Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thankful Heart

I woke up to this beautiful winter wonderland this morning with a thankful heart for all that God has blessed me with. 

After three years of blogging I can say that I am so thankful for all of my faithful followers and those I have connected with in the blogging world through their wonderful blogs.

Thank you for your visits and comments. I treasure  each one!

Happy Thanksgiving!

AnnMarie xoxo

P.S. Anyone want to come to dinner in Upstate NY? We have enough food for 10 people and there are 3 of us!! You can see the winter wonderland in person!

I am linking up with these great parties!

Share Your Cup Thursday


  1. And I am thankful for you, AnnMarie! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. :) I, too, am thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met blogging. I am so grateful for you and your blog. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with love, joy, and great food.
    I live in Texas and our forecast is 66 degrees today. Thanks for sharing your beautiful picture and allowing me to live vicariously through you! Please throw a snowball for me!! :) <3

  3. Wishing you and yours a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, AnneMarie! Enjoy!


  5. What a gorgeous photo--we don't get much snow in my part of Texas! I am counting my blessings too! Happy Thanksgiving, Cecilia

  6. Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

  7. I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
    Mary Alice

  8. Beautiful photograph, though I am thankful we did not wake to snow. I am sure the food is all gone now, but the blessings remain all year.

  9. Even though I hate winter, I have to admit that the snow is gorgeous (as in your photo!) Hope your holiday was happy :)

  10. Ann Marie, I too have a thankful heart! Very happy to have found you! Oh, I would have loved to have come and seen the snow. We had record warm temps today. Crazy Dec! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. What a beautiful winter wonderland indeed! We had a little snow here too in Massachusetts. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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