Saturday, February 28, 2015

Random Ramblings

I found this fun blog party, Random 5 Friday at Nancy's blog, A Rural Journal. I thought I could come up with five things....

Just some random tidbits of life here in Upstate NY....

1. ......where we are still under 3 feet of snow!

Here's my husband Frank and daughter Jena trying to get the heavy snow off of our side porch roof, which is groaning under the weight!
2.  I was in the mood for some good trail mix. The pre-packaged ones in the grocery store are so full of junky chemicals and salt, not to mention too expensive. I decided to make my own. With ingredients I got at Aldi's and the bulk section of my local grocery store, I mixed together coconut flakes, sweetened banana chips, raisins, unsalted peanuts, mini M & M's, wasabi peas for a little heat and mini dark chocolate chips. Can I just say....YUM!!
3. My friend Bonnie and knitting mentor came over Friday to hang out, drink coffee and knit. She brought a fun project to teach me. Arm knitting! I had been wanting one of those thick, cozy scarves and this is the way to get one. It was a little frustrating for me to do and once you start you cannot stop. You are literally tangled up in yarn on both arms, but just look at the result!
When it is doubled around your neck, you are literally encased in warmth and softness!
4. On the way home from picking my granddaughter Cassidy up from school she mentioned that she wants to switch her instrument in band from saxophone to flute. I mentioned that I played the flute at her age and still had it. That is all I had to say! Do you know about 10 year old girls? When they want something they can be quite persistent until they get it.
I searched the house and found my flute. I figured out that it is about 48 years old....YIKES! At least that is how long I've had it. We put it together and it all came back to me. The brain is an amazing thing. I was able to play Mary Had a Little Lamb without thinking!
Cassidy tried her best to get her lips just right to get the sound out. She did pretty good!
5. I haven't thrifted in a week! I must go take my temperature!
But here are a couple cool items I got last week....
A very cute Walt Disney Dumbo creamer from the 1950's. He is quite collectible and is listed in my shop.
Also listed is this great Aladdin Stanley thermos, complete with rust and grunginess!
Did you have a good week, with some fun random tidbits?
AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:




  1. Wow, I wish we had some of your snow! Here in MN we don't have much this winter! The elephant cream pitcher is adorable!

  2. Such a fun post! Those are some viscious looking icicles in that picture...yikes! Your trail mix looks tasty. I make my own too. I love the cozy! Your grand daughter is adorable and how sweet that you were able to find your old flute for her! Love the little Dumbo and my hubby has that same thermos and takes his coffee to work in it every day. They are built to last! Have a lovely weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. Wow, so much snow we hadn't here in Germany not in the whole winter this year!
    Your trail mix looks really yummy and the flute is for me a memory of childhood (it was only loan from the school)...
    To my cemetery photos: here with us we don't need to have fear, cemetery is a very peaceful place, even at midnight ;-)

  4. What a fun post. It's so neat you still had your flute and could still remember how to play Mary Had a little Lamb. Sounds like Cassidy will be enjoying that flute now. My granddaughter Coleen is also 10 and taking Piano lessons right now. They sure grow up fast. Your trail mix looked yummy (except for the banana chips, I don't like bananas.) What fun finds with the thermos and the Elephant, that was really cute.

  5. That flute is pretty awesome in and of itself!

  6. How fun that you were able to play the flute after so many years. That's pretty amazing! We have a lot of snow here too, and I don't think it's going anywhere soon. Your trail mix looks delicious, and that Dumbo creamer is very sweet.

  7. Wonderful tid bits friend! And I hope you all got that snow off the roof! We are still very cold here in Chicago and still getting snow! And how awesome that you were able to show your granddaughter your flute!!! And play a tune for her as well! The trail mix looks amazing!! Happy weekend! Nicole xo

  8. That looks like a lot of random fun :-) Very impressed with the flute!

  9. Good morning Ann Marie, Our snowman is slowly melting and I am not sad. Smile.
    Love your random thoughts and especially the flute story. Thanks for visiting me.
    Jeanne xo

  10. So glad you might be able to re-gift your flute to your granddaughter. They are not cheap! Love your blog and your vintage finds. Thanks so much for joining in AnnMarie.

  11. I totally get Cassidy wanting to play the flute, rather than the saxophone. The flute is much more romantic. I hope it works out for her. Sorry about all the snow, however it looks like you're finding ways to endure the cold. Nice knitting project, AnnMarie. :) Those old Stanley thermoses really keep things hot. Much better than the modern versions with all the plastic and such. Have a great week! ~ Nancy

  12. Love your ramblings. Can't imagine upstate NY with the cold we've been enduring here in CT where it's record-breaking. Snow every week-end - at least I have my knitting. Hoping my first rug-hooking class isn't postponed next week. More snow expected! Stay warm and take care! - Karen

  13. The ice and snow looks so cold - hope we don't get anymore more here, but mid week looks kinda iffy.
    Looks like you did a great job on the scarf. Don't know if daughter has tried that yet or not - need to ask her.
    Your trail mix looks yummy.
    Have a great week.

  14. You always do the most clever posts! I like the "peek" inside the Vintage Junkie's life from time to time. Very fun & inspiring. My favorite of the 5 was the flute & the photos of you & your granddaughter playing it. Music is a fabulous way to bring people together in such delightful ways. As always, thanks for sharing!

  15. Wow, so much snow!!! Great thrifting finds.
    Mary Alice

  16. Is Nancy back to doing Random 5? She stopped for awhile. I had enjoyed doing it. And I enjoyed reading yours! That's a lot of snow! We probably have half that. Love the flute pics, and the trail mix looks amazing!

  17. My dear AnnMarie, I was just reading your previous post about your cat...I am so sorry you had to put her to sleep :( It's never easy losing a beloved pet. Your are in my thoughts, dear friend!

    The snow is incredible! We are getting snow right now, but I doubt we'll get three feet of it...athough my son would love that!

    Arm knitting certainly sounds like great fun! First, I need to learn how to knit :) Have a beautiful week, my dear. Hugs!

  18. Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend, AnnMarie! :) :) :)

  19. Dear AnnMarie, Well, one more snow storm on the way!!! At least the weather will be getting warmer and whatever falls will melt quickly. (I hope).
    It is so much better to mix your own trail mix. I can't believe the price of store bought; and not as good as making it yourself.
    I think the picture of both you and your granddaughter playing the flute is adorable.
    Happy times and happy memories.
    Stay warm and safe and blessings dear. xoxoxo Catherine

  20. Great post!! I have had my flute for 55 years and it wasn't new when I got it. So far none of the grandies are interested, so I still get to play it upon occasion! Music is the one avocation (although mine is somewhat of a vocation as well) that will stay with you all of your life!! I play piano in an Alzheimer's nursing home every few weeks, and it amazes me at how much they remember the old songs. They may not know who/where they are, but when I show up, they all know to head for the cafeteria where the piano is. It is also interesting to note that they often remember most of the words to the first verse or so of the old hymns.
    NONE of which has anything to do with your cutie pie grandgirl OR the wonderful dumbo pitcher.....I am just cheering on the musician!!!


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