garden. Hugs, Nancy

  12. Hi AnnMarie, oh your garden looks beautiful. I love the mushroom that you made the way it is! I just finished my planting last week. I already had a little lettuce salad today. Hope you have a nice week.

  13. I just love this!! The plates add little pops of color to an already pretty place.

  14. Ann Marie, there's a Gardens Galore party today at Everyday Living. Come link up. :)

  15. You have some really cute ideas! The plates look adorable outside as accents. Love the old white sink with the pink bacopa and plates- too sweet! The toadstool idea is so cute. I was imagining sponging on some red so it wouldn't cover the patino of the bowl entirely and then maybe sponging white dots on it. Really clever idea you came up with!

  16. Oh where to begin, what a treasure trove your garden is Ann Marie! Little surprises everywhere! Everything is adorable!! I love your chippy door against the tree and the impatient chair! Beautiful and so much fun!

  17. I love all of your garden plates Ann Marie! They add so much whimsy to your garden. I just went on a garden tour this evening and one garden had lots of the fun flowers made from plates. I bought a wooden bowl and painted it red last year to be a mushroom. Haven't put it in the garden yet. Love your garden!

  18. Oh my goodness, your garden is amazing! I love all the sweet little vintage details and repurposing that you have going on! That toad stool was very clever! I couldn't make a decision either way, lol! I love the plates you have in the ground too. Now... you've got me thinking! I may borrow your plate idea, it is darling! Love your chippy door and chair, great idea to cover it with polyurethane. I may need to do that to my old wooden chair too. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspirations :)

  19. Ann Marie, I am so thrilled you joined Gardens Galore with this oh so fun and creative post! There is so much inspiration in your garden...I just love how you have used the plates...the toad stool is so clever...the door and the chair - I could go on and on! Your garden is full of whimsy and fun and lots of ideas!

  20. Thanks for sharing your pretty garden at C&C with J&J.
    Enjoy the week.

  21. Cute idea! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  22. Your gardens have so many fun and interesting pieces in them AnnMarie! It's just the kind of garden I love to tour because there are so many fabulous surprises. Especially love that chair, and the plates, and the crib headboards. I would have to paint the mushroom with either red and white polka dots or hot pink and white. But it looks great au natural too.

  23. It's always fun to add some whimsy to the garden! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm:) xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  24. Such precious, whimsical and delightful touches that you have added to your gardens! I know for certain that I have a space or two where I want to add plates. Love each every detail, what a happy place you have created!

  25. Love all your whimsical finds in your garden! The giant toadstool is one of my favorites. It looks great as it is, but I think painting it and adding white polkadots would look fantastic!

  26. Oh I like all your garden gadgets
    Those plates look too pretty to be outside in the dirt? haha
    I did that one years and my neighbors and friends just didn't get it and thought it looked bad. I loved them
    Your flowers are all so pretty, talking about hydrangeas I need to feed mine a lot to get some blooms

  27. Such unique accessories to decorate your growing garden, AnnMarie! The rooster with the flower pot is my favourite!You sure have a lot of variety, which makes it interesting and fun!


  28. Oh my goodness, AnnMarie! Your gardens are gorgeous even though it is early in the season for you! I didn't know that bacopa came in pink since I've never seen it! And you've given me some ideas on using dishes in the garden, too! Love all your creativity!

  29. Your garden is just lovely! I love the dishes being used as yard art. I have some rusty junk in mine. I love dishes, so I should follow your example, that way I can have the best of both worlds indoors and out.

  30. I do like a bit of whimsy in the garden. Yours looks so lovely, the perfect place for both the fairies and long lazy afternoons.

  31. You have some super cute ideas in your garden. I love seeing the photos! I collect a lot of tea cups and plates so you gave me some great idea's.
    Joy@Books and Life

  32. Hi AnnMarie, Oh Wow your garden is amazing. It makes me want to start all over with mine. I love the addition of the plates and the toad stool is adorable. I want to do this too. Thanks for sharing and also inspiring with your amazing photos!! Happy Summer!

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