Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One for You and One for Me

I have been thrifting and picking for a LONG time. At first it was to decorate a 100 year old farmhouse and I filled it with primitives and charming country items.

Now I thrift mainly for items to sell in my Etsy shop.

I realized after accumulating some really fabulous pieces to sell, that I had lost that zeal for decorating my own home with newly picked  items because my focus was all on my shop. I live in an 1870's Victorian now and it is a mix of primitive, country, Victorian and shabby chic!

I had been reading lots of decorating blogs and was so drawn to the ones showcasing all white rooms and chippy painted items. I looked at my home with new eyes (us pickers have eagle eyes!), and as my decorating taste changed, so did the items I began offering in my shop.

I have evolved from loving the primitive and country reproduction kind of look to not being able to get enough of the rusty, shabby, chippy painted look that comes naturally with age.

This stool and planter is a keeper!

So, this post is about the great vintage finds I am keeping for myself (sorry!), some I WANT to keep but have no room to put, AND about the duplicate items I found so that there is one for you and one for me.

I cannot resist most things red, so when I saw the larger red metal 1960's lawn chair I couldn't resist. The $8 price helped too! I thought about selling it but when I put it in my garden behind the Hostas', well, there it stayed. It was too big to ship anyways!

So, don't I find a child's size metal chair very red! I paid the same price but I totally intended to sell this one. Not too big to ship, desirable, great condition. Until I put it in the garden next to the Mama chair. Yeah, these fall under the "keeping" category!

I used to cross stitch samplers so I know the work involved in one this size, 11 x 14. This one is gorgeous! It would go so perfect in my cobalt blue and white kitchen. I found a chippy wood frame in turquoise that just frames the other colors perfectly. How cute is the saying? I have to part with it though, so for a closer look, it is available here.

If you're a thrifter, maybe you can relate to this. You know how when you walk up to a yard sale and the owners are elderly? You figure they don't know much of the value of their old things these days. Well, I got this particular spunky little lady wrong! I tried talking her down for this fabulous white and cobalt blue colander. She knew her stuff and wouldn't budge. She told me that it is pretty rare to find that color combination in a colander, and she's right! I paid her price and knew I was keeping it. Did I tell you my kitchen is cobalt blue and white?!

When I saw this tulip light in a thrift store I immediately thought "yuck, gaudy" and passed by. On my second trip around the store (I always take a second look while picking) I looked at it with renewed interest and saw how unique and really fabulous it is. It is in great condition and although it would go great in my cranberry and pink parlor, I have to part with it. For that retro, 70's look, it can be all yours here!

Before my head was totally wrapped around my Etsy shop and buying goodies for it, I found this fabulous hand painted Ransburg cookie jar at a barn sale. I grabbed it not knowing, or caring, where I would use it in my house. I used it for awhile on the front porch for a plant but then, because of it's Fall color palette, decided to make it a permanent part of my dining room, which is decorated in Fall colors. I thought about selling it but, NAH!

Then, at another barn sale I found another cookie jar almost identical. Same maker, age and pretty hand painted look.The colors are a little different. Since I am trying not to be a hoarder, I knew I had to sell it. Find this beauty here.

I never intended to keep this cute, 1950's rooster metal tray. Until I set it up on the top of my cupboard while looking for a box to ship it in (it's 19" in diameter!).  I loved it there and there it stayed. I really like how the gold trim and accents go with my cupboard and how the red just makes it pop off the wall.

I kinda stopped looking for a large enough box for it until I found another tray exactly like it recently. I grabbed it for my shop and now there is one for you and one for me! As of this posting I have not found a box so it is not listed YET, but it will be there for you soon I hope!

This final item is a keeper for me although I really did intend to sell it when I found it. It is already hung in my kitchen!

I actually took all the photos for the listing and set up the page to fill in the description. I went into the kitchen for something, looked at the glass curio cabinet hanging between the two doors and that is when my mind started to work. "Hmmm, I wonder how that fabulous, old kitchen cupboard drawer would look hung on my wall filled with the same things that are in my cabinet?" I thought. I shared my thoughts with my husband and asked if he would help me find out. Within a few minutes, it was hanging and I love it!! It is helping to create the look of that all white, vintage clean look for my kitchen. Well, cobalt blue and white since I won't be changing the tiles anytime soon!

It is getting harder and harder to resist keeping things that I find but space and common sense helps with that! I have over 430 items in my shop and the space to keep them alone is running short! I can't help it though, I've got the bug and I can't stop myself from hunting for that next perfect vintage item.

Will I keep it or sell it? Or will I find two so that I can for you and one for me!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these great blog parties:

Adorned from Above
Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party
Vintage Inspiration Party
Anything Blue Friday
Freedom Fridays with all my Bloggy Friends
Pink Saturday
Vintage Inspiration Party
Make It Pretty Monday
Treasure Box Tuesday
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
A Return to Lovliness


  1. These are some awesome pieces and I have to agree with the decision to keep the large red chair.

  2. Hi AnnMarie, wow what great finds! I love it all. Good luck with your etsy shop.

  3. Hi AnnMarie - So many good finds! If I could get my garage cleared out, I'd collect chairs and paint them for garden chairs. I think about it every time I drive by a tag sale and see oddball chairs that I know people are selling for next to nothing. Maybe I'll grab one and give it a try. My husband will think I'm crazy but he should be used to me by now!

  4. Love, love, love the stool and planter - yes, they are definitely keepers :) Great items AnnMarie :)

    Hugs to you!

  5. Great finds that will sell well if you desire.

  6. The stool and planter made my heart sing! Exactly what I love too. Well as of right now my easy is empty. Why? Because I buy things and then can't part with them. Or never find the time to take photos and list. I either need to get on the stick or take it off my blog. lol! Glad you are finding some fun stuff to keep. You know how much I love the red chairs!!

  7. Dear AnnMarie, You certainly find beautiful things. I understand how it must be hard to part with the things you find. I like things that are vintage. They have personality and charm. They have a story and they make you wonder what it is. I love your taste in these items. I really do.
    I am drawn to the color red too. My mother loved red.
    Have a beautiful rest of the weekend. Relax and enjoy. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  8. I love your photos especially the one of the little distressed table outside. Maria’sSpace

  9. I love so many of the items. I enjoy your style too.

  10. You have some really great vintage pieces, AnnMarie. I love how you used that tray on the wall for collectables. Brilliant! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. I hope you'll come back and link up to my Every Room In The House party. You've got all month to do so. :) Hugs, Nancy

  11. You have great taste, AnnMarie! I love all of your treasures, especially the cookie jar; can't resist those pretty petals! Good luck with your sales and enjoy your keepers; they'll lovely in your beautiful home!


  12. You know I understand your dilemma totally. I hope you have a barn.

  13. AnnaMarie, you have a great eye for putting all of these pieces together and making a pretty inviting home.

  14. Great finds! My favorite is actually something I saw in the background, the little city transport bus!

  15. Some really great finds, especially the Red Chairs. They would be keepers here too.

  16. I would never think to use a vintage cookie jar as a planter! I love how you are able to look at an object and find such great ways to re-purpose and use.

  17. I have that exact same Santa! He is adorable! Don't let your cat sleep on it though like I did thinking it was cute! Fur impossible to get off! LOL Love your blog!!!! Want to see a whole house tour!


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