Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Vintage Finds Under the Tree

and oh, what a tree I found!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the three floor antique emporium and there it was. Red and fabulous! It only took two minutes to find someone to help me take all the ornaments off so that I could buy this tree.

Last year I decided that since I am such a vintage junkie, shouldn't my Christmas decorating be too? I started replacing my hum-drum newer Christmas decorations with vintage ones, wrestling with myself with each purchase whether to keep it or to sell it. This is the busiest time of year, right?  Let's just say last year I kept more than I listed to sell!

That is when I found this fabulous vintage silver tree (the sparkle is magic!). I already had all the old silver balls, angel ornaments and garland, bought at a garage sale that summer, just because.

And I found this one too....

But this post is not supposed to be about trees, it's supposed to be about the vintage finds under the tree!

My little town in Upstate NY is known for the four corner churches in the middle of  town. There is one huge, historic church on each of the four corners at the intersection of Main and Maple. Three of the four have rummage sales in the Fall. You can find me up near the front of the line to get in at each one of them.

For those that may not know, a rummage sale is where the church gathers donations from it's members and then sells them at ridiculously low prices. One church does not price anything and at checkout you are offered one low price to pay for all of your found treasures. With two sales down and the last one to go, I was there the first day, 5th in line. The ladies in front of me were a group of friends in their late 70's, chatting away. I plan on thrifting till then too!

The church had posted pictures online and one of them was of a Red Riding Hood cookie jar. I figured it would be reasonably priced, even though they go for $200+ online. I made a beeline for it and it was marked $50. A great price, but one I was not willing to pay that day. I made my way around and found some really great stuff.

I loved the candlewick tree skirt and the old wallpaper brushes in their original box. I thought the double boiler and the baby vase were too good to pass up and the black tin box turned out to be a great find. It dates to the late 1800's, early 1900's and was probably a document or deed box. I saw one at an antique shop with separate tins inside to hold spices.

Another flocked baby deer was a real keeper to go with my woodland scene on the top of my old cupboard.

I love the color of the two garden forks I got!

And the 1940's mint green baby seat was too chippy and unique to pass by.

I also could not leave Timothy Tortoise there, a McCoy cookie jar......

or this great Lincoln Beautyware chrome canister set.

I was very happy with my great finds and at how thrifty I was for the amount I spent. But I couldn't stop thinking about that Red Riding Hood cookie jar.

So the next morning was the last day of the sale and I was hoping for a discount on it. My husband tagged along because he likes to find thrifty things to give away at our community theatre. We walked in and were handed a large paper bag to fill for $2! I filled it with Jesus, Precious (the name of the print of the little girl), two nice books, a couple of small ceramic trees, two 1940's children's hangers, an Avon bubble bath ornament, and a hand crocheted shawl. My husband filled it the rest of the way with some vintage books and knick knacks. We split the $2. What a deal!

I almost forgot about the cookie jar because it wasn't even there. I had to ask and when I did I found out that the owner of it knew of it's value and did not want to sell it at half price on the last day so she took it back. Good for her because I might have gone for it at $25!

It was after this great two day rummage sale that I found my red vintage tree while out shopping with my friend Bonnie at some Holiday Open House events at local gift shops. We went to four open house's that day. I actually bought some stocking stuffers for my grandchildren but could not resist getting another baby doe, this one porcelain, made in Japan. I am keeping her and she has a place of honor on my parlor mantel...

I am 99.9% sure that I am keeping my red tree. But what to do with it? Decorate it with just white lights? Red lights? Or maybe it will be my new Victorian ornaments tree to replace my too small white one.

What do ya think?

AnnMarie xo

I am linking up with these great blog parties this week:

Let's Talk Vintage
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Treasure Box Tuesday
Show and Share
Vintage Bliss Tuesday
Vintage Inspiration Party
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Freedom Fridays with All My Bloggy Friends
Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
Feathered Nest Friday
Make It Monday
Show and Share


  1. Oh what fun and what great finds! Wish I could have been there in line with you at those Church sales, they always seem to be the best in my opinion.
    Cute red tree but I'm thinking it's too red for a Victorian tree. White lights would be gorgeous, lots of them. You could make it patriotic or use silver ornaments or even red ornaments or white/pearl colored ornaments with lots of candy canes hanging on the boughs. Oh, the possibilities, let us know what you end up doing with it.
    Have a great week,

  2. I love your trees - especially the red one. I also love church sales. I think they are the best for finding great things at low prices. I think those hangers are too cute!!

