Sunday, July 1, 2018

June One Day at a Time

Happy July!

Now and then I like to do a one day at a time picture post. It is fun to find an interesting or fun photo to take and post for every day.


June 1

Today it is dark and dreary. June, are you there? The bright spot of the day is when my granddaughter Cassidy and I went out to dinner and shopping. I found this cute bunny at TJ Maxx and it was on sale!

June 2

Today was my day with granddaughter Chloe. She wanted to go to the Public Market in Rochester. She was looking forward to rummaging through the two sections of boxes and boxes of toys there, and then there is the donut guy. The toys are mostly junky and the donuts are always fabulous. Fresh and hot out of the fryer....glazed or apple cider.

The toy she got broke after a few minutes and it was a surprise and a little creepy when the eyes lit up!

June 3

I always go to this June flea market early because there are usually treasures galore at great prices. Not this year :-( I did find this cute owl cookie jar for a 'just because' gift for my daughter.....the owl collector.

June 4

I finally got my fairy garden put together....this year in a birdbath. It was filled with succulents from last year so I just added a few more as trees and bushes and cleared a place for the house and garden.

June 5

My husband's boss captured these sweet little foxes outside their office building. I want one as a pet....or two!

June 6

After my son and I went out for wings for lunch we wanted ice cream. Giffords is the best ice cream but not many ice cream shops carry it. So we trekked out to Bloomfield to get some. It was a chilly 60 degrees so we ate it in the truck with the heat on! Blueberry for me and S'more's for him.

Guess what the name of the ice cream shop is? Shivers!

June 7

Today I posted my front door makeover on my blog. I had been wanting to paint it Aqua for awhile. I also made a new "wreath" out of a cute sunhat I found.

June 8

I found this vintage dresser drawer at a yard sale and decided to plant it with one of my favorite Geraniums. I found the variety that likes part shade and the Sweet Potato Vine adds a little more green to this shady area on my front stoop. Grow flowers, grow!

June 9

Today I went shopping and thrifting with my sister for the whole day. After 5 hours we were delirious and started missing turns and had to backtrack. Good thing though because we stopped at a few great gift shops and a barn sale. Here are my found treasures.

June 10

This is the 11th year that we have walked in the one and a half mile JDRF walk, which stands for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. My oldest granddaughter Cassidy was diagnosed with the disease at age 2. There are great advancements made every year to manage the disease but we are waiting for a cure. She is the tallest.

June 11

Mondays are the day that I spend with my husband. We usually work around the yard or house or go out to breakfast. Today we went to a wonderful bakery in a nearby town for breakfast and then walked it off at the Erie Canal. The historic canal runs all along several towns in our area. There just happened to be a barge going under the bridge...perfect!

June 12

Today I spent the day with my Mom Jane on her deck eating lunch and playing a card game. It was gorgeous weather. Her beautiful purple (her favorite color) Clematis were nearby.

June 13

This fabulous Aqua truck caught my eye in a parking lot where I was shopping. It would look fabulous parked out front of my house with my Aqua porch in the background. Oh look! It's for sale!

June 14

Today is Flag Day and in honor of that my granddaughter Chloe's Elementary School had a walking parade around town. Since the school is the next street over, they walk by my house. She is up front with her teacher in the leopard pants and red shirt.

June 15

After 22 years living here we finally bought an outdoor table, chairs and umbrella to enjoy meals outside in the summer. Aqua of course! Now we have to remember to go out there and use it!

June 16

My town of Palmyra decorates Main Street each Spring with a basket of flowers on the light posts, a flag and a banner advertising local businesses. This year our community theatre, Impact Theatre, was given the chance to buy a banner to display. It went up in the perfect spot. The old building behind it is the Park and Clubs Rooms, where Impact got it's start 17 years ago.

June 17th

Father's Day.....we went to a live production of Little Shop of Horrors at Bristol Theatre in Naples, NY and then to dinner at Casa di Pasta in Canandaigua. Two beautiful areas to hang out in for the day. Canandaigua Lake is one of five Finger Lakes in Upstate NY and it has the city of Canandaigua on the top tip of it and Naples on the bottom.

Canandaigua Lake from the Canandaigua side...

And the end of the lake at the Naples side....

June 18

The heat is oppressive and nearing triple digits here today which is unusual for Upstate NY.  Believe it or not this looks really good to me right now....

June 19

I found these great flag banners at Aldi's for $2.99 each. I am thrilled that I didn't have to make them (which was the plan) and that I could just hang them up for a bit of patriotic whimsy on my side porch. Gotta love Aldi!

June 20

Under the old willow tree in the front of the old library house.....

June 21

It's the first day of summer! Yay! The village I live in has historic buildings throughout it and a row of museums on Market Street. Today I was there for a yard sale and the Phelps General Store museum was all decked out for summer with orchard baskets filled with vegetables. So nostalgic.......

June 22

Yesterday at the yard sale on Market Street I found a vintage bundt pan with the best design all over it. It was just what I had been looking for to make a garden flower. Last year I bought a bunch of old, chippy porch spindles. I glued them together and wah-la! A garden flower...… available here .

