Sunday, October 5, 2014

Barn Sale

Those two words just get my picking fingers going and my heart fills with the thrill of the hunt!

So many great large items I had to pass by for things I could easily ship.

It was a good day at the barn sale!

There is a barn sale every October a few streets over from me. The owner owns the antique shop in town and whatever is left over from auctions and estate sales that she doesn't want to sell in her shop, she sells at the barn sale.

There is a large metal barrel, a metal bucket, a gorgeous basket, milking stool
hand painted enamel coffee pot, a chamber pot, enamel bowl, red transferware
creamer, baby shoes, syrup jar, wooden drawer, horse brass and an old
pig cutting board

It may not all be antique shop worthy, but it is all fabulous vintage stuff to me!

On the wicker chair is a Santa peg doll, a Santa shadow dancer by the artist Young, a red
transferware creamer, a silhouette picture, baby shoes and a wooden drawer.

Before we go any further, I have a confession to make.

Isn't she cute with her eyelashes?

This sale has been so good in years past that I just had to skip the first part of my Ladies' bible study at my church to be one of the first ones there at 9 a.m. I did debate about this over and over with myself but in the end I decided this was a once a year BUSINESS  thing so I had to indulge....I mean do my duty to my shop!

Love the patterns on these pretty pieces.

I planned it all out. I am a multitasker so it wasn't hard to do.

I already have one of each of these so this may
become a "one for me, one for you (my shop)"!

 I was going to get there at 9:00 on the dot and be gone in 20 minutes.....which includes finding fabulous things, going around twice (which I HAVE to do) and paying. I would still make it to the second half of bible study. Aside from the wonderful spiritual insight I was to gain, I had to go because I was to pick up a gift, drop off a check and I had signed up to bake goodies for the ladies. Thinking ahead, I had dropped those off the night before. I HAD to make this work!

I love how the hand painted bright orange and yellow sunflowers give
this enamel coffee pot a whimsical look.

I arrived at 8:50 a.m. and there were others there already. Great! I was 10 minutes ahead of schedule. I had to bypass all the fabulous vintage chairs, chests, trunks and other large objects (not shippable for me) outside to get to the goods. As soon as I entered the barn itself I started picking and gathering and stock piling. I actually had to start a pile by the checkout so that I could go back for more.

How could I pass up a chamber pot? It has cobalt blue trim. The
bowl is pretty beat up but it is enamelware so I couldn't pass it up.

At 9:20 I was out of there! On the way to church I realized my phone had died. I did not feel comfortable going 20 minutes away from home without anyone being able to get in touch with me. I do still have a kid in school. I turned around and went home to get my charger. Once on my way again, isn't there a train ready to cross the tracks?! Bad timing!

A close up of the Santas. I used to collect Santas. I am being very
brave listing these to sell!

I made it to bible study in pretty good time though. I was blessed with a lot of spiritual insight, picked up the gift, dropped off the check and all my baked goods (I made the pumpkin bread from my last post, here) were almost all gone!

This is called a horse brass and it is so unique. I used to make necklaces
out of these. It is a solid brass medal that horse owners would hang on their
horses' neck to identify them. They were made with many different symbols
according to what the horse owner wanted.

Totally worth the effort, don't you think?

I love the wooden items I got. The stool is so small and cute!
My heart skipped two beats that for the wicker basket and one for
the berry basket. It is quite large and may be too big to ship.....
hmmm, I may have to keep it!

Now I need to clean, primp, photograph, research, and list all my fabulous finds in my Etsy shop. I may have to keep a few things for myself......but don't I always?!

Oh yeah, I am definitely keeping this, found at a garage sale I just happened to be going by on my way home from getting cider and donuts....

He is from the 1950's and so nostalgic to me. He already has a few cracks and is very fragile. Because I just don't want to take a chance trying to ship him, I have to keep him for myself. He will probably hang right where he is at holiday time or maybe in an upstairs window.

Quite an adventurous day and the weather was absolutely divine. A perfect Fall day!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Amaze Me Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make It Monday
Make It Pretty Monday
Show and Share
Treasure Box Tuesday
Anything Goes - You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Let's Talk Vintage (a new party!)
Vintage Inspiration Party
What's It Wednesday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Freedom Fridays with All My Bloggy Friends


  1. I want to start going to thrift stores and garage sales again but struggle with it because I don't like clutter in my home, and don't really need anything. But I have decided that I need some dishes and props for photographing my recipes, so I think I'll start there. A lot of odds and ends dishware at the local Salvation Army store are 25 cents each. Can't beat that.

  2. Nice haul! I have not been to any sales in some time now as I never finished my decluttering. Don't need to add anything.

  3. AnnMarie,

    You managed to do really well, with your treasures and all your other obligations. I can see these fabulous finds in your home. Thanks for sharing and enjoy!


  4. I think you found some great little treasures! Thanks for sharing your finds with us at our Make It Monday Link Party!

  5. Those are two of my favorite words too! You found some great treasure, sounds like a fun day!

  6. Great finds! I'd love to go picking with you. I particularly like the berry basket & the red transferware vase. Lovely! Curious that you have another bucket, my friend.....just in time for a good Halloween scare! Thanks for sharing your super barn picks!

  7. Great finds--my kind of sale! Blessings, Cecilia

  8. LOL ~ fun story. And great finds.
    Have a great week,

  9. Wish I could have been with you! Great finds!

  10. I love a good barn sale! Looks like fun and you found some great things.

  11. Mah goodness! You sure did gather up a lot and check out in record time! Wowie!

    Perfect for joining in with my new linky party!!!!! Hop on over... I need a couple more folks to make it a hip hoppin' party! It is called "Let's Talk Vintage" and I'm doing it every Tuesday.

  12. What great treasures you found! I love the hunt as well.

  13. There has to be a special guardian angel for true junkers who stray from Bible study to attend a wonderful barn sale. :>)))

  14. It does look pretty irresistible. A once a year barn sale would be hard to pass up! Glad you found some things for your shop.

  15. Barn sales are the best! So many great finds. I love the enamel pieces.

  16. I really love the colorful coffee pot. Looks like a lot of great finds!


  17. I want everything you showed us LOL
    Love the red & white cream pitcher I really want that
    What a great sale !!!!!!!!

  18. Looks like you hit the mother lode.

  19. Such wonderful treasures! I love the pig with the eyelashes, so cute!

  20. I love every single one of your purchases, AnnMarie!! Yes, it was worth it :) The pink transferware creamer and syrup jug are both just terrific, and you know I love enamelware, too--

  21. What FUN! Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  22. Dear AnnMarie, You certainly planned this day ahead!! I am happy for you, you sound excited and so pleased with all of the treasures from the barn sale. They are very nice. The Santa face in the window is vintage. We had one when I was growing up; definitely brought back memories.
    Blessings dear. Catherine

  23. Just wanted to pop on over and let you know I featured your barn sale in my Link Party today! Thanks so much for taking part in my "Let's Talk Vintage" party! I've got another one started this morning. :)

  24. Oh cutie I am so jealous over your Santa head! I have been looking for one. We had one growing up and I loved it. Santa got a hole in his nose and I think Mom must've gotten rid of him. I saw one once at an estate sale, but someone beat me too it. I'll just keep looking. So glad you found one to enjoy! I wish we had barn sales. Not that many barns around here anymore. I am interested in the red transfer ware creamer. If you do sell it will you let me know how much? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. I love your finds! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week's party. Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  26. All that stuff is amazing- I especially love the red and white pitcher and the old buckets! I wish I could find a sale like this around my area:)


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