Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Best Thrifting Week Ever!

I had the best thrifting week of my picking career! And, it happened to be my birthday week. Who knew, in the middle of winter?!

As promised on my Birthday post, here are all the fabulous finds from the whole week.

That week included lunch with my girlfriend Bonnie and we had just enough time to stop in at Craft Bits and Pieces, which is a craft supply and home décor resale shop. All of the items to buy are donated and the sales benefit the Fairport/Perinton Senior Living Council.

I always find great vintage stuff there and it supports the older community of Fairport so it is a feel good place to go!

I'll start with those treasures since they are the ones I don't know if I can part with!

The framed cross stitch with the fabric house is so precious! Bonnie found it first and then realized she had no where to hang it. I don't know if it is old enough to put in my Etsy shop, but I bought it anyways. Until I figure it out, it is hanging in my dining room in a spot I didn't know I had!! It looks great. It may be a while before I figure out how old it is! ;-) It says "Peace to all that we hold dear and all that enter here". It also includes all the letters of the alphabet hand stitched.

The rooster bread board is quite the find too. It is thick and heavy, gouged and scratched up. Perfect! Someone stained and then painted it with a colorful, whimsical rooster.

The chamber candlestick has been painted at least 4 times that I can tell and I just loved the design of it. And that tree! It is a large ceramic tree from 1976 in perfect condition. I will probably wait till Christmas in July to list it. For a buck I had to grab the large piece of canvas. It is so versatile and there are so many possibilities for crafting with it, but I will figure that out later!

On the way to the main destination on my birthday, Rochester Greenovation, we just happened to see a VOA (Volunteers of America). We had to stop.

I found a great industrial metal file box, an atlas jar and a milk glass Tom and Jerry eggnog bowl and cups. Never heard of such a thing as an eggnog bowl, let alone with Tom and Jerry on it (not the cat and mouse in the cartoons, but two Uncle Sam looking guys). I got on Google on my smartphone while in the store (that is the main reason I finally went for the phone and it comes in handy!) and I found that it is from the 1950's and was used during the holidays. Another listing for Christmas in July!
I got it in my head that I wanted an old Hymn book. It didn't take long to find one there. Lots of crafts to do with those old pages, but I will figure that out later too!

Rochester Greenovation! This place was crazy! The final destination for all your picking, thrifting and junking needs! We hit the $5 a box area first and I am finding out that I made out pretty good! As I am slowly researching and listing some of the stuff I  picked and put in that box, I am realizing that they are not too shabby!
One of my blogging friends did a post on vintage trophies and I was so intrigued that I decided to keep an eye out for them while picking. Well, there was a whole table of them here! The ones I picked range in age from 1962 to 1974. Sweet!
The sweet pillow with the cherry sprig turns out to be a French Aubusson tapestry pillow with silk and wool tassels. The Bride book is from 1949 and is a how-to spiral bound book on planning your wedding, offered by Edwards, a popular department store that used to be in downtown Rochester, New York.
I thought the eagle whiskey bottle was so neat and I just had to have the Jacquin's Forbidden Fruit liqueur bottle. It has a crown on the top and since I dubbed myself the Queen eight years ago when I turned 50, I have a thing for crowns. It was not part of the $5 box. I paid $8 for it. I'm keeping it....for now!
More treasures in the box include this 11 1/2" diameter tin tart pan made in Germany and four seashell or clam shell dishes marked WP USA. Can't find what WP is for yet....anyone know?
Two more shell dishes, a little different than the set of four, are ovenproof and made in Japan. They are weighty and very nice! The aqua shell dish is from Catalina Pottery, made in the late 1930's - early 1940's. I think I have to keep that one too!

Some vintage kitchen items including a salt and pepper shaker set that look like whiskey jugs and are hand painted with Little Brown Jug on them. The trivets are tiles that have cooking measurements on one and a roasting timetable on the other. The sweet little rose colored crock is already sold!

How sweet are the bunnies coming out of the head of lettuce? It is a covered ceramic bowl. The bunnies are textured and have pink noses and ears. The 8 ounce glasses have white daisy graphics on them. The yellow centers are a little faded. I had to put them in the box since my favorite flower is the daisy.

These items did not fit in my box so my sweet husband let me put them in his $5 box.  The basket is so nostalgic for me since it is just like the one I hunted for on Easter morning as a kid. The cracker tin is a Blue Magic Krispy Kan. When it is new you have to take the knob and put it in the oven to activate the crystals inside. Once you do that your Krispy Kan is supposed to keep crackers, pretzels, chips and popcorn fresh, fresh, fresh! I just like the made out of the things that are crisp!

I paid separately for the hangers because I know they will sell in my shop. Customers buy them to display cross stitch and artwork. It is a really cute way to show off your handiwork!

