Thursday, August 14, 2014

August is....

In the Finger Lakes area of Upstate New York, as I am sure is true in your part of the world, there are telltale signs that a season has arrived or is winding down.

The beginning of August is the best part of summer here. The local vegetables are ready, the garden is in full bloom and the warm, sunny days are more abundant.

Here is a pictorial view of August in my part of the world.

This is the "new" view of my garden from the side porch. I will always remember that it was this August when we got our new Victorian style screen door. It is a slammer. You know, no catch or turning knob, just push it open and let it slam shut. Brings back memories of the cottage I visited summers growing up.

Sunflowers are abundant and in bloom. These are the pollen-free variety from a local farmer at the public market. So happy my daughter Jena found these for me....usually I can't have them in my house because of the pollen.

Fresh picked tomatoes from the garden sitting on the window sill to finish ripening.

Local gardens, like my daughter Candice's are overflowing with zucchini, cucumbers green peppers and jalapeno peppers. The zucchini in this picture are considered small and the cucumbers are extra large!

Fading flowers (day lilies and bee balm) and newly bloomed flowers. August is the time for black-eyed Susans.

Fresh local raspberries to pick. Another round of picking happens in late August, early September.

A second blooming of my Marguerite daisies. If I am diligent and get out there to deadhead this patch, I am blessed with another pretty show.

This August has been very rainy and chilly at night. I actually saw a tree where the top leaves have already turned orange from the cold. My poor hens and chickens are living in mud. The lawn is doing great though, almost needing to be mowed twice a week!

August is also the time for camp. This will be my son's 7th year at Camp Onseyawa. In a few more years he can go back as a counselor. The camp is sponsored by a local Rotary Club that uses a campground on Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes. 

It's going to be a cold one this year sleeping in these!

It just wouldn't be August without fresh corn. There are cornfields everywhere but not many roadside stands in my town. This one is in an odd place.....a future construction site, just all by itself, no cornfields in sight! It has the best sweet corn, large tomatoes and other local veggies. Best part is that it is about 2 minutes from my house!

I haven't been in a few years to pick blueberries but it is addicting! It is peak season here right now. My son and I went to get a few pints one day and found rows of blueberry bushes with an abundance of large berries on them. We couldn't stop picking (or eating them while we were picking!) and went home with enough to eat in a bowl with honey for breakfast and make blueberry pie. 

And, one of my most favorite signs of August is the blooming of the Hosta. I just love Hosta and have several varieties around my garden and house. These are my favorite for the trumpet style white flowers that bloom. They are very fragrant too. They run along the front porch by the driveway.  I will have to move those someday closer to where we can smell them more!

Summer is winding down and then I will start thinking of all my favorites of Fall. There is not a blog page big enough to list them all!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:


  1. You still have lots going on in your pretty garden - love the view from your screen door. Yes - I remember the sound when one slams shut. :)
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. I so enjoyed this post, AnneMarie! Your gardens are so pretty, and I am a little wistful about the end of summer. Love your new screen door, and hope your son is enjoying camp!

  3. Oh my goodness friend! Your view into your garden is gorgeous!!!!!! What a delight to have all of those blooms right out your door!!!!! I was completely inspired by your post! Lovely weekend to you! Nicole xo

  4. I live not so far from you, up on Lake Champlain, and your words capture our August as well! I insisted on a slamming screen door, too (the best kind), and we have been feasting on corn! It's been cold these last few days!

  5. What a fun, August-themed post, AnnMarie. Your gardens are beautiful and your berry photographs are stunning! I didn't realize you were in the Finger Lakes. I attended Wells College on Cayuga and my husband and I spent part of our honeymoon on Seneca :) We love it out there--

  6. ihr garten ist herrlich, ich liebe die gelben blumen!!! alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  7. We have the same screen door! The view from yours is prettier.

    Blueberries are done here, now we start on pears.

  8. I have two deck "container gardens" of tomatoes... and all we have received are green tomatoes. Must have been too shaded from all of our trees! The only bummer from this summer!

