Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Changing of the Mirrors

When it comes to decorating, I like to figure out exactly what I want and then enjoy the hunt for all things I need to do it. If it comes out the way I want, it stays and I never change it. Not too crazy about change.


Every once in a while though, I get a bug to just change things up a little, even though I may still like the original decorating. That happened recently with my tiny main floor bathroom.

My sweet daughter Jena painted it garnet red for me years ago. It was quite the job....something like five coats to cover. She already said up front she is not painting it again! I still love the color.

So for this redo, I had to work with the colors I have, which are the garnet red walls, white tile and light beige trim. The original shower curtain and valance match with a garnet red toile pattern on a light beige background. They had to go. The rug, toilet seat cover and towels are all garnet red. They will stay. The Victorian light fixture will have to stay for now also.

The mirror was the star of the room. It is a very heavy chalk ware, Victorian style round mirror. I found it in the early 90's at my favorite antique/thrift store at the time. I fixed it up and painted it white. It hung proudly in the only Victorian room in my 1900's farmhouse, the master bath. I was so happy to find a place for it in my current home when we moved.

I decided to move it to the parlor and hang it over the mantel. It goes with the style of the room and I am living with it right now to see if it will stay or not. The parlor is the middle room so it is a little weird walking through and catching myself in the mirror!

This is the before of the wall above the mantel.

Once that mirror was moved from the bathroom, I went to the front hallway and took that mirror. I had a hunch it might work in the bathroom as it was the one from my farmhouse bathroom. I always loved it. It has lots of mirror to check everything before leaving the house! I never did like it in the front hall.

Remember this mirror? I got it at a yard sale for $2 and debated about where to hang it in a post a year and a half ago, here. Well, I hung it in the front hall and it looks great. It actually matches better than the wood one did because it is gold and so are all the framed pictures!


So now that the mirrors have all been switched around, back to the bathroom re-do.

This bathroom has issues. The floor is from the 1960's, the tile around the sink needs re-grouting and fixing (see the grey strip on the end of the sink? Yeah, that's duck tape from where the tiles fell off. A contractor friend is coming to fix it, hopefully sooner than later!).....

....and, it's very tiny. Your knees touch the tub when you sit on the toilet. There is about 2 feet between the sink and tub. Small! But I had to work with what I've got because once I get the bug to change it up I won't be waiting for someone else to do their part first!

I started looking online for shower curtains and realized quickly I'd be pretty limited with the color and price.

Just happened to be in Bed Bath & Beyond with my daughters after my oldest daughter's birthday lunch. They found the curtain for me, which has the smallest amount of garnet red. I knew it would work though and my daughter had two $5 off coupons. I got the cute soap dispenser too.

From English toile to Spring garden......

There is enough brown in the shower curtain to pick up the wood mirror and enough beige to go with the trim. It also has some different shades of gold which helps balance the wire bird cloche and the framed picture of lacy underwear which is hung above the toilet.  I asked my husband if he minded looking at it while he, well you know, and he said not at all! Gotta love that! Not sure it is staying there though.
There are also some pretty shades of aqua in the shower curtain so I put my sweet little shell trinket dish on the window sill and an aqua bottle in with the clear ones.
The wire bird cloche is from Decor Steals.

I bought a huge box of vintage glass bottles from a man that used to work construction for the city of Rochester. He dug them out back in the 1980's and believes they are from the late 1800's.

Here is the full reveal....

The great rusty hook rack above the window is from Décor Steals

Now I just have to find duct tape to match my décor!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

diy Sunday Showcase
A Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
Share Your Style
Amaze Me Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Show and Share
Treasure Box Tuesday
Something to Talk About Link Party
You're Gonna Love It Link Party
A Return to Lovliness
What's It Wednesday
Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party
Share Your Style
Home and Garden Thursday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
Best of the Weekend
The Vintage Alphabet Party
Before and After Wednesday
A Little R & R Wednesdays


  1. Hi AnnMarie,
    How fun to see the results of your mirror switch out and bathroom makeover. I like the new shower curtain but I really liked to toile one too, I am a fan of toile. :)
    Take care and have a good rest of your weekend.

