Friday, January 26, 2018

Valentine Roundup

Today my blogger friend Jemma at 
featuring some ladies from Etsy to show off
their Valentine's Day treasures.
I am one of the 
blessed ones!

Isn't she so sweet to do that? Here is a sneak
peek of the items I included
but click over to Jemma's blog
to see what's in her shop
and all the other 
pretties the ladies
are offering. There are
even some sweets!

Happy (early) Valentine's Day
Happy Shopping!

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. You have a great selection of vintage treasures, AnnMarie! Hugs, Cecilia

  2. Lovely vintage pretties, here AnnMarie; all are perfect for Valentines. Love that teapot.

  3. I love Jemma. She is a really sweet gal. We need to play catch up via email one day soon! Hope you have a great weekend. I have the grandgirls so you know how much I will get done. xo Diana

  4. So pretty Ann Marie! You must have a ball shopping for these treasures !


  5. I noticed that from Jemma's! How fun to be included. I have a sweet shortbread mold like that -- aren't they the best?

  6. Love this, AnnMarie! I just visited Jemma, not going to visit the links. I hope Jemma will continue this!

  7. from Japan . Thank Thank you as always nice newsletter.

  8. I thank you so much for joining in, I love Valentine's Day and it was a fun project!

  9. I always haunt Etsy and eBay for vintage valentine decorations, especially figurines. Love decorating for this holiday. I too love those shortbread molds!

  10. This stuff is so cute! I particularly love those mugs, although those colors no longer work for me. I was just on Etsy before I came here. I bought a set of valentine cards to send out. Valentine's Day can be a really rough holiday if you are alone, or with someone who's infirm, believe me I know. So, I make it a habit to send cards to people who otherwise would go unrecognized.

  11. How pretty! Are you still running your booth at the antique place? I am home sick today and trying to visit all my blog friends and catch up a bit. Hope your Monday is going well!

    Hugs, Vicky

  12. I love peeking at your treasures! And red hearts? You’re singing my song!!

  13. AnnMarie, how much fun it is to get together treasures for the shop. I don't do that anymore, but I remember how much fun it was. You have some very pretty things and how nice of Jemma to do this kind of a post..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  14. That Jemma is pure gold isn't she? You have some sweet stuff girlfriend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Oh, how sweet of your friend! I will stop by her blog now....

    Hugs to you, dear AnnMarie!

  16. I love looking through others ETSY shops. We bloggers have great friends

  17. Very sweet of Jemma! I'll have to hop over.

  18. I'll have to take a look! Happy Valentine's Day, AnnMarie!

  19. Very nice of Jemma to promote other shops. Your vintage finds are great. Hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day with your sweet husband. Hugs.

  20. Jemma is indeed lovely. As are you :-) I hope your Valentine's Day sales were excellent and that you had a great day altogether.

  21. Hello friend! Wondering how much snow you have on the ground... I saw your instagram post "It ain't over til it's over!" I am with ya, ready for it to be over! I'm sure you are finding all kinds of vintage goodies though!


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