  9. First of all I have to say I L♥ve your screen door!! Simply gorgeous! Pretty sunflowers, for some reason mine did not reseed this year, not that I ever put them in my yard, must have been the birds ;). Nothing grand like your more of a wild variety for the birds, but still disappointed :( Your Raspberries and Blueberries make me miss Kodiak. When we were stationed there, Salmonberries (like a raspberry on steroids) and blueberries grew wild. Miss that 'free' abundance.
    OK this is weird, are your Hens & Chicks in a pot or a colander? either way I have one just like it from my Grandmother with plants in the pot, but still use the colander. LOL
    Have a great weekend

  10. Love the view from your gorgeous screen door! Such an amazing garden.

  11. I love the pictures of your garden. How wonderful! I live in New Mexico where the landscape is pretty but desert-like. This is a treat for my eyes!

    Maria from

  12. Those fresh fruits and veggies look so good especially the raspberries :)

    Such a lovely post, AnnMarie :) Have a wonderful week! Hugs to you

  13. Loved the tour of your garden, especially through the "gingerbread" of your new screen door. Bittersweet. Love Summer, love Fall, but Winter is something to get through aas fast as I can.

  14. This is such a beautiful post. I love all of the pictures. We were just in Hartford and we saw trees already changing color also. Which is really strange. They don't normally change until the end of September and into October.

    Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Have a great week.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  15. What great summer photography! I love seeing the similarities and differences to my Pacific Northwest summer. I must confess, summer here is my favorite and I don't really like to leave the area. We went to an abandoned blueberry farm last week and picked blueberries and blackberries, every scratch was worth it! Some trees are already turning here also, which is quite unusual.

  16. Oh my friend, love that view from your screen door! Your garden is gorgeous! I too love this time of year. We have been getting an unusual amount of rain as well. The gardens are loving it. I have plans to snap a few photos of my Aug. garden soon. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful August with SYC. I will be featuring you this week.

  17. The view out your screen door is just gorgeous! It's fun to read about all the things you have growing and available to you this month. Here in the deep south, most of the things you mentioned are already gone. :(
    Thank you for sharing your lovely post at Wake Up Wednesday!

  18. The flowers around your house and in your yard are so beautiful! Yeah, were about to come to a close to another summer season.

  19. Dear AnnMarie, This tour of fall in your area was lovely. I remember going to local farm stands as a girl with my mom. She loved the local fresh veggies; though now these farms are all gone and the drive is quite a distance to the fresh farm stands.
    The screen door is very pretty and your garden is beautiful.
    The weather has been on the cool side here too. I don't mind it a bit though it is pleasant.
    Enjoy this season since they seem to pass much too quickly.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  20. I loved this - all your photos & the area where you live are stunning! You should work for their tourism department!! I know I have been a little absent this summer in commenting but I have been reading right along (just busy trying to get my house sold) with all of your posts. I TRULY hope your son is on the mend. How scary about his collapsed lung. Thanks for always brightening up my day with your pictures & words. Please know that even if I don't get a chance to comment, I thoroughly enjoy your blog & look forward to each entry! Happy end of summer, AnnMarie!

  21. I adore your door and the view. Love slammers.
    This post makes me want to move in next door!
    I love Autumn, too.

  22. I love your screen door and the view of your beautiful garden. The raspberries look so yummy. . .one of my favorite things to eat. I once visited the Finger Lakes. It's a lovely area. You're blessed to live there. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. It brought me here. xxx ~ Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage

  23. What a delightful blog! Your summer is so different than ours in Dallas. 104 degrees here today and we are one water rationing! Your lovely pictures had a way of cooling me off this evening! Thanks!

  24. Hi AnnMarie,

    My goodness, there is so much August beauty in this post! Firstly, your flowerbed and even the blue exterior of the house in the background is so pretty!! How lovely to wake up to such a welcoming sight every day. Home grown fruits and veggies are definitely another delight of the season and your daughter's harvest is proof of that! How I miss fresh blueberries and raspberries - sadly, we don't get them on the island, and they are so full of antioxidants and other good things - like pies and muffins!;)) Can you believe that I've never searched to see if I can grow hosta here in the Mediterranean? I've never actually seen any in all of Greece! Thanks for sharing all your gifts with us, AnnMaire! Have a wonderful weekend!

    P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment on my current post!:)

  25. Here in the south, our gardens are struggling neath the heat - loved seeing your photos - it's fun to learn how things are different from place to place! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  26. I love your new screen, so pretty. Your garden looks amazing too! Our weather is rainy and not so warm, I am hoping September will be nicer. x

  27. Beautiful post - I too love picking blueberries - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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