Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Day in The Life...June

A few months back I joined a link party at Ms.Toody Goo Shoes blog and named it April One Day at a Time. I took pictures every day in April and then wrote a few lines for each picture. It was a lot of fun and showed me how blessed I was in the little every day things.

I decided I wanted to do it again, on my own. So here is a day in my life, one day at a time, for June!

June 1st...

My large wicker basket by the couch is always full of knitting or crocheting these days....at least 3 or 4 projects at once. I am part of a prayer shawl ministry and so that is my main focus for knitting. The turquoise one on the ottoman is done, waiting for fringe. The blue ombre is a fuzzy, twisted yarn and knits up like lace when using big needles. The white yarn was leftover from a baby blanket so it is now becoming a prayer shawl with a pretty ribbed pattern. And the purple multi is my new favorite yarn with it's gnarled texture and wisps of string throughout. The $.50 a skein price at a garage sale wasn't bad either!

June 2nd...

So today the temperature hit 87 degrees and we had soup for dinner. Not just any soup....Italian Wedding Soup by request of my son Michael. I plan the menu at the beginning of the week and don't always have control of how it all fits with the weather! He still wanted it for dinner so that is what we ate. It is SO good.

June 3rd...

Rummaging through the garage for something else I found this wire basket I intended to paint and use last year. Before I let it slip away again I got the aqua spray paint out (my new favorite color) and sprayed away. The next day my husband and I were out browsing at a local farm market when I saw these pretty purple petunias. I am not usually crazy about petunias but these are the trailing kind. I thought they would look pretty once they grew in a little.

June 4th...

Rummaging around in the garage again, I found this fold up fire truck we bought for my son when he was little. He is now almost 16. I pulled it out and Chloe just loved it. The wind knocked it over a few times but she had fun playing "fire twuck".

June 5th....

When I saw a version of this patriotic window at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson I had to try it! I had all the "ingredients" to make one for myself. I had picked the window up on the side of the road as the man was taking them out of his house, with no idea what I would do with it. The flag I have had forever and the star is a barn sale find, made with wooden slats from a 100 year old home. It was put together in no time but the hanging was a little more difficult! It looks great on my front porch!

June 6th....

It's that time of year again for me. Poison Ivy time! UGH! I am sparing you the horrific pictures of my arms, stomach and neck of the actual nasty stuff (you're welcome) and showing you that once again I got it so bad that I had to go on Prednisone!!  I have no idea where I get it from almost every year because I have been told I don't have the nasty stuff in my yard. I do have a long haired kitty though...hmmmmmm

June 7th.....

The window flag replaced these cute plaques on my front porch so I had to find a place for them. My sweet friend Colleen painted them and I was the lucky one to pick them at a Christmas grab bag. I found the perfect spot for them over my side porch door. They fit there like they were made for it! A nice sentiment to enter into the world outside with!

June 8th....

I have a nice sewing machine and I used to sew A LOT. Not any more and I really don't like it anymore either! But when I saw this outdoor fabric I loved it (expensive even at half price) and told myself that I could recover this chairs' cushions once again. NOT!! I botched it up so badly that I had to leave it and revisit it several times to contain my sanity. I spent about 2 hours on it today and here it is...DONE! Not too bad, right? I will never show you the hand-sewn botched areas. NEVER.

June 9th....

My husband, son and I, along with our theatre troupe, went to look at new venues today for our Christian community theatre. It has been years in the making and we finally got two places within our budget to choose from. This one is my preference, although the other one is really nice. Quite a decision for my husband to make because there are equal pros and cons for each place. We hope to move in to a new location by September.

June 10th

Found this cute wooden pig board at a barn sale. She was painted bright pink so I thought I'd vintage her up a bit. First time using chalk paint...this is Oatmeal. I distressed her a bit to show some pink and then added these great old nails from an Etsy shop Chymiera. I'll be listing her in my shop soon.

June 11th

I look forward to the beginning of June every year just for the blooming of this tree. It is an Orange Blossom and it actually will double in the amount of blooms before it is done. It smells heavenly. I have three of these in my yard, thanks to the previous owner!

June 12th

Thank you to the birdies or the wind....whichever is responsible for transplanting these flowers in my garden! I did not plant these and they just started growing and bloomed. I also have a large Shasta daisy ready to bloom that was transplanted into my garden the same way. 

June 13th

I just love those drive-by garage sales that you decide to stop at just to see. Well, I  scored on this one when I  walked up and this fabulous mailbox from the 1960's was sitting there. It is the prettiest color of teal green and in great shape. Of course if your name is not Yancey, you'd want to remove that!

June 14th 

Today is going to be a good thrifting day. Look at all those balloons on my Yard Sale app in my area!! My fabulous finds to come!

June 15th

Father's Day. Need I say more?

June 16th

 My fabulous finds from my great thrifting day. See that toy refrigerator in pink? Love it. There's a great knotty pine tool tote, a twisted rope metal mirror, a cool metal lampshade, a couple of old crusty, rusty loaf pans, a really cute porcelain cottage made in Japan, an old chalkboard, a square cake dish with cover and a large vanity mirror, dated to before the 1950's.

June 17th

I am finally getting to this awful, overdue job!  I am the painter in the family but the prep work takes two! My husband and I have been chipping away and sanding for the past couple Mondays (his day off!) and finally got these side porch steps to the point of priming.

