Friday, October 3, 2014

Chloe and Her Leaves

My 3 year old granddaughter Chloe visits me for the day every Wednesday.

She found a new thing she likes to do at NaNa's. In the afternoon when it is warmer and sunny but the grass is still wet, we go outside to the front walk to chalk.

She loves finding sticks and since the leaves are falling and gathering on the ground she has found some other new"natural" play things.

Gathering them up, she makes a pile.

There must be a variety of leaves. Once the leaves are gathered from the ground she pulls them off of plants and trees. Those are special and funny because it makes NaNa scream! Like the leaves from the already bloomed Iris!

Then start chalking. You have to be precise and diligent in your work.

Getting the chalk on just right.

Finish them off with a jab here and a jab there with the stick.


Yes, Chloe, you should be proud of a good job!

Happy Fall!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:
The Pin Junkie Pin Party
Freedom Fridays with All My Bloggy Friends
The Weekend Re-Treat Link Party
Share Your Cup Thursday
Strut Your Stuff Saturday


  1. Chloe is a doll, AnnMarie (she has one of my favorite names). She's quite an artist, too. Great photos of your precious girl. Have a great weekend. ~ Nancy

  2. She is precious! What lovely chalk renderings, Chloe!! :)

  3. Oh this is so cute! My girls love leaves and chalk too, hadn't thought of combining the two, but will give it a try, thanks for a great idea!!

  4. What sweet pics of your granddaughter. I like her fall project with the leaves and chalk, very cute!

  5. Dear AnnMarie, How sweet. These are beautiful memories being made. Have a beautiful weekend. Catherine

  6. Such wonderful memories you are helping Cloe make. A delightful budding artist.

  7. How precious! Reminds me so much of my little Saydee. She too loves bits of nature, as do I. Chloe is a girl after my own heart. Very creative little thing! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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