Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Five on Friday time!

This is a fun blog party to link up to every Friday. The hosts are Darci, AprilChristina and Natasha. Just write 5 things on your mind today and post at the party! Then go read what others have been doing all week on their Five on Friday posts!

1. I have been listing and listing new items from my many thrifting excursions the past few weekends. I am always on the lookout for different and unique things I don't already have in my NaNa's Things shop. I think I found a few....

2. Tuesday was October 1st, the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and also the day I just happened to have an appointment for a mammogram. I got mine....have you gone for yours yet this year?
3. I love Fall for all the reasons everyone else does, plus another one. My church holds a ladies' bible study every Fall and it started this week. It is a nice two hours with woman learning about God's word. It is a study on the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
4. We have enjoyed gorgeous Indian Summer-like weather here in Upstate New York with temperatures in the high 70's all week. I had actually put all my capri pants and sandals away for the winter but quickly took them all out again for this weather. Saturday is supposed to hit 80.
This plant looks the best it has all summer!
It is full of petite lavender flowers.
Must be the weather!

5. In one week my husband and I are going off for the weekend alone while our son goes on a Youth Retreat. We are not going too far from home but far enough away to feel away! On the very end of Canandaigua Lake, one of the five Finger Lakes, is Naples, New York, known for it's grape vineyards, grape pies and Grape Festival every September . It is a quaint town where we found a cottage to rent for the weekend. Doesn't matter to me what the weather is like :)!

How has your week been?
AnnMarie :)
Linking up with these great parties!


  1. Hi there. I'm stopping in from Freedom Fridays. Have a great weekend!

  2. Happy Friday. Loving that pig :)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Your upcoming weekend trip sounds amazing! Have a wonderful time!


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