Friday, October 6, 2017

Musings From My Couch

Looking back over this first week of October, I started musing about all the different things that have occurred so far in my most favorite month of the year.

I have had an international sales week in my Etsy shop. I have shipped items this past week to Switzerland, Japan, Israel, Norway and Taiwan. That is a first for the six years I have been selling!


The highlight of the week so far is the opening of my new booth. On October 1st, my husband, son and I moved my stuff into Geneva Antique Co-Op in Geneva, New York.

It is a bittersweet move because the store my current booth is in is closing by the end of this year. The move was not by choice, so the day was sad and exciting all at the same time. I loved selling at Rustiques!

I am downsizing, so to speak, moving a huge room full of stuff into an 8 x 10 space. It's all that was available. The upside to my new spot is that the co-op is located in Downtown Geneva, a very cute small town situated right on Seneca Lake, one of the five Finger Lakes of  Upstate New York. Hobart and William Smith colleges are nearby, the Finger Lakes Wine Trail runs through the area and there are many shops and restaurants along the route.

I was able to set it all up within a few hours and I am happy with how it looks. I have lots of stuff to fill in when things sell.


The weather has been gorgeous this past week. Sunny and near 80 without any humidity. My garden is looking very sad, trying to go to sleep for the winter, and very confused with the warmth.

Although it is all fading away, my neighbor tells me all the time how she loves to look out of her bathroom window (the one to the right of the birdhouse) every morning while brushing her teeth to see what new flower is blooming.

The succulents are looking fine in their Fall colors...

The Zinnias, although they had a rough start, are still blooming....

And the birdies left me a nice surprise in my Forsythia bush.....a pumpkin vine...

There are lots of buds and blooms and one tiny pumpkin starting to ripen. How fun is that?!


I have gone a little lighter than in past years on my Fall décor. It is all concentrated in my dining room that is decorated in Fall colors year round. It is all about the golds and browns and oranges here....I just can't do the neutral Fall décor although I love it!

A centerpiece on my dining room table....

My new hand knit pumpkin from an Etsy seller....

Some velvet pumpkins and a pillow in this corner of my dining room...

....and  my new Blessings banner on my big cupboard.

With an Etsy shop, two booths, two kitties, two men in the house and lots of Fall baking to do, that is all I can manage for now!

I hope your first week of October was filled with crisp mornings,  Autumn light through the windows and pumpkins on the vine.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:


  1. Hi AnnMarie - Happy October! It looks like you are all ready for fall with your wonderful new shop space and beautiful fall decor. You have been one busy lady! Love it all - always so fun to see your lovely home and gardens and now your great new shop. Hope you can relax a bit this weekend :) Hugs xo Karen

  2. Ann Marie, I love your garden. Such a pretty spot to sit. I wish so much luck in your new shop. I know that moving from the old place and knowing it is closing would be so sad. I would love to shop in your store. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. AnnMarie, I've told you that I've been through that area..right? I have a great friend who lives in Fairport and when I come visit she and I always do the wine trails. It's so incredibly beautiful where you are!

    Your new booth will be successful, I'm sure. :)

  4. Hi AnnMarie -- I love your new booth! Very nice display! And what I like best is that perhaps next March when we come thorugh upstate NY (and usually overnight in Geneva) perhaps I'll get to see it in person! (Maybe you, too!)

  5. Good morning, sweet friend! It was so much fun catching up with you this morning. What fun to have shipped to all those places...even Israel!

    Your little antique spot is ever so cute. I wish I could visit it in person - I'm sure I would find something that needed to come home with me {{smiles}}

    And oh, your flowers are simply lovely! Hugs to you!

  6. Congrats on the international orders! That's exciting!!

    Sounds like your new space, although smaller, might have good foot traffic and that's always a plus. I'm sure you will be successful as your space looks great with lots of fun items.


  7. Hello AnnMarie, oh I wish you a lot success with your new booth. I love how nice you set it up and it looks great. The rust angel my mom used to have and I think I have that cookbook that used to be my moms. I wish you a lot of luck with it.
    the yard and garden looks so nice. How exciting to be growing your own pumpkins.
    The weather is so warm here and I keep thinking that it's still summer. Hope you have a nice weekend and week.

