Saturday, July 29, 2017

Living Large in Color!

Today I have a guest post over at
 A Joyful Cottage....

I am a regular follower of Nancy's blog and I love her series,
Living Large in Small Spaces. You can imagine my excitement then, when
I realized that my own niece, her husband and daughter are
doing just that.

Thank you to Nancy for allowing me
to share with you their sweet, small home
in Upstate New York.

To see my guest post, click here.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing inside your niece's home. My, what a charming and beautiful place.

    Hugs to you, my friend!

  2. Thank you for sharing Mike and Danielle's lovely home with us, AnnMarie. I enjoyed every moment strolling through their beautiful home. What an amazing job they have both done in transforming their home into a place of beauty and love.

  3. AnnMarie, thank you for being my guest at A Joyful Cottage and giving us a tour of Danielle and Mike's delightful home. They've created a wonderful place for their family. Hugs.

  4. I love Nancy and the series as well, heading over to see your niece's house right now.

  5. Your niece's home is very beautiful and creative!An inspiring post!Have a lovely week!Maristella.

  6. Absolutely adorable home. I love all the color and the fun touches, especially all of their daughter's artwork and the wall stickers. How fun!!

  7. What a sweet and cheerful little home! I love the fun colors and designs. The little one's room is so darling! xx K

  8. AnnMarie, thank you for sharing this with us. And, thank you for making Pink Saturday special.

    This post is being featured on my Pink Saturday post this week as "the one with the most clicks". Wow, two weeks in a row.

  9. I have been trying to get rid of stuff and downsize my stuff but I am not so sure I could go any smaller! I am sure I could not live in a tiny home....thanks for sharing.

  10. What a fun tour you shared AnnMarie. So enjoyed it and viewing all the hard work this young couple did to make their home so special. Beautifully presented! Have a great week. xo

  11. Just popped over to check out your guest post - really enjoyed every photo of that darling house!

  12. Oh, my! I LOVE their little house and the fun, sweet way they have it decorated!!! SO pretty! Thank you for sharing!! :)


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