June 18th

Chloe is thoroughly enjoying her "open face" peanut butter and Fluff sandwich!

June 19th

The steps are done! Now to get a new screen door, finish the white trim on the porch, do the other set of stairs on the side, do the front porch floor, do the front porch steps.....

June 20th

The Margarites are bloomin'!

June 21st

What a gorgeous first day of summer! It was a little cool in the morning so it was perfect to spend the time with my prayer shawl knitting girls, The Knit Wits. They are all helping me rip out a piece of knitting (being held by Darlene in the pink) that was not coming out the way I wanted it to. The group effort was quick and fun!

June 22nd

Rhubarb and strawberries are in season and ready for pickin' in Upstate NY. My first fresh Strawberry Rhubarb pie of the season. I made it a 10", just enough for the three of us!

June 23rd

Getting ready for our vacation to Amish country in Lancaster, PA. The suitcases make an appearance early the week we leave and start filling up, throwing things in as I think of them.

June 24th

My son Michael's advisor from school called today. She wanted to give me his grades for his Regents exams, fourth quarter and cumulative year grades. I scribbled them on a piece of scrap paper as I listened to her praise my son for his great effort, discipline and all around great performance for the school year. We went straight to the mall and got him his LeBron James basketball shoes he'd been wanting. A well deserved reward for a job well done! I found out after this picture was taken that the regents score for Spanish was an 85.

June 25th

Almost 3 years ago my girlfriends gave my daughter Jena a baby shower for Chloe before she was born. This dress was a special gift from Lora. Finally, I get to see how adorable it looks on her!

June 26th

Who eats healthy in your house? In mine, it is usually me. What used to be two separate meals every night....one for my husband and I and one for my picky eater son.... has turned into two separate meals almost every night....one for my husband and son and one for me. That pizza on the left is oozing with butter, garlic and mozzarella on a cheese stuffed crust. The one on the right (mine!) has a thin crust with sauce, onion, black olives, spinach, tomato slices and a sprinkling of fresh mozzarella and romano cheese. So healthy to look at and so good to eat.  I think I have the healthier arteries too.

June 27th

Finally, a small break from packing and a moment to sit and relax and crochet while the boy (our childhood name for him) shoots some baskets.

June 28th

Today was our traveling day to Lancaster, PA, Amish Country. We are staying in an 1800's farmhouse on an Amish Dairy farm in East Earl, Pennsylvania for the next week. They raise registered Holstein cows for milking and there are some babies there right now. So cute!!

June 29th

Our first day venturing out and my son Michael spies a Sonic restaurant. We don't have them in our area of Upstate NY but he sees them advertised all the time on the NBA station he watches. We had to make a pit stop for him to get a Sonic double cheeseburger and one of their famous shakes.

June 30th

A contrast of two worlds....
Us in our black 2014 Toyota Camry rental car with the windows up and the air conditioning on....
This young Amish couple out for an evening ride in their open air horse and buggy....

More adventures ahead in July, I am sure!

Happy 4th!

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. Looks and sounds like you got a lot accomplished during the month of June. Love the kitty peeking around the door 8th pic down. It is probably saying I did not mean to give you poison ivy. :)

  2. Hello, I am new to your blog. It was interesting to read about your June, and what a great idea to chronicle it in this way. I look forward to reading more from you as time goes on. xx

  3. I joined that party, too, and loved it!! This is my new way of 'scrapbooking!" No cutting, no pasting, not expensive paraphernalia - just photo editing and posting! My family likes to have access to the photos, as well. Looks like you had a great June! It's fun to look back at those blessings, some you forget about! I'll work on my 'June' later in the week. Garden is calling today. Happy July!!!

  4. What an awful lot of very interesting things you've been up to in June. Very enjoyable blog post.

  5. What a great idea! It makes such a different to always be aware of the blessings we have each and every day. I may have to do something like this sometime soon.

  6. I'm working on a prayer shawl too. Want to start on something else because of total boredom. Got the prayer shawl yarn at CraftsBits'nPieces.

    A picture a day for a month - cute idea. I'd have to make it for a week at a time to save myself for total boredom again.

  7. Wow! You had a very busy month. I like that you shared a variety of things.

  8. Wow! I love how you shared your month with us! I really like your patriotic display.

  9. What a fun, full month! I love, love the aqua wire basket with the purple petunias!

  10. Fabulous, AnnMarie! You are one busy & amazing lady! I was in Amish Country just last spring & enjoyed it immensely. I took a picture of a Mennonite woman on a scooter! Some of the scenery is breathtaking. Some of it is heart breaking when you see a car dealership in the background of a beautiful farm. I wish I could have spent more time there. I hope you had a great visit. Looking forward to your next post.....

  11. Scanned over your post -- The little girl is a sweetie and I saw one of those chairs at our local salvation army thrift store but it didn't have any pads. Looks very interesting and inviting with the pads you made. You had a very interesting month - - I think I would only be able to post one highlight per week as my life is not that full or interesting. Maybe I'll try it.

  12. a fun way to celebrate the month!
    Chloe is so cute!
    uggh! poison ivy. how awful! I remember my mother being bed ridden with it when I was a child.


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