Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Freshest Blueberry Pie

Blueberries are not in season around here until August, but the local grocery store had them from out of state on sale so I had to get some to make this pie.

It is the freshest!

And it is one of the highlights of summer.

It is the only recipe I use for blueberry pie and it is quite easy to make.

That's if you have your wits about you, which I highly recommend :-)

What's wrong with this picture?

It is a pretty good picture of a done pie, or so I thought until I realized I never baked the crust first. DOH!

So I scraped the filling out, baked the crust and tried again.

Luckily, the only baking you will do for this pie is the crust.

The filling is 3/4 fresh blueberries and 1/4 cooked blueberry filling.

So good!

Here is the recipe..... It comes from the cookbook For Goodness Taste, page 267, one of the many pages in this cookbook that is splattered and wrinkled. It is a Junior League cookbook and every single recipe in it is fabulous.

Freshest Blueberry Pie

4 cups fresh blueberries, divided
3/4 cup water
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup sugar
5 tablespoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 9" baked pie shell*

In a saucepan, cook 1 cup blueberries and water until boiling, then
simmer for 4 minutes.
Remove from heat; stir in butter.
In a small bowl, combine sugar, cornstarch, salt and cinnamon.
Add to hot berries and cook slowly until thick.
Remove from heat; stir in lemon juice.
Combine sauce and remaining 3 cups of berries. Pour into pastry shell.*
To serve, pipe a border of whipped cream around the perimeter of the pie (or all over
your piece like I do!)

* Don't do what I did! Bake the crust first! Just a friendly reminder :-)


AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Full Plate Thursday
Share Your Cup
Cooking & Crafting with J & J
Anything Goes Pink Saturday
Home Sweet Home


  1. LOL- Sorry I am laughing but that so sounds like something I would do. I have never had a blueberry pie that didn't have to be baked! I bet it really does taste fresh. Copying this over to my recipe files to try it when our blueberries come in. Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  2. I just picked the cookbook up (like I need another cookbook) but I noticed that it was a Junior League cookbook and those are the ones I really like. They always have great recipes in them. Thanks- It says I got the last one! lol

  3. Love blueberries, will have to try! Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  4. Your Blueberry pie looks rather delicious, AnnMarie. Love the plate the pie is resting on.

  5. Blueberry pie is my favorite and this one is making my mouth water....and...since I am not the most accomplished chef, it's a recipe that I could definitely make!! Thanks!

  6. Good to know I'm not the only one who makes mistakes while cooking sometimes! The pie looks delicious!

  7. Lol! I love that you forgot to cook the crust! I'm mean like that ;).


  8. This pie looks so good. There are a lot of desserts I can resist, but homemade pie is not one of them. xo

  9. Oh, I'm having a good laugh about this, AnnMarie, since it is SO like something I would do! Glad you were be able to salvage it. It looks amazing, and I'm definitely going to try this. I have a great recipe for blueberry pie, but it has to be baked, and I love the idea that this one isn't. Pinning it, and hoping to try soon!

  10. LOL - I did that as well a while back. But well worth the extra effort, the pie looks amazing.

  11. Looks so good! Thank you for the recipe.

  12. Hello AnnMarie, oh your pie looks so good. I haven't had blueberry pie in a long time. I like that this recipe looks pretty easy to make. Thanks for sharing the recipe at C&C with J&J. Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  13. AnnMarie, I don't mean to laugh, but that is exactly something I would do. I have been dreaming about making a blueberry pie and will copy your recipe. Looks so pretty and yummy..Judy

  14. Your Blueberry Pie looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday, have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  15. Hi AnnMarie,

    Your blueberry pie looks and sounds scrumptious! Sadly, fresh blueberries are not available here on the island, and frozen ones only come in a forest fruit medley, which I don't care for, since I am not big on blackberries.

    Have an extra piece for me!


  16. Too funny - forgetting to bake the crust sounds like something i would do! Looks delish!

  17. Your pie looks amazing but I always bake my pie together with the filling all at one time..

  18. This looks so yummy! (I love your plate too!)

  19. You have just reminded me of how much I love berry pies!
    Mom used to make blackberry pie, chokecherry pie, huckleberry pie and blueberry pie! (I guess I know my!)
    This looks wonderful and thank you for the recipe too!

  20. This looks so good and what a wonderful recipe. I had to smile when you had to take out the blueberries to bake the crust. This reminds me of the time I baked a pumpkin pie using a frozen pie shell and filled the pumpkin right over the freezer paper lining the crust. It could not be seen and we didn't know it was in the pie till we began to eat. Oh my gosh what a laugh we all got!!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a great week. xo

  21. Ann Marie, this pie looks absolutely delicious@ Forgetting to bake the crust sounds like something I would do. lol! Blueberries have been reasonable here as well. I have been buying them just to eat, but I have to make this! YUM! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Hi Ann Marie, just hopping by to let you know that you will be featured at SYC today. :)

  23. What a great recipe, Ann Marie!!! Yummy!


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