  8. Congratulations on the new shop - it looks great!

  9. How exciting all your pretties are finding new homes all over the world. That is a wee bit exciting, AnnMarie. Your new shop looks amazing. So, so many gorgeous pretties to be found in there. Wish oh wish I could visit you there and buy up big. If I was your neighbour, I too would pop my head over your fence and gaze upon your lovely garden. =)

  10. That is a lot on your plate all at once. Just moving the shop is a huge endeavor. I have been to Geneva many times in years past. I grew up not too far from the Finger Watkins Glen, too.

    Hope you have a great time selling, etc. How did it go selling out of country? I have been hesitant to start that ball rolling. Is it a lot of extra work? xo Diana

  11. Wow, you've sure been busy! Congratulations on your international sales! Your new booth looks really nice. It seems like a good location where lots of people will go walking. Your yard looks beautiful still. I really like your chair with the pillow and pumpkins; it looks so inviting.

  12. It certainly has been a great fall! I will have to check out your booth the next time I drive thru Geneva! Lots of goodies there!

  13. You are a very busy gal with the move of your shop and everything else you do. I would love to visit your shop.
    Yes my flower gardens here are trying to figure out what to do in this warm weather also,we are to be in high 80's next weekend again.
    I love your little zinnia's still blooming
    Thanks for always stopping by my post

  14. Your new space is really cute. I love the finger lakes region of NY! Such a pretty place.
    Congrats on your international sales....that's exciting!

  15. Congratulations for the new shop!Love your garden!Good luck!

  16. Congrats for the new shop, AnnMarie. It seems fantastic. I wish you the best, my friend. I love the beautiful photos of your garden! Kisses!

  17. Yay on your new shop. Everything looks so nice in your new space. I bet you have so much fun there. I love the pictures of your garden. Girl, I picked some really pretty flowers on Saturday from my yard that was still blooming. But, it is still warm, warm weather in Florida. Love the pictures. So happy on your sales Ann Marie. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  18. Congratulations on your move. I wish I lived closer to come by and shop! And look you at you, all international, now. How fun!

  19. AnnMarie, sorry to hear about Rustiques but your new booth looks just as charming--some place I would love to shop if I lived closer! Your garden photos are lovely too! Blessings, Cecilia

  20. I can see it must have been a bittersweet move for you having to downsize into such a small space. You made your new spot looks so lovely and inviting though, and I'm sure you'll be really refilling your stock in no time! I love the fall touches throughout your home and I agree with you that I can't do neutrals, I've got to have color, LOL..good luck with your new booth and I'd be interested to know how you feel about international shipping. Have a blessed day!

  21. Hi AnnMarie. Congrats on your selling spree. We did the same thing many years ago and it was so exciting when anything sold. We had June Allyson (I hesitate to mention her as you might be to young to remember) old silver screen movie star. She loved my ceramic white farm animals. Your zinnias are so pretty. I don't have any in the garden but they are a favorite for bouquets. Your shop looks great and hope your good times continue on and on..Have a wonderful week..Judy

  22. The new booth looks terrific, and it sounds like an ideal location to attract customers. I'd love to visit the Finger Lakes area -- someday! What a nice compliment your neighbor paid you about your garden. Sounds like you give her the gift of a simple pleasure every day!

  23. Would love to visit this shop :) So many lovely thing´s...
    Your blog is just great!
    Love from Titti

  24. Nice to catch up on all your news and see the garden and your treasures. Good luck with your new booth!!! Sometimes new beginnings, even reluctant ones, can be a blessing.

  25. Well, you really have been busy. Moving your booth was a lot of work, I'm sure, but your new one looks fantastic. And what a lovely town to be a part of, I'm sure you'll do great. So happy your Etsy shop is doing so well. International sales -- very impressive. Have fun and don't work too hard. Take time to enjoy your lovely home. Hugs.

  26. Wow! You have certainly been busy, AnnMarie, relocating to that new spot in Geneva, setting up your new booth, baking and cooking - for two hungry men, albeit, how do you do it, all?

    Your zinnias are looking so pretty. I really should try my hand at them next spring. I've read that they are an easy flower to start even from seed. Any tips?

    Happy Fall and happy selling!


  27. I am catching up with blogs and enjoying it! Lots going on with you. I wish you the best at your new booth. I love all the photos you have shared too. Have a great weekend and thank you.

  28. I am sure this was a mixed move of emotions but it sure looks like a nice location that you have relocated to! You are such an creative and artistic soul with a discerning eye. I just know you'll be a hit here too. Still loving my French Pot that I got from you and you sent it out so quickly too!

  29. You have been a busy gal. You have some pretty eye candy there too. I do hope and pray that your new booth goes extremely well dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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