Friday, January 8, 2016

Thrifty Tin and Other Things....

I finally made my way back to a thrift store I found last January on my birthday day out. It is called Rochester Greenovation. It is a warehouse chock full of vintage and antique items.

I went back for the $5 a box deal.

They provide the box and you fill it from a designated area and pay $5 for it all.

This trip turned out to be a thrifty TIN kind of day with a few other great items thrown in ............... the box, that is!

This is a nice, weighty Kreamer #62 jello, pudding or cake mold. It is so unique that I had to pick it up. It has a great vintage patina with three crisscross designs on the top. I think it is from the 1940's or earlier.

I just love fluted pans! These are tin French Brioche pans that are worn and rusted to a nice patina. They may be past using to bake in but they make a great décor item filled with items from outdoors like pinecones or seashells and beach items. They make great candle holders too. I love the idea of filling one with vintage Christmas bulbs for the year. I think we are over that for now!


Everywhere I looked there were tin baking molds. I grabbed them all and filled the box.
I had never seen a tin juicer and so I had to add it in too.

One of my favorite pans to bake in is a bundt pan. I just made a Golden Eggnog Cake with a dried cranberry and pecan filling in one to freeze for my birthday later this month (I may have to post the recipe for that one after I try it!). I just love the size and design on this one.


I was surprised to find a Pelouze Portion Controller scale in the fill-a-box section. It is rusty, the face is a little cloudy with a few scratches and it is not adjustable back to 0 but it works and it is perfect!

This vintage red metal toy truck thingy caught my eye and I couldn't believe my eyes at the original price on it and the fact that it was put in the fill-a-box section. What else could I do but fill the box with it!

It looks like it is an attachment to a larger toy truck (any ideas?) but it is red, rusty and appeals to my vintage self. It may or may not be a keeper!

The few other things I found include a red clock, a red double wig case and a porcelain frame.

I fell for a vintage clock this summer at an estate sale and ever since then I have seen them everywhere. My collection has grown from that first one to seven vintage clocks, all unique and wonderful in their own way. This red one was from a vendor there that had to be called for a price. I was willing to pay just about anything to have it. For $7 it is a keeper!

This 1960's wig/hat case is an Everbest Originals, from Hollywood Florida. It caught my eye, again, for the red color! I picture an actress stepping from her red sports car with this case on her arm, running into the TV studio to be made up for the big screen. I am working on getting it listed for all the glamorous girls out there!

I tucked this sweet little frame into the box thinking it would be perfect for that first picture of a newborn baby. It is white with peach and yellow so it is suited for either a boy or girl.

It has been slow pickin' in these parts over the winter but I think I have enough to keep myself busy till the weather breaks.

I am dreaming of outdoor flea markets, antique shows and garage sales already!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties:

Thrifty and Vintage Finds
Let's Talk Vintage
Talk of the Town
Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Charm
Flea Market Friday Link Party
Best of the Weekend
Pink Saturday
Vintage Bliss Tuesday Linky Party


  1. AnnMarie,
    Wow, I want to find a place near me that has a $5 a box deal. Just curious how big is the box they give you to fill? Your tin finds are amazing and I adore anything fluted. The red hat box is really cool, I enjoyed your visualization of the actress.

  2. Well, it doesn't look like slow pickin's to me.

    I love all the tin pieces you found. I don't have anything like them and might have to start looking.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  3. You always have the neatest finds. There is o place like this near my home and I am probably lucky, because will power is not my strong suit!! I would have had ten of those $5 boxes! ;)

  4. Looks like a fabulous place to shop! I love that red clock too! :)

  5. My goodness, AnnMarie - it looks like you've been raiding my kitchen. I use the little juicer every week (for lemon chicken) and I have a whole stack of those little jello molds. Mom used to use them for tomato aspic (ugh!) I don't know what I'll do when I have to downsize to a level living area! Years ago, Martha Stewart decorated a kitchen wall with the little jello molds...maybe?

  6. Wow, what a great place to shop - and great finds.

  7. OMGosh...$5.00 for the box??? What a great deal! The hubster would have definitely had to carry my box out for would have been filled to the brim! I love all of your tin finds! The hat