Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Concord Grape Pie and Grape Bread....a Labor of Love

One of the things I look forward to most in anticipation of Fall is all the great baking I can do.

One of my most favorite thing to make is grape pie from Concord grapes grown in the Finger Lakes.

I just need to drive about 45 minutes to get to Naples, NY where the grapes are homegrown in abundance. I like to stop at roadside stands to buy them or go to Joseph's Farm Market just on the edge of town.

The drive down there is beautiful, especially in the Fall and the scenery all the way never gets old.

Making grape pie is a labor of love. Harvesting the grapes is not part of it but I did have a summer job once where I had to tie all the long vines up before the fruit appeared so they could hold the weight of the grape clusters.

We will start with these...

I call it a labor of love because of how you have to prepare the grapes. It is not hard, just time consuming.

You have to squeeze the grape out of it's skin......on all of them!

Cook them down and then smash the seeds out of the pulp....

Here's the recipe so you can get started. It is from Applehood and Motherpie, a local Junior League cookbook.

Finger Lakes Grape Pie with Two
Crusts or Streusel Topping

Two pie crusts for the two crust version. One pie crust for the Streusel version. I use Pillsbury All Ready Pie Crusts. I think they are as good as homemade.

For the Filling:

3 cups Concord grapes                                            
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon butter, melted

Wash, drain and stem grapes. Remove and reserve skins. Simmer pulp for 5 minutes.
While hot, press pulp through sieve to remove seeds, or use a pestle and strainer.
Combine strained pulp with skins.
Combine sugar and flour and add to grapes. Blend in lemon juice and butter.
Pour into crust. If using Pillsbury pie crust, you will have a second crust for the top or you can use the streusel topping below.

For the Streusel topping:

This recipe is from Thru the Grapevine, another Fingers Lakes region cookbook.

1/2 cup quick cooking oats                                       Mix oats, sugar and flour; cut in butter.
1/2 cup brown sugar                                                  Place on top of pie.
1/4 cup flour
4 tablespoons butter

Bake the pie at 425 for 10 minutes and then 350 for 30 minutes, or until the top is nicely browned.

I had a bunch of grapes left over so I decided to try Grape Bread. I had just enough to make the filling and it was similar to preparing the grapes for the pie. Bonus! It makes two loaves!

Just look at this gorgeous purple dough!

 Not as pretty when they are baked....

But oh so delicious!!

Here is the recipe I used. I got it online from the Farmer's Almanac Staff.

Concord Grape Bread

1 cup Concord grapes
2 1/3 cups sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
3 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt

Remove grapes from stems and wash. Slip skins from grapes and set aside. Bring pulp to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. 

Press through sieve to remove seeds. Add skins to pulp and place in blender for a few seconds.

Bring grapes to a boil and simmer 20 minutes.

Mix together 1/3 cup sugar and cornstarch until well blended. Add this mixture and the lemon juice to the grape pulp and bring to a boil again. Cook for 5 minutes until thick. Allow to cool.

Add eggs, oil, 2 cups sugar, and vanilla. 

Sift together the dry ingredients and add them to the grape mixture. Stir until moistened. 

Pour into two greased and floured 9 x 5 bread pans. 

Bake at 350 for one hour (mine was done in about 56 minutes).


AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties this week:


  1. Growing up in PA by the NY border we had a hedgerow of Concord grapes. I can't believe I never had grape pie!!!! My mother always canned big batches of grape jelly though. What a fun post, AnnMarie! xo Diana

  2. Ann Marie, I have a soninlove that LOVES anything grape! He would love that bread! It looks too pretty to eat. How is the weather your way girl? Hope you are doing well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Oh wow, AnnMarie. These recipes look so good and yummy. I would love to bake these. I still want to make the apple bred.
    Have a good day and weekend

  4. AnnMarie... your pics are so good, I think that I just gained 10 lbs! Keep baking and have a wonderful week.

  5. That pie... Looks like work,but oh so worth It!
    I see you have the Pampered Chef baking dishes, that's all I use for my pies. I had to get rid of the heavier ones, just couldn't lift them into the oven. My cream puffs always come out beautiful on Pampered Chef.
    Beautiful scenery you have shared with us, thank you!

  6. AnnMarie, both of those recipes look utterly delicious! But I don't know that I would have the patience to prepare the grapes. Those photos of your drive are absolutely gorgeous!! I would never make it back home...I would still be driving around looking at all the beautiful sights! Love and hugs!

  7. I've never had grape pie or grape bread, and now I want them both. I'm going to pin them, and when I'm feeling ambitious, I might give them a try.

    1. Thanks for sharing your pie with Best Of The Weekend, AnnMarie!

  8. You are a true baker! I don't know if I'd have the patience to make this, I'm not a big cook, but it looks delicious and how interesting that you add the skins back in. I love the color that they add to the pie and the bread...but honestly, I never would've guessed you needed them after you slipped the grapes from them. See? Not a baker here! ;) Enjoy!

  9. I have never had grape pie, but it looks delicious. A slice of grape bread would be so good with my morning coffee. Happy weekend!

  10. Beautiful grapes and a beautiful recipe! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  11. Driving through NY with those gorgeous views just to get grapes for your pie is a double bonus, isn't it. How amazing the scenery is! Oh....and that pie looks amazing as well. Two baked pies within a period of a couple of weeks. You certainly do love Fall baking, don't you. I hope you are enjoying a slice of pie on that lovely porch of yours....or is it too chilly.

  12. I have never had grape pie, but I love grapes and this sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing at Happiness is Homemade.

  13. AnnMarie, I have never had grape pie or bread, and really didn't know there was such a thing. They sound delicious and look really pretty. I might have to give them a try. Sorry I have taken so long to reply to your last comment to me, but my grandson gave me his old IPad so I sit in a comfy chair every morning and read my e-mails then I go to the computer to answer as my fingers are too big to push those tiny buttons. I get so many that are just throw aways and my finger is faster sliding to the left than my brain. So I didn't mean to but deleted yours and just now remembered what I did. That witch in done on a silky panel and we just thumbtack it to the screen door and then tie the door back with a lamp behind it. Kids seem to like it and we have had it for a good many years. I have never seen another so hope it last a few more..Happy Weekend..Judy

  14. My husband absolutely LOVES grape pie, but he only gets it occasionally! I'll def give this recipe a try-and the grape bread looks amazing too!

  15. Oh - these look so delicious! I remember that my Grandfather grew Concord grapes on a big arbor and my Nana would make jelly for us every year. They have such a distinctive taste - sweet and sour! I'm sure you don't have a crumb left....Thank you for sharing the recipes. Wonderful photos, too. Hugs x Karen

  16. AnnMarie, since I've been there a time or two I know how beautiful it is!! I didn't know that people bake with grapes though. It has to be delicious!

  17. Great article, just what I was looking for.


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