Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Grilled Chicken, Corn and Avocado Salad

The perfect summer salad.

I shared this salad a couple years ago but had to post it again after having it for dinner tonight.

It is SO good!

It is perfect for summer because two parts of it are grilled....the corn and the chicken. Local corn on the cob will be ready soon here in Northeast US. What they have in the grocery store right now is pretty good too! The avocado with the shredded parmesan cheese and the homemade dressing add just enough zing to make it a really satisfying main dish. You won't feel cheated by having a salad for dinner. Just ask my meat and potato loving husband and son!

It is simply called Grilled Chicken, Corn and Avocado Salad.

Serves 4 (not really!!)

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary (I use 1 tblsp. dry)
4 cloves garlic minced (about 1 heaping Tablespoon)
4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
kosher salt
black pepper
12 oz chicken tenders
3 ears corn, shucked
baby spinach
romaine lettuce, chopped
1 avocado, diced  *see tip*
shredded parmesan cheese

In a small bowl whisk lemon juice, rosemary, garlic, 3 Tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a little pepper.
Pour half of the dressing into a large ziplock bag. Add the chicken, seal and refrigerate about 30 minutes. Set aside the remaining dressing.
Fire up the grill to medium. Rub the corn with the remaining tablespoon of oil and grill till golden on all sides. Allow to cool and cut kernels off the cob.
Grill the chicken next till just cooked through but still juicy. Chop coarsely.
Get your largest bowl out ( I use my Italian pasta bowl) and fill it up with a mix of spinach and romaine, or any other of your favorite greens. Add the chicken, corn, avocado and remaining dressing. Top with shredded parmesan. Toss it all together and serve.

* my daughter showed me an easy way to dice the avocado, as I was always struggling to peel it first! With skin on, pierce it vertically all the way around and pop it open with the knife. Leave the avocado in it's shell. Take the seed out. Use the tip of your knife to make vertical then horizontal cuts in it then scoop the pieces out with a spoon.

I am always tempted to eat the corn right off the grill but I wait because it tastes great in the salad!
You can see all the individual ingredients here.....yum!

Actually I take a larger portion than this and then have seconds!

And it's gone!!

Seriously, three of us ate the whole bowl. Did I mention that it is SO good? And that two of the three usually want a hearty meat and greasy side dish meal every night?

Happy grilling!

AnnMarie xo

I am linking up with these great blog parties!

Inspiration Monday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Showcase Your Talent Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Tasty Tuesday
What's It Wednesday


  1. Oh A. that looks amazing and it sure looks like you guys enjoyed it :)

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Sometimes I struggle to be inspired to cook in the summer so I just eat a LOT of green salads, this is the full meal deal, love it :)

    Cheers, T. :)

  2. Sounds and looks yummy - thanks for sharing the recipe.
    I am not a fan of avocado, so would leave that off. :)

  3. I would eat everything too ! looks so yummy !

  4. This looks AWESOME! I'm going to make it tonight!

  5. WOW this looks so delicious. Now I am hungry and it's not near lunch yet!! LOL
    Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  6. This salad looks so yummy! I need to try making this dish soon.

  7. That sounds delish! I'll have to try it.

  8. Oh my I love this, pinned, followed you here from the Wednesdays link up party.

  9. Looks delish and bright and colorful. Yum-mo!

  10. Looks like a great combination! Great pix too. I'm pinning!

  11. Hi AnnMarie,

    Your salad looks and sounds absolutely delicious, and it's the perfect dish for those hot, sizzling summer days! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Oh this looks so good and I can't wait to try it! Love, love avocados and the dressing sounds so good too! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Pinned.

  13. I was desperately needing new Summer salad ideas and this one is perfect! Can't wait to try it!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!

  14. I've got to try this!!


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