Saturday, January 10, 2015

Below Zero Outside? Let's Go Thrifting!

The snowstorm that was to be never came to the Northeast. But we do have very frigid temperatures. Best to stay indoors.

Except when there is a 30% off sale at the VOA!! And take another 20% off for senior discount! At the VOA, you are considered a senior at 55. Works for me!

I brushed all the snow off the truck, all bundled in my parka, scarf, ear muffs and thickest gloves. It was only 5 minutes down the road. I could do this in -10 degrees!

I am so glad I did!

I found some great treasures. Wanna see 'em?

I love Black Americana and this Mammy cookie jar is a great example of it. It is ceramic and a reproduction of the ones made in the 1940's and 1950's.

The cut crystal basket with the silver trim and handle is precious. I haven't done any research on it yet.....anyone know it's age?

I don't make deviled eggs, but I loved this milk glass dish with the scalloped gold edge.

And the square bowl is so beat up as to be desirable, to me anyways! The lighter area looks like a butterfly.

I am always drawn to the brown drip dishes. I have had many of them go in and out of my shop, from the coffee pot to the chip and dip dish. This is my first 2 tier candy/dessert dish and I grabbed it up. It is in perfect condition. This picture is before I cleaned it up!

I have a shelf full of these Ball jars with the wire clasp over the glass lid. But I can't part with mine yet, so I bought this one to put in my shop. It needs a little cleaning up too!

I am not sure I did it out loud in the store, but I squealed with delight when I saw this little dish and little cups. It has Sorrento hand written on the plate and each of the cups. I have no idea what it is for.....espresso?

 I just had to have it because my husband and I went on a tour of Italy for our honeymoon and Sorrento was my favorite place we visited. I already broke one of the little cups transporting it, but four seems to fit on the plate better!

Oh, these bunnies! Too cute! All rough and textured porcelain with little pink noses and fluffy bows on their backs. It's going to be hard to list these!

I was in and out of there in about 20 minutes and back home. It was one of the better half hours I've thrifted in a while! I was happy and stayed in my warm house the rest of the day.

If you have to have any of these treasures, I will be listing them in my Etsy shop in the next week or so. If you don't see the bunnies, I think you'll know why!!

AnnMarie  xoxo

I am linking up to these great blog parties:

Amaze Me Monday
Show and Share
Vintage Bliss Tuesdays Linky Party
Thrifter Share
Make It Pretty Monday
Let's Talk Vintage
Vintage Inspiration Party
What's It Wednesday
Home and Garden Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
The Vintage Alphabet Party


  1. Great finds! I had a fun day out thrifting today too, but the temperature here wasn't so cold! I hit two yard sales and three thrift stores and scored at all of them! I'll be posting soon. Stay warm and have a great weekend!

  2. Like the postman, no sleet, no rain, no cold weather can keep us from thrifting! lol! Great finds! Especially love the Mammy cookie jar. I hit a thrift and an estate sale last week. Fun, fun, fun!

  3. Could the little cups be for Gelato or Sorbetto? Cute post, I love brown drip too. :-)

  4. Those bunnies are precious! Also love the lemons on the Sorrento dish and little cups, so bright and cheerful, the brown two tier dish is gorgeous as well. So many great treasures! It is super cold here in New England too, good excuse to stay inside by the fire :). Stay warm and have a great weekend!

  5. Look at you go, girl! You found some fabulous treasures :) I love what Jann said about nothing keeping you from thrifting - so true!

    Hugs and blessings!

  6. I have 2 of those egg dishes, I use them for savouries these days. You have some really nice finds there, my daughter and my hubby love poking around in second hand/thrift shops and find some good bargains.


  7. The little cups from Sorrento are for limoncello, the lemon liqueur they're famous for.

  8. Wonderful fun finds. Love the Sorrento cups as a keepsake! Cute bunnies!

  9. I'd say that was a very successful 30 minutes! Love all your sweet treasures, especially the cookie jar.

  10. i am always drawn to brown drip pieces when i see them! so beautiful! and one can never have too many wooden bowls, so useful.

  11. Thrifting when it's cold out? Absolutely! Great finds, AnnMarie. My favorite is the crystal basket with the silver trim and handle. xxx ~ Nancy

  12. Very fun finds! I used our snowy day to get out and hunt for treasures too. Love going when it's not very crowded.
    Mary Alice

  13. Good for you for thrifting in the cold! I love the cookie jar! The little crystal dish looks like the windsor pattern (so pre-1974?).

  14. You found such wonderful things very quickly! My favorites are those cute bunnies.

  15. That cookie jar is my favorite of your finds. Great deals!

  16. Great finds AnnMarie :) I DO make deviled eggs, so I'm drawn to the egg plate. The tiered dish brings back memories since I grew up with that drip pattern--so nostalgic. Here's to a great year of thrifting and garage saling!

  17. Very productive half hour, AnnMarie! I think my fave is the deviled egg plate! We have had no snow to speak of so far - YAY!

  18. are brave! But great finds in under half an hour! Awesome! :)

  19. These are lovely!
    I saw the 2 tier candy dish all cleaned up in your shop and it looks great!

  20. Good hunting. My favourite are the 2 tiered candy/dessert dish and the Ball jar. Good finds all.

  21. that's a major score for 30 min! the sorrento set i would think is for limoncello. we have a lemon tree in our yard & i've wanted to try & make it for a few years and never get around to it. love the deviled egg dish as well. my hubby loves them so i make them a few times a year. found you over @ dwelling's amaze me mondays.
    best- mj

  22. I don't miss the temps and snow in New York, but I sure do miss the tons of great places to shop for antiques and vintage goodies. I'd brave the cold for discounts like your nearby shop had though!

  23. Ooh, great finds! The bunnies are adorable, and the wooden bowl is fab!

  24. That's My kind of fun :) I need to go out and thrift soon ,Your blog gave Me the "itch" to go to My local Goodwill. I'm looking forward to following You if I don't already-Denise

  25. What wonderful, and such great items.
    Love that crystal basket. Will make for a very lovely candy dish.

  26. Wow we're in Alaska and it's WARM up here, like 45˚. We don't have snow, we have basically nothing. No wind, no rain, no snow, no anything. I like the Mamie jar too, it's neat. I've never seen brown drip ware before...and you find it all the time?? JEALOUS!

  27. You sure found some great treasures. Love the sweet bunnies and the crystal basket is a special piece. Love the egg tray too. It would be perfect to display colored eggs at Easter.
    Thanks for stopping by and your comment. So nice to see you.
    Have a great week.

  28. I love the bunnies and the canning jar. I do not know if I could brave -10 weather - even for great junk!

  29. Awesome finds! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  30. My aunt had something like that Mammy in her kitchen when I was a little girl. Brings back memories :)

  31. Dear AnnMarie, These are wonderful finds. I love all of them. I think the cups would be for espresso. The bunnies are too cute!!
    It was brave of you to venture out in 10 degrees!! I am glad the trip was successful!!
    Keep warm and cozy it is cold here too.
    xoxox Catherine

  32. That lovely milk glass egg dish is very pretty and so interesting to look at! Unlike you, I love deviled eggs, and something like this would be wonderful in which to serve them!

    Thanks for sharing your stash!

    Happy weekend!



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