June 23

I have been looking for  a set of stepping stones for my side garden for a spot that is kinda bare after I cut the holly bush out. They are hard to find and very expensive. Lillian Vernon doesn't even carry them anymore....that's where I got my daisy stepping stones years ago that I still love.

I was so excited to find these today at a local garden store, and they were 50% off. They are huge and very heavy. My granddaughter Cassidy (who is 13 and very helpful) and I carried these cement stones from the street to my garden. They are sand dollars.

June 24

Today my husband and I had a booth at the Rochester Public Market Garage Sale. Aside from the 650 + items in my Etsy shop I have a ton of other stuff in my basement and various other places in my house from booths I have had. Then there is the miscellaneous stuff that just won't sell or I just don't want anymore. A van full. Off we went to get there by 7 a.m. this morning.

Considering that it was a cold, drizzly rainy day, I did pretty good with sales. The best part is that two booths down from me was the manager of a large thrift store in the city. She took all my leftovers as a donation for her store!

June 25

I found this fabulous chippy footboard on the side of the road today. I am not sure where it will go in the garden but I want to make a "flower bed" with it. My zinnia's need to grow faster!!

June 26

The Spirea is blooming. I love the touch of pink....

June 27

These are my only two finds at the public market garage sale Sunday. I was too busy shivering in the rain to walk around to the other booths! The vintage wood chest of drawers is available in my Etsy shop here and the vintage Harry and David basket is available here.

June 28

I love the way the setting sun in the west reflects back on my garden.....

June 29

Playing Gin on the side porch with Cassidy on this 86 degree day.....

June 30

I will end this month of photos with one that I thought had a most unusual sign in front of a house on Lake Road in Ontario, New York.

Hee Haw!!

Thanks for scrolling through the past 30 days with me!


I am linking up with these blog parties:

Keep In Touch
Share Your Cup
Home Sweet Home
Best of the Weekend


  1. These are always fun posts, AnnMarie! Your grandkids are all as cute as can be. I am smiling over the winter post -we could all use a little snow with the heat levels we have had! xo Diana

  2. I LOVE your garden Ann Marie! So creative and whimsical!

    Adorable grandchildren too. You must cherish your time with them immensely.

  3. Love, love, LOVE this post AnnMarie! Fabulous idea to take a photo each day. I feel as if I was there walking by your side, joining in your daily activities, meeting your beautiful grand children. How I wish I could be. I have a brilliant idea.....go back and buy that amazing aqua truck, pick me up at the airport and take me back to your beautiful home and then we can have a cup of tea on that fabulous porch. But then, perhaps sitting on your new aqua garden setting under the shade of the canopy of the trees would be great too, seeing as it is hot....just perfect!

  4. Happy July to you, too, AnnMarie! Love when you do these posts. The pictures of the foxes are fantastic! You made me laugh about the aqua truck. I would have gotten the s'mores ice cream, I think. Sounds yummy. Enjoy your al fresco meals at your new table!

  5. It looks like you had a great month and did so many fun things. I love your pictures. I love your porch and garden too. Your grands are adorable. Hugs,

  6. AnnMarie, you have had a busy month, but such a nice diary to keep. I enjoyed it all. Those little foxes are so adorable. My brother had two show up on his property in Frenso a few years back. One was standoffish but the other was quite tame and followed him around all the time. They stayed for awhile and then just disappeared again..Happy 4th to you..xxoJudy

  7. I love how you captured the month of June Anne Marie with a picture for each day. How neat! Loving those pics with the grandbabies. Nothing like having them in our lives is there? I do love how your front porch door just pops and that hat just made it. I need to paint my front door but girl, I can't even finish my kitchen redo up yet! Mercy! Hoping you have a wonderful 4th of July Anne Marie. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. This was such a fun post. I enjoyed looking at the photos and swing what you were doing each day! The bundt pan flower sure is neat!
    Have a Happy 4th!

  9. This was so fun! I was actually disappointed that June didn't have more days, so I could keep reading. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite day to comment on except to say your whole months looks lovely...but baby donkeys for sale? Really? Omigosh. I live in the wrong part of NY!! 😉Can't wait to see what July has in store for you...

  10. I so enjoyed reading all your activities of June
    I can't believe June is over it is always such a special Month

  11. It's fun to step into your life for the month. Loved the snow shot -- made me cool for the first time in awhile! And oh, those foxes!

  12. So I have to ask.....did you buy a baby donkey????????? Tee hee your grandkids are gorgeous, what a nice month you had!!

  13. What wonderful photos! I love seeing all the fun you had in June! Let me guess. You are now the proud owner of an aqua truck and a baby donkey? ;-) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist!

  14. This is such a great post. You had a fun and busy month. Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch.

  15. The kids and I have been playing GIn. I love to play that! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  16. I love seeing your monthly photos! Your garden is so pretty. I smiled when you mentioned those stone from Lillian Vernon. I had them at my previous home. You know that I love your newly painted aqua door and that truck is fabulous! Our oldest daughter has juvenile diabetes. She was diagnosed at age 11. She is 44 now 44 and doing well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. Thanks for sharing this at Best of the Weekend, AnnMarie!


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