Sunday, February 1, 2015

January One Day at a Time

Every once in awhile I like to do "a day in the life of" kind of post. It is fun to find something different to photograph everyday and I find them to be fun posts to read when others do them.

Here is mine for January....

January 1

While shopping after Christmas at the mall we came upon a Hallmark store that is going out of business.....50% off! I got this Cranberry Chutney Yankee Candle for a fresh scent to start the New Year off....heavenly!

January 2

I had promised my granddaughter Cassidy that we would go to the mall today while she was visiting me all day. She had a gift card to spend and I just wanted to shop.....again!

She got to ride the carousel twice....alone...because NaNa can barely even watch her go around let alone get on it!!

January 3

Been working on taking decorations down.....finally got the ornaments off the tree. It seems such a shame to throw it outside yet. It is as fresh and nice as the day we got it!

January 4

Basketball, basketball every weekend! That's my son Michael going for a shot.

Januay 5
My daughter Jena with her new haircut. She had been growing it long forever and then just decided to cut it off. A new baby will do that to you! It was long enough to donate to Locks of Love.
January 6
My kitty has been hiding out in the basement for a few weeks, never coming up to see the light of day. Then all of a sudden she made an appearance and spent the day with me. Welcome back Miss Kitty!
January 7
The great, huge northeast snow storm........that wasn't.
January 8
It is absolutely frigid out but the local VOA had a sale! I had to go!
January 9
I was in the mood for chocolate chip cookies after receiving my 50% off Food Network calendar in the mail. The picture for January is these cookies. They were supposed to be the best chocolate chip cookies ever. Eh, not so much!

January 10
The Health curriculum in our high school requires students to take this electronic baby home and care for it for a full weekend to teach the reality of having a child in the teen years. Either that for a grade or an extensive research and essay paper. My son chose the baby. It kept him up both nights and was generally annoying the rest of the time. I think the message got across!!
January 11
After two nights of a baby crying and limiting our social life, we decided to just take a down day on the couch with football on the TV all day. And of course with my computer by my side.
January 12
 As always, I am just trying to maintain my weight, so no resolutions on any great weight loss. I have had the weight loss cabbage soup in the past, just for a healthy meal. But this new recipe is a lot better with more veggies. It is called Magic Weight Loss Soup.  It doesn't feel like you are eating a diet food. I made a batch just to have for lunch.
 January 13
 Sometimes the snow is really pretty the way it settles on things. I never removed the dead bee balm stalks from my garden, vowing to move them in the fall to rearrange the garden. That never happened and they got left to winter over. I am glad they did so that I could capture this picture with the snow like icing on the very tips of them.
January 14
Cuties! Wednesday is the day for my granddaughter Chloe to come and spend the day with me. Today I had both Chloe and JC here, getting used to having both and giving my daughter Jena a break. JC is 4 months old today!
January 15
Frozen! It has been so cold here! I went to get my favorite carbonated drink, Cherry Limeade, in the back room and it was frozen almost solid. Our back room is not insulated so it serves as a huge extra refrigerator during the winter, which is usually a good thing!
January 16
A moment in the sun. The sun has been pretty absent in our frigid weather but it came out today and Miss Kitty found it on my parlor window seat. If there is something to lay on she will find it and so she squeezed herself on the corner of the placemat under my jar décor.
January 17
Morning light. I was walking through the dining room and the light on my pie cupboard caught my eye. I'm glad I grabbed my camera to capture it.....a little while later it was gone.

January 18
My son had another basketball game today. There is always the question of what and where we will eat after the game. This game was almost an hour away so there were lots of options on the way home. Some really nice person handed this coupon to my husband so we decided to try this new to us pizza place. When do you ever get $25 off a meal at one time, let alone a pizza place?! They honored it and the pizza and wings were phenomenal! We'll be back! We have another one of the same coupon!
January 19
I found myself making cookies again....this time for a school assignment for my son's health class. He had to make something healthy to eat or with healthy ingredients. What could be healthier than avocados.....and chocolate! You can find the recipe for these delicious, rich, Chocolate Avocado cookies here.

January 20
I found these beautiful needlepoint pillows at my favorite thrift store last week. They have been on my parlor chairs since then because I can't decide whether or not to sell them or keep them! They match perfectly with the style and color of the room. Do I NEED pillows on my chairs? ( I have two matching for each!) What do you think?


