Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thrifty Finds and a Sweet New Find

I went back already! Yup, to my new favorite picking spot that I discovered on my birthday. You can read about it here if you'd like.

I went looking for ONE specific thing and I invited my junkin' friend Susan to join me. I really was not buying anything else....wasn't even going to check out the $5 a box section. I still haven't gotten through listing my original found treasures!

We got there early and had to wait to get in. On the door was a sign stating that today was 50% off day! Oh boy, I was going in already in trouble. You had to look for the sticker with the four digit number with the period at the end. Sure, not too hard to do in a HUGE warehouse!

I was determined to look for a vintage, metal garden trellis first. I wanted to get one for my daughter for her birthday along with a Sweet Autumn Clematis. They are so pretty! She admired mine in my garden last Fall when it finally bloomed on my trellis and hinted that she'd love one.

Sweet Autumn Clematis
They didn't have even one trellis so what was I to do but check out the 50% off items?
I picked up the rest of the wooden pant hangers I didn't get last time because they were now 50% off.
Not too exciting. It gets better though.
I had been wanting to find a pair of white ice skates to use for décor and/or crafting. I have a pair but they are mine from when I was a kid and I don't want to alter them in any way. These were 50% off and Miss Sue DePrez inscribed her name and the year 1975 on one of the blades. It still gets better.
 I came across this cute cast iron kitty doorstop for a really good price. I sold one last year but this one is older. Not 50% off but a great price.
 My next treasure was found in an odd spot and when I picked this beauty up, she had a price tag with four numbers and a period! 50% off! She is heavy chalk ware and in perfect condition. I love her!

Okay, I was done. Susan got a cool rug with a corvette on it for her son. I went up to pay and then carried the stuff out to the truck. While I was gone Susan spied this fabulous set of parrot creamers at the checkout counter. They are all stamped Made in Slovakia and Czech and numbered. They are all in perfect porcelain condition. They were all 50% off!

I found out through research that they are from the 1930's. They are highly collectible. I decided to list them all together in case someone wants an instant collection. The numbers are for those that want to choose which one they want. They are so unique and different from each other. Just look at the backs!
Although I never found a vintage, white metal trellis there, I found a new one at Hobby Lobby later that week and it will work great.
Have you ever been to Hobby Lobby? That place is phenomenal! Tons of vintage looking stuff I love, mostly new reproduction items that have been rusted and chipped up to look old. I rarely buy anything new anymore but I had to look at their great assortment of signs.
When I saw the one above, I just had to have it. You see it is the scripture verse that is inscribed on my wedding band, Song of Songs 6:3. The colors match my room and it was 50% OFF!
Here is my ring, front and back.
It was meant to be.
That's how I justify all of my fabulous purchases!!
AnnMarie xoxo


I am linking up with these great blog parties: 



  1. Great finds! I've been looks for a pair of ice skates forever but still haven't found a pair. Love your kitty doorstop!

  2. Oh, how I would love to go there with you! We could spend the entire day and probably only make it through one or two lanes, lol. Great stuff! Next time look for jadeite. ;-) Yes, HL is phenomenal, and that sign is truly special ( but not as special as your ring, which is what makes that sign so special). Meant to be, yes.
    Rita C at Panoply

  3. Hi AnnMarie,
    You must really like that place and I can tell why! You got some fun stuff, those parrot creamers are cute! I like your scripture sign from HL, that is so cool that it's the same scripture as on your ring! Your bedroom looks sweet and old fashioned, I like it!
    Have a great week!

  4. AnnMarie, this looks like my kind of place! LOVE those parrot creamers! Blessings, Cecilia

  5. Looks and sounds like you went shopping there at the right time!
    Yes - I have been to HL way to many times. I am trying to be good and not go into stores like that right now. :)

  6. That definitely looks like mykind of place! You scores some great deals. And, I love the picture with the scripture. Your ring is so beautiful and unique. Hope you have a lovely week...:)

  7. Woo hoo, you scored big time :) I love the skates, AnnMarie, and I can't wait to see what you do with them. I have some from Celeste that she repurposed and they are beautiful.

    Have a lovely Monday - hugs to you!

  8. WOW you found some great items. I love the skates and finding them to paint.
    This is such a great place. I wish we had that here.
    Love your rings too. So pretty.
    Have a nice week.
    Hugs, CM

  9. D is for Doorstop and a Delightful Day of finds!

  10. Hey I thought your Etsy name looked familiar ... we have a vintage team in common.

  11. That looks like a fun place to shop! I'm glad you found so many great things. I really like that Scripture sign, and what a neat inscription to have on your ring.

  12. What wonderful finds! I LOVE Hobby Lobby!!! I have to drive 100 miles to the closest one, but it is always well worth the trip! :-)

  13. Your ring inscription is just so sweet! I love that you were able to find a sign that says the same thing! I had my husband's ring inscribed "you and no other". I got that off of Braveheart. That is what Mel Gibson and his wife said to each other as they married in the movie. I love Hobby Lobby too and I am sending my husband to pick up some bottles there for me to solder and also some wooden finials for my bottles. It is hard on me to leave the house so I send him and he is very gracious about doing things like that for me. Wishing you and your beloved a wonderful day!

  14. The parrots are sooo great! I envy you for them :)!

  15. You're a vintage junkie, through and through! Visiting from Roses of Inspiration. Have a great week!

  16. Finding the sign that is the same as your ring inscription is really special. Glad you had another successful trip, AnnMarie! The parrot creamers are sure to make someone very happy. We don't have a HL near me. I'm probably better off ;)

  17. Wow! The parrot creamers are awesome!!!!! I need to find a great thrifty place like this. :)
    Thanks for sharing with Let's Talk Vintage today! Much appreciated.

  18. Awesome finds yet again! This place looks great! How wonderful you could find that sign for your bedroom.....very romantic. I've heard of Hobby Lobby but there are none around here. Lucky you! The ice skates bring back memories of my youth. It seems someone carved their name into the blade? Extra cool!! Can't wait to hear what you find on your next pick!

  19. Great finds this week-how special to find the sign that goes with your ring! it was meant to be.

  20. Dear AnnMarie, It is wonderful to have these places nearby to enjoy and find these treasures.
    I had a pair of ice-skate like those too.
    The parrot creamers will make someone very happy and I think the doorstop is adorable!
    I wish you a beautiful weekend and stay warm!! There is more cold on the way!
    xoxo Catherine

  21. First, of all, AnnMarie, I LOVE your wedding ring. It's so unique and the scripture is perfect. Second, I can see why you love this new place you've found. You came home with some great things. I'm interested in what you do with the ice skates. I found two pairs similar to those at our local thrift store recently. Bought both pairs for $2 and tucked them away to do something with later. . .when we're in our new home. xxx ~ Nancy

  22. That kitty doorstop is just too darling for words!

  23. I'm so glad you linked up at Best of the Weekend, AnnMarie! Hope to see you back every week :)

  24. Great finds, love the creamers!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  25. No Hobby Lobby in AK so I'm safe from spending money there : ) I'm in purge mode! And I just tossed my old skates in a box to I wonder if I should keep them??

  26. It was meant to be for sure! lol! Sounds like a good reason to me. I love your Sweet Autumn Clematis and have wanted one for a while. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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