  2. It's always nice to switch things up around the's like having new things when they are in different rooms :)

    Love the jars by the window! Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs!

  3. Good thing they make duct tape in every favorite part are the bottles on the window sill.

  4. Wow! What nice changes :) I'm like you, loving to switch things around so that I don't get bored.

  5. When spring is peeking around the corner, it is always great to freshen up your décor & get rejuvenated for the new season ahead! You surely have done this! Lovely!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love changing things up...feels like a new room or your bathroom! Love the shower curtain you found and the way you drew in its colors with other accessories.
    Mary Alice

  7. I love the changes you made, and that shade of red is amazing. My living room has been red for about 8 years. It took forever to paint, and many coats. I love that you used the shower curtain to bring in other colours and tie it all together. It looks great! Those bottles are wonderful.

  8. You have been very busy with mirror rearranging - I like the white one over the white mantel. The gold against the blue is stunning. After seeing the shower curtain and the small details of the bath - the wood mirror is perfect.

  9. What a difference a few small changes can make! I also love those old bottles-- every room needs a little history :)

  10. Dear AnnMarie, I don't like change either. It seems when I put something someplace that is how it stays for quite some time. lol
    I do love the mirror you moved to the parlor and think it looks real nice. It really does go with the fireplace.
    I think the new curtain looks real nice and the color does work with the brown frame of the mirror.
    It is always nice to give a little lift and new life to a room without really changing the comfort zone that we are familiar with.
    Blessings dear friend. xoxoxo Catherine

  11. Such big changes, AnnMarie! Everything looks great, I LOVE the new shower curtain (and everything else). I also think the mirror over the fireplace is perfect. Hope you have a great week--

  12. Like you I am always switching out mirrors, and it does give each room a new look. I can so relate to small bathrooms, our are small too and challenging to decorate and photo. Your bath has a pretty new look and love the old bottles!

  13. Love all the switch-a-roos! And the garnet bathroom is stunning!
    I would love for you to stop by my blog and join our Something to Talk About link party each week!
    Have a great day!

  14. Any change can make such a difference to a room! I also have a few ideas to move things about to brighten the rooms and mark the coming of spring. Your home looks lovely.

  15. I love your bathroom makeover! The wood trim on the mirror adds a nice warmth to the space and the new shower curtain adds some nice pops of color. I love those vintage bottles too!

  16. Nice job! The shower curtain really changed it up and I'll bet you feel like you have a "new" room now! Hope you are having a good week, ~Jill

  17. Your bath looks lovely!! I am so glad that I wandered in today...I have been thinking of "punching" my red dining room with a bit of turquoise! You just gave me the okay to do such a thing !! :^)
    I love your old bottles fact I even have a few to use! Thank you for that idea too!
    Have a good weekend and blessings to you,
    PS: in my town we have a great JUNK store named "The Vintage Hippie" two may be related :^)

  18. Great job and beautiful colors. Your bathroom has so much charm and I love all the beautiful accessories including the hooks above your window.

  19. Lovely! I like the lighter brighter feel. The turquoise color is so stunning!

  20. Thanks so much for linking on Something to Talk Anout! I look forward to what you are sharing this week!

  21. I'm like you. When I get a room the way I want, I have a tendency to keep it that way forever! Your changes look lovely, and I'm gaga over your gorgeous fireplace!!

  22. I think it looked great before, and great now! Love the white mirror over your mantel, and the wood one looks good in the bathroom!

  23. You have such a pretty bathroom and the mirror changes. Thanks for the sweet comment on the spring wreath I made!
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  24. It looks lovely Ann Marie. It's fun to mix things up every now and then. I love the vintage bottles! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. i usually don't care for a mirror over a mantel because most of the time, it doesn't reflect anything pretty...just the ceiling and a ceiling fan...not very pretty to me.
    BUT....your mirror is low enuf, it has a nice reflection and I LOVE it there.
    here from dedicated.

  26. Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend, AnnMarie!

  27. Very lovely. I am a sucker for red. So, so pretty.


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