Is that it? Yes, for now. I am overwhelmed researching, cleaning and listing all this stuff. But don't worry. Once it is all listed I will have to go out and get more. My junkin' friend Susan and I have a date to go to Rochester Greenovation when the weather gets nicer!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:
Masterpiece Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Show and Share
Vintage Bliss Tuesdays Linky Party
Let's Talk Vintage
Roses of Inspiration
Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party
Vintage Inspiration Party
Together on Tuesdays
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Share Your Cup Thursday
The Chain Linky Climb Party


  1. Wow!!!! You found lots of good things. :) So fun to see what you find.

  2. So many great things! I love junkin and it's why the thrill of the hunt never ends!


  3. Awesome finds! I would definitely be keeping a few of those items too. It is so hard not to keep all the treasures we find isn't it? Hope you have a lovely week!

  4. Wow times three! You mean to tell me you were allowed to pack as much as you could into a box for five buckaroos? Great finds,

  5. This summer I am headed to the 315 and I can't wait to stop in these places!!

  6. Simply fabulous, my friend :) Happy Monday! Hugs!

  7. Dear AnnMarie, I suppose I must be getting on since most of these items are so familiar to me!!!
    I do love old and I love finding treasures. It gives me a feeling of comfort and time.
    I just don't like new. I guess that you are a person who would be able to relate to my feeling this way.
    Everything is so nice. xoxo Stay warm and safe and happy. xoxo Catherine

  8. Looks like you found quite a few treasures! I never even thought about Googleing while shopping. Maybe because I have only had an iPhone for about 4 months now. I am going to have to give that a try. I am loving that crown bottle and I can picture having that to alter. SO cool!

  9. You really did clean up, Ann Marie! It must have been birthday luck!

  10. You really scored. I think I still have at least one of those old wood hangers. Like the idea of hanging needle work from one.

  11. Wow - what a Happy Birthday you had. Add my "good wishes" to that. I never heard of Greenovation. Googled it. See that it's close to the public market, which I frequent when the weather is more co-operative. Looks like you hit the "mother lode" that day.

  12. The lettuce bowl is so sweet!

  13. AWESOME pick, AnnMarie!! My favorites are the framed cross stitch (put it for sale...hint, hint!) & the lovely pillow. How badly I would love to go picking with you some day..... :)

  14. I always enjoy seeing all of your wonderful treasures AnnMarie! So many great finds, I love the rooster bread board and those shell dishes, so pretty. I think you're inspiring me to start thrifting, looks like so much fun!!

  15. Happy belated birthday! What a wonderful collection of treasures and some fun in the hunt too!

  16. You did have a great thrifting week! You found so many treasures. Happy Birthday a little late. I think my favorite is the cherry pillow. Thanks for hopping over to my blog. Have a great week! Hugs, Dianne

  17. Great finds, AnnMarie. My favorite is the French Aubusson tapestry pillow. Oh, that's so gorgeous. Second favorite is the cabbage and bunnies. Love that! xxx ~ Nancy

  18. Wow you did find some great stuff!! It's so great you found them during your birtday week. No one here has load a box for $5, so wish there was.

  19. You have some great finds! I love going junkin, don't get to very often though. My mom has a Christmas tree like the one in the top picture. She sits it out every year. Thanks for sharing!

  20. I am sure I would have had a good time there. I love thrifting as well. I don;t sell my finds though so you may imagine that I will be needing to weed through some of it really soon.

  21. I'm sure happy for you! Those are great finds :) I'd like to invite you to share this terrific post over at my linky here: :)

  22. Hi AnnMarie...Wow I wish I lived in your neck of the woods. Looks like a fun place to shop!! You found some great junk. I love the white sea shell dishes and the cherry pillow and those hangers are really cool!

  23. So many great finds! I love the rooster bread board. It's aged to perfection!

  24. All lovely birthday gifts to yourself, AnnMarie! I love the cross stitch, and the rooster board - they're charming!


  25. You really had good success Ann Marie. I recently bought two brown crocks just like your rose one. I thought they would be fun to save seeds in. I have hangers like that. Was thinking I would cover one in book pages for a fun look. My kids have lots of trophies like that and I always see lots of them at our local thrift. Have fun on your next junkin trip! I have found some great things lately also.

  26. how fun to have found so many goodies and especially on your birthday week, hope it made your celebrating that much more fun!

  27. Oh my, what a haul! My picks? The Catalina pottery piece in aqua (I even mention the likes of that in an upcoming post I've drafted for next week), and the bunny ceramic bowl - so cute! That reminds me of one (without bunnies) that I saw at our local mission thrift store last week...and passed up!
    That Rochester Greenovation looks fantastic! What a way to celebrate your birthday - happy!
    Rita C at Panoply

  28. Hello AnnMarie,
    Happy belated Birthday !!
    Like your finds !! Some weeks ago I saw, in a thrift shop, some trophies that were kind of interesting, but didn't buy, I should have.. :) Yours look great.

    Blessings to you,
    Wilma. Shabby Royale.

  29. Every city in the country needs a place like this. What a fun haul!

  30. Score! Wonderful treasures. I love the clam dishes Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

  31. I can tell you aren't old enough to know what a Tom and Jerry cocktail is! Warm eggnog with booze ... Google it and you'll find out a little more about your neat bowl and mugs! Fantastic post ...


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