Sunday, September 29, 2013

Craving Comfort Food - Lemon Chicken

You can find the recipe for this pumpkin pie made from a fresh pumpkin here
We are creatures of habit and routine, aren't we? Something in our makeup starts churning and conjuring up the cravings for meatloaf and stew and chili and apple pie in the Fall. Comfort foods. And for me, I usually don't crave or make these comfort foods any other time of the just doesn't feel right.

Pumpkin pie in July? Nah!
Scalloped potatoes on the side of burgers on the grill? Nah!
These two comfort dishes with meatloaf? YES!

Seasonal cravings, my son calls it.

Find the recipe for The Great Pumpkin Cake here
Our weather in Upstate NY has been gorgeous this week.....70's and sunny....not exactly weather to feed the comfort food cravings. But today I am making Lemon Chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and lima beans. And I will turn the oven on to accomplish it! Been craving it despite the weather because the calendar says Fall.

This has been a staple in my house for years. It came from an old church cookbook. My two daughters took the recipe with them when they got married. And it is SO easy!

Fresh out of the oven, it is still bubbling.

Lemon Chicken

Preheat oven to 350

4 to 6 boneless chicken fillets, pounded flat
1 stick butter, or 1/2 cup
1/4 cup lemon juice, about 2 small lemons
2 eggs, beaten
bread crumbs, seasoned

Dip chicken in egg and then bread crumbs. Fry in a pan browning both sides. Put in a 9 x 13 pan.
Melt the butter with the lemon juice. Pour over the top of chicken and cover with foil.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.

*If the boneless breasts are thick, slice them horizontally in half
*I use wax paper on top of my chicken when I pound them to keep the slime from spraying all over the kitchen!
*Depending on the size of each piece of chicken, you may have to brown them in stages.
* It may not look like there is enough sauce but it melts during the baking.

That's it! So easy but so delicious.

For the garlic mashed potatoes I use a favorite recipe from a local restaurant, Mario's.

Patate Alla Rustica

Serves 6 people

3 pounds Russet potatoes
1 cup onion, chopped
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons romano cheese, grated
1 tablespoon Italian parsley, chopped
to taste, salt and pepper

Peel and boil potatoes till cooked through, not soggy.
Heat oil in skillet and brown the garlic in it. When the garlic is light brown, add the onion and parsley and cook till onions are soft.
Put the potatoes in a mixer with garlic mix, milk, butter, cheese and season with salt and pepper. Mix until desired consistency.

I was going to use a fancy dinner plate for this picture but this is comfort food. Just my everyday dishes and fork and napkins here to help make you feel right at home.


AnnMarie : -)

I am linking up with these great blog hops this week:
Sweet & Savoury Sundays
Inspiration Monday
Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
Seasonal Sundays
Marvelous Mondays
Amaze Me Monday
Monday Mingling Blog Hop
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
You're Gonna Love It
Tuesday Trivia
Brag About It Link Party
What's It Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things


  1. Oh yes, comfort food! that chicken looks delicious

  2. I love how the cake looks, I wouldn't mind having a bite of it :-)

  3. these items look delicious! When's dinner at your place? :o)
    thanks for your comment and following! I'm following you now too! hugs-aimee

  4. looks delish! The pumpkin pie especially!

  5. Ooh, awesome! That chicken looks amazing! Our dinner is still cooking and your post is making me so hungry. :)

  6. The pumpkin cake is so cute! And the chicken makes my mouth water!

  7. I'll have to try this soon. I am always looking for a different way to cook chicken.

  8. Sounds delicious! But, I have a real question... if you've already browned the chicken in the pan, isn't it already cooked enough? Couldn't you just sprinkle the lemon into the frying pan, as well? Why bake it all that time? I ask because we pay for our gas, and it can be expensive, therefor we don't use the oven all too often.

    1. Hey have to cook the chicken in the oven because browning only cooks the outside. The inside of the chicken is quite raw and so baking for an hour finishes cooking it through. Plus it melts the butter-lemon sauce and the chicken soaks it all up....Yum!

    2. OK, thanks! I usually lightly fry very thin breasts in a covered pan for about 30 mins, turning frequently. Yours looks amazing... let me know when you're making it again... I'll come over! LOL ;)

  9. I've never had lemon chicken before, but it looks yummy.

  10. Wow, I want to come eat at your house. This all looks amazing. The pumpkin cake is to cute. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.

  11. Thanks for the recipe! I'm definitely going to try it. And I know what you mean about comfort foods. We've been having the same kind of cravings! Guess we are "storing up" for winter! LOL.

  12. Sounds quick, easy and delicious... my kind of recipe!

  13. Looks good -- I wish my husband would eat chicken. There is so much you can do with it.


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