Friday, September 22, 2017

Fall Gardening

Happy Fall!

Just in time for the first day of Fall, Lucy Clark, Founder and Chief Editor of Garden Ambition, an online resource for all things garden, wrote this article for me to share with you for the upcoming Fall planting season.

Can plants be grown and survive low temperatures? Learn what happens to plants growth during the cold season and to start an efficient Fall garden.

Fall Gardening: How Does Temperature Affect the Plant’s Growth and Development

Seasons change and soon Fall will be on our doorstep. As the air gets colder, you may want to recheck your garden. Some plants that were in full bloom in spring and summer may not stand a chance when the temperature changes.

Seed germination is greatly affected by the cold temperature. Make sure you have done germination prior to the change in temperature.

Does Temperature Affect Plant Growth?

Yes. Temperature is a big factor in plant growth and development. Extreme temperature affects plant growth. Heat stress in plants causes problems with photosynthesis and root development. When this happens, expect for poor plant growth. It is also noticeable if a plant wilted due to extreme temperature or low temperature.

Temperature also affects on how fast plants grow.  Their growth and development are dependent on the temperature surrounding the plant. It also varies on what plant you are growing. Extreme heat may cause reduced plant growth while low temperatures may make plants sterile.

Once the cold temperature starts, the soil may freeze, making it hard to plant. The cold also freezes up the plant cells, causing damage and interruption of the flow of nutrients.

Depending on the temperature you chose to grow your plants, specifically for vegetables, their taste and texture may be affected too.

Temperature also plays a factor in seed germination. Warmth, water, and oxygen are needed for seeds to germinate. Seeds deteriorate over time, and if not germinated, they will die. You can say that it is impossible to grow it during cold temperatures. However, germinating seeds in Fall can be possible. Since the soil is still warm from the past season, seed germination can be done in preparation for a Fall garden.

 Preparing your garden for Fall

There are things to prepare so that you can be sure your Fall garden is a success.
1.      Seed Germination

Take advantage of the warmth of the soil that summer has left before the temperature changes. 80 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature of the soil for almost every seed to germinate.

2.      Prepare the soil
Once the coldness hits, it may affect the soil condition. Seeds may die if planted in a cold soil combined with a cold temperature. Before planting, make sure to clean up the soil. Remove weeds and dirt. Use a lot of compost and fertilizer or even mulch your garden to ensure that the soil will be healthy and ready when you start planting. Due to the cold weather, also make sure that your plants will receive enough moisture and oxygen.

3.      Plants to grow
There are a variety of plants that you can grow over the cold season. Vegetables, like lettuce and cabbage, are crisp and sweet if planted during fall because of the cold temperature. The effect of temperature on plants vary, together with some factors like exposure to sunlight, moisture, and the changes in temperature especially in fall season.

Pick up your favorite spring bulbs and start planting! These bulbs are a great addition to your fall garden.

Plants Best for Fall Gardening

Although temperature, especially during the cold season, may affect your plants growth and development, there are plants that are good in withstanding the low temperature. Considering the factors above, are you ready to start your Fall gardening?

Raid your favorite stores for seedlings and bulbs as they tend to go on inventory sale during the cold season.

 1. Flowers
 Spring Bulbs

Great for the cold weather. These flowers are best to plant in late August to early fall so they bloom beautifully in Spring time. Daffodils, Grape Hyacinth, Blue bells, Snow Drops, and  Tulips are available in your local market, so you can just pick your favorite ones and plant them.

Enjoy seeing these wonderful bulbs bloom into gorgeous flowers. Feel good while looking out your window and sipping your favorite cup of tea.

2. Vegetables
Most veggies are best grown in low temperatures. It is recommended to plant your veggies early August to give time for them to mature. Fall gardening is ideal to grow your fresh veggies. The cool temperature makes them sweet and crisp!

You can grow the following vegetables:







     Brussel Sprouts




     Onion leaves

Fresh vegetables from your fall garden, as pictured above, include broccoli, carrots, green onions and beets. These veggies are great to plant in fall as they can withstand the cold and frozen soil.
You can try other crops as well. Grow them well, and you can enjoy loads of fresh, super nutritious, and yummy vegetables when you harvest them.
3. Trees and Shrubs
Trees and shrubs are a great addition to your fall garden. The soil temperature is still warm for the roots to develop; hence, the Fall’s cool air helps in growing your trees and shrubs faster.

The following are some trees and shrubs best during the fall season:

     Coffee tree

Who doesn’t love seeing this? Green grass, trees, and shrubs. You can start planting during Fall when the air is cool, and the soil fertility is great for root development.

Flowers in Fall add to the beauty of the color changes in the trees and the change in light. Enjoy colorful flowers in your garden even during Fall.

Feeling the cold Fall breeze? Don’t be afraid that your Fall gardening may fail due to the temperature. Plants grow and develop well when you properly take care of them, even in the most unfavorable temperatures. Just make sure you are well-prepared before the cold hits. So, get your gardening tools ready and start gardening!

Thanks to Lucy for this great information
in getting our Fall gardens going!


  1. Soooooo much great info in this post Ann Marie and it's so true that Fall is a great time to plant for so many varieties. I won't be doing much of that this year but next year will be a very different story.

  2. The best part of my fall garden right now is the dwarf sunflowers that have died and are still on the plant. The chickadees and finches love to come and sit on the plant and eat the seeds. Delightful!

  3. This is a great article. We're in Michigan (cold winters and crisp fall, though it's 90 today so so much for being typical.) Rick has his second crop of spinach, lettuce and I think radishes, maybe something else in. Peas? And we put in six trees up here at the lake last weekend. I have bulbs that need to go in soon. IT's always something!

  4. A wealth of great information here, AnnMarie. This post is a great read. I am supposing you are out there happily planting away. =)

  5. Great tips! I am not a gardener, but I really do enjoy my time outside and my plants, so I am trying to learn. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Such great tips on Fall Gardening. I love it! I have some collards coming up that I planted from seeds and have placed in my dirt for a fall garden. They survived Irma. I am pinning this. Thanks so much. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Oh wow, this is really interesting, AnnMarie, such good tips! Need to bookmark this. Thank you for sharing!! Big hugs xx

  8. Wonderful fall gardening tips, AnnMarie. I especially love the list of trees and shrubs to plant. Thanks for sharing this! Hugs xx Karen

  9. Thanks for the tips, AnnMarie. I don't grow veggies (wish I did) but I do have to get some bulbs in..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  10. Excellent pointers! I had no idea there were so many veggies to plant for fall. I'm going to save this for reference, and try some of them next year. I'll be featuring this post at Best of the Weekend tomorrow night!

  11. Great post! We know how important prepping in the fall is. In fact I read once that if you can only afford to fertilize your lawn once a year, that fall is the most important time. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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