  3. THE RED TREE IS PERFECT! Looks super in front of your white fireplace and mantel. How amazing all of those rummage sales and open houses sound. So glad you are having so much fun! Thanks for stopping by and taking part in my "Let's Talk Vintage" linky party!

  4. Dear AnnMarie, Keep the tree; definitely and clear white lights would be very pretty. It definitely is meant to stay. My mother always said red is good luck. I love the tree.
    Enjoy it. xo Catherine

  5. I'm lov'n the red tree and can't wait to see it decorated. Wouldn't it be a hoot to decorate it in vintage patriotic ornaments. Predominately in red white and blue with gold and silver accents. You've found some great vintage, but the canister set has made made me go "wishy"! As in I "wishy" I'd found it! Fun post.

  6. Oh, I love the red tree! It's simply perfect :)

    I always enjoy seeing your pretty vintage items, sweet friend. Hugs to you!

  7. You definitely should go with the red tree! It just screams vintage! Then you could also decorate it for Valentine's Day...with vintage Valentine's! I love those baby hangers. They're right up my alley! I think I actually saw those for sale somewhere online...or at least ones like it! Have a wonderful week!

  8. Love the white tree with colored lights, my grandmother had one just like it, that I adored when I was little :). The deer are precious, love the red tree too!

  9. Oh that ceramic tree! I LOVE IT! And the red one also! We have the same taste in vintage Christmas!!!

  10. I love the children's hangers, the garden tools, the chippy doll chair but the red tree??? not too sure.

  11. I don't think I've ever seen a red Christmas tree before... I love this one! I think it would look great with Victorian ornaments.

  12. What wonderful treasures you found, AnnMarie. Your town sounds like New England with the four corners and all the churches on it. I LOVE your document box. I got a metal black cake box about the same size at the Country Living Fair, but have not found a place for it yet. I will, eventually.
    Have a great week-end,

  13. What wonderful finds! My favorites are the children's hangers, and of course, the red tree. I have a pink vintage tinsel tree that I found a few years back. It's so pretty, I never put it away. It's usually on display in my 1 1/2 year old grand-daughter's bedroom, and she loves it. Every time she sees it she must touch it and say "pretty". Her first word in fact! Thanks for sharing ~ Terrie @ DarlingStampers.com

  14. I have a red Christmas tree that I bought at a consignment shop. It looks great decorated with white or silver ornaments. And for extra filler, white poinsettias look good stuffed in between branches.

  15. Well, I am sitting here listening to Christmas music and thoroughly enjoying going with you to your Church rummage sale! Love the red tree, the ceramic tree, I have one of these too, a green one and carefully guard it every year. I have 38 years of Christmas treasures plus some of my Mother's. Your sweet hometown sounds perfect!
    Have a beautiful Sunday,

  16. Hi AnnMarie,
    I think you should definitely keep that gorgeous red tree! And I enjoyed seeing your vintage treasures for the sale. We don't have any rummage sales like you described here, but we do have a weekly auction that we attend that is located very close to where we live. I have to practice restraint there quite often!

  17. Great vintage finds and I love the red tree - white lights and Victorian foil ornaments, please.

  18. I think your red tree is lovely. And I love the canisters and the cookie jar too. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Bliss Tuesdays.

  19. I like the tin box. That picture of Jess is the same one my mom has had since I was a kid. Nice finds.

  20. Thank you for bringing your treasures over to share at Make It Monday.

  21. Super cool red tree Ann Marie! I love the deer too. I have a small collection and found a velvety one recently. I love the garden tools, fabulous colors! I have toyed with the idea of getting rid of my newer Christmas and only doing vintage, but can't quite do it yet. I mix the two together. I can't believe that years ago I thrifted the ceramic tree that I made. What was I thinking? lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Love your finds - I seem to miss the rummage sale at our local church - I need to pay closer attention - love the red tree! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,


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