Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cinnamon Sugar Roll Ups - A Quick After School Snack

You know how you have those leftover strips of dough after making a pie or cookies?

I usually sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar on them and bake them up, not to waste anything.

My son loves them.

As a matter of fact the other day he asked why I don't make those for dessert? I said because I don't have any leftover dough from anything!

Then I remembered that I had a box of Pillsbury pie crusts in the freezer. I realized that I could easily make those little bundles of sweetness with a pie crust!

We'll call them Cinnamon Sugar Roll Ups

Here are your ingredients

Here is your stove temperature

Lay the dough out on a cookie sheet (be sure to use your oldest and blackest one! Just kidding....that's all I have!) and with a pizza cutter or sharp knife make vertical cuts and then cut the whole round in half.

Sprinkle with a generous amount of sugar and cinnamon. Then, one by one, roll them up. Put them on parchment paper to avoid burning the bottoms.

Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes and done!

Surprise! My son will be thrilled when he gets home today!

Happy Baking!

AnnMarie xoxo

I'm linking up with these great blog parties:

Showcase Your Talent Thursday
The Weekend Social
A Little R & R Wednesdays
Flashback Friday
diy Sunday Showcase
A Bouquet of Talent
Masterpiece Monday
Munching Mondays
Make It Pretty Monday
Treasure Box Tuesday
Roses of Inspiration Linkup
Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party


  1. What a great idea! This reminds me of when I was so young and used to bake with my grandma. She never wanted to waste anything and we always used the leftovers and sprinkled them with cinnamon. Thanks for sharing.

  2. These look so tasty and perfect for a cold weather snack! Blessings, Cecilia

  3. Oh my! These look so tasty! I need to make some of these one day. I'm trying to cut sugar out of my diet right now, so I best wait! LOL! I will pin them though so I don't forget about them. Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Vicky

  4. These are always a delicious treat - my husband loves his cinnamon and sugar :) And what a great way for rolling up the dough; I'll have to remember that. Hugs to you!

  5. My mom use to make something similar with her extra pie crusts and I loved them! She didn't roll them up, but just cut them in bite size pieces. I actually have one extra crust I made and didn't use for Thanksgiving in the freezer. Guess what I'll be making tomorrow? Brings back lots of childhood memories!

  6. My mom always made these too! Another version she would do was to use her leftover biscuit dough! AND she would butter the dough first. Sometimes she would add nuts too! Those were a bit more like breakfast cinnamon rolls but as kids we didn't care. They were GOOD!

  7. Easy as well, "pie!" :)

    When I was a little teeny girl, my older sister was in 4H and they taught her to use Pillsbury style biscuits and cut them in quarters, roll them into balls, then pop them into a Tupperware container filled with cinnamon sugar and then shake, shake, shake! Then bake on a cookie sheet. They were also SOOOOOO good! As a matter of fact, I should make them for my little Bebe girl when she gets home from school! Ann-Marie, you are always inspiring. And I'm still making that lemon chicken.

  8. How cute are these tasty treats! Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Social. Hope to see you Thursday 9:00 PM EST.

  9. I love anything cinnamon, so these definitely appeal to me! Hope your son was happy!

  10. I am definitey making these for My Love on Valentine's Day! My Grammy made them all the time after making her pies. Thanks for the quick & easy recipe....I haven't been able to master Grammy's pie crusts.....ever! :( Love all your recipes & photos - YUM!

  11. Those look delicious! Its dinner time soon, so they really look good.
    I'm a pastry girl and always make sure I have left overs for a sugar pie, but I have never thought of rolling them. I will try that next time for sure.

    So nice to visit worth you, AnnMarie.

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. Such wonderful recipes on some of the blogs today. Yours looks yummie!

  13. mmm that does sound good and easy to make

  14. Mmm...I LOVE these simple and delicious snacks! I actually made them at Christmas time for a cookie exchange...I rolled my pie crust up and sliced them like little pinwheels and added a sweet glaze. They bring back such a sweet memory when I was a little mom always made these with leftover crust too:)

  15. Hi AnnMarie,

    Your cinnamon sugar roll ups look delicious! I've been baking these up for years, as I have a serious cinnamon sugar addiction, and in fact, was JUST about to bake up a batch after catching up with my friends here in the bloggerhood!




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