January 21
I can't resist the antics of my kitty. This box is from something my husband ordered. While he was putting the item together she decided to lay on I said earlier, if it is there she will lay on it. When he decided he may want to return the item he picked the box up to repack everything. Kitty had a fit until he put the box back on the floor for her to lay on. She has been there everyday, all day, since. Can somebody explain this to me?! No, no one can explain the behavior of a cat!
 January 22
Baking again! I had some bananas to use up and some time today to bake. We never get tired of eating our favorite banana chocolate chip bread....

Hmmm, just scrolled up and there seems to be a lot of Miss Kitty and food in this post. Guess that means one thing.....I have been staying home ALOT this month!
January 23
I went into my back room this morning where there are a lot of random items that are listed in my shop. I spotted the gorgeous Victorian lamp just sitting there and decided that until it sells it would look just fabulous in my parlor. In this picture, taken early morning, I added the lamp and the pillows on the chairs are the ones I can't decide if I will keep or not. The needlepoint pillow on the window seat is newly listed. I buy what I love to sell so why not display them while they are waiting for a new home?

It was not on my agenda to stop at the VOA today since I had so much to do and so many places to go! But on the way home from knitting something just told me to stop there just to see. Well, I obeyed and I am glad I did! Look what I found!

 It is a 1956 Guild Country Belle Telephone Radio. It is made of pine and really looks like a real antique phone. I don't think this one works but it is quite the décor piece. Happy dance!
January 25th
My son Michael had a basketball game this afternoon, just before dinner. The plan was to go out to eat after the game to celebrate my birthday a little early. There is a fabulous Japanese Hibachi restaurant on the way home so that is where we went. He ate every last rice ball on his plate and then on the way home says "Can I get McDonald's?" What?? He's 16 and just played four quarters of basketball........
January 26
My knitting buddy Bonnie told me about these As Seen On TV copper hand gloves that help with arthritis.  I am having a painful time right now trying to knit or crochet. I went and got them today and I could not open the box. I. HAVE. ARTHRITIS. IN. MY. HANDS! Why would they make a box designed where all the edges are glued shut? After I got the thing opened I really needed the gloves.....hmmmmmm.
January 27
Today is my birthday! Yeah!
It's a little scary that Google knows that too! If you hover over one of the cupcakes it says "Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!"
That's my home page....I'm a Google girl
 January 28
As I was driving home today I noticed how bad everyone's vehicle looks from all the salt on the roads. It has been so cold that a lot of salt is needed to keep the roads from freezing. On a sunny, but cold day, living in Upstate NY, this is how we all look driving around. Yeah, black is not the best color this time of year!

January 29
Today my sweet friend Bonnie took me out to lunch for my birthday. We went to The Mad Hatter restaurant which is a cafe and tea place. They serve high tea daily.
She is my knitting mentor and so her gift to me is so perfect. A book on Prayer Shawl's, which we are currently knitting for her knitting ministry The Knit Whits, and a hand made pottery yarn bowl from a local potter that has been around since the 1980's. I love it!!

January 30
Another day out to lunch with girlfriends for my birthday (I am so spoiled!). We went to an organic bakery and café and had a delicious lunch.
I told them no gifts because I am so spoiled, but they couldn't resist! Irene gave me this fabulous, thick, cozy scarf that I had to put on even though it clashed horribly with my sweater! Yup, I did it! I wore the same outfit both days!!
Kim gave me a beautiful hand towel with an A on it.....she knows I have to have my own towel in the bathroom with two boys in the house!! Colleen is the only one who obeyed my wishes so she bought me a fabulous ginger molasses cookie for dessert! The greatest gift was spending 3 1/2 hours in the restaurant with all of them!
January 31
On this last day of January, we are hanging around home and my granddaughter Cassidy is joining us. Have you heard of Trivia Crack? You play it on your smart phone or I Pod. Both my son and Cassidy have an I Pod 4 so they are playing back and forth in the same room! They both are also playing my daughter Jena, who is in another town.  One day while texting back and forth with Jena I realized she was also playing this trivia game with my son who was in the same room as me. I don't get it but then, I don't want to!!!
 So long January! Hello February!
Oh, P.S.......I baked again today. Peanut Butter Chocolate Pretzel Bars....MmMmMm

 AnnMarie xoxo
I am joining these fun blog parties:


  1. Wow, what a fun January blog diary you shared with us! I needed to live at your house for that month! I adore the photos with your cat and the terrarium, and the view outside your front door, I like your older neighborhood, and those needlepoint pillows are gorgeous!
    Happy February!!

  2. This was so much fun! I may have to try this for FEB, a photo a day. Loved your photos and there is nothing wrong with lots of food and cat photos!!!

  3. That was a fun post to read and when my daughter saw our mammy cookie jar that I bought off you recently she squealed with delight ( she's three) and said " that is at our house now!" Thanks for sharing! Your thrifting pictures make me want to go to New York this summer. :) Just to see if I can find some of those neat places you visit.

  4. I love this photo a day post! I just might have to do this for February...if I can remember to do it. January was full of fun and blessings for you! Have a happy week and stay warm!

  5. What a fun post, I really enjoyed reading this. Our old cat loves to lie on the newspaper if we happen to put it on the floor, it doesn't matter whether we are still reading or not.


  6. A fun look at your January, AnnMarie. You captured some great scenes but I have to say January 17 is my very favorite. What a phenomenal shot! xxx ~ Nancy

  7. This is a delightful post. Kids, kitty, and a whole lot of delicious food packed into January.

  8. I always enjoy your "day in the life" posts! You have just a wonderful, blessed, life & it's so nice when you share that with your readers. Something else I hope you will share is your recipe for the chocolate peanut butter pretzel bars!! Yum is right!
    What will February bring for you? I look forward to finding out!

  9. Dear AnnMarie, I read through each and every day of Jan.. I did enjoy it with all my heart. I think you look like your granddaughter Cassidy. I would not be able to go on the carousel either.
    Happy Birthday!! I am so glad that you got to enjoy your birthday with the ladies. I think the prayer shawl is wonderful.
    My son would have said the same thing. It seems that they certainly have hearty appetites and thats good.
    Well, I could go on and on but you can tell I enjoyed it.
    xoxoxo Catherine

  10. Wow! Love your cat. My cat Mary sleeps on boxes too.
    Your little grands are adorable.
    What fun to be out on your birthday with dear friends!

  11. Happy Birthday, Ann Marie! I had so much fun reading your posts and stories of each day. Love to see all the time you spend with friends and family. I'm also loving your banana cake - my fav thing in the world to eat! Your soup looks delicious, too!
    We are two days apart - my bday is the 29th. Don't you just love Aquarians! Thanks for a great post and a very enjoyable read :)

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! You've had a busy month! Now you've got me craving something baked, but my kitchen's too messy to even attempt baking in the dusty mess. You'll have to let us know how the gloves work out. I've got osteoarthritis in my fingers, too, and some days it's hard to even type on my computer.

    Your grands are adorable!

  13. This was such a fun post! Happy Birthday! Our birthdays are only a week apart! Love all the fun you had and you looked very cute! AND I love those pillows and your pretty dolls in the background! Have a fun week! Hugs, Diane

  14. What a fun post, AnnMarie! You certainly had a busy, but fun-filled month :)

    The pictures of you are so lovely and now when I see you wearing glasses I wonder to myself, "Hmmm...are those from Firmoo?" :) Thanks for sharing, sweet friend. Hugs!

  15. Hello, I really enjoyed this family and home post! I feel like I have gotten to know you and meet your family! Thanks so much for becoming a follower on my blog!
    You have a very sweet blog! Please come visit me again and I will come see you also!
    Happy Valentines Day
    Blessings, Roxy

  16. What a fun month in review. Your Happy Birthday month even! I remember a lot of these. Looks like you had an eventful month full of parties, baking, a little shopping, and baking. Oh and let's not forget the cute kitty!

  17. What a wonderful month of fun activities with friends and family. Your grands are adorable, your gal pals sweet, and your kitty darling! Thanks for sharing, AnnMarie!

    Happy February!


  18. Yay! I'm so glad you did this again, AnnMarie! Mine is now 5 days late, but I'm going to get it out tomorrow. Your grandkids are adorable, and both your children look just like you! Of the non-human photos, I love Jan. 13! Fabulous! My vote - keep the pillows, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  19. Wow, what a busy month it was, full of good friends and good food too. I remember when my son was in high school he had a baby like that to keep for the weekend. His frustration level was through the roof, lol. Happy belated birthday.

  20. This photo a day looks like fun. I may try it one of these months!
    Thanks for stopping by Harvest Lane Cottage and talking back!

  21. This really is a FUN post idea! I loved looking at all of your pictures. Miss Kitty is beautiful. And I loved the snowflake shadow. I did have to laugh at your frozen drink... just a little. :) Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai​

  22. Wow, this is a great way to chronicle your month! And Happy Birthday!
    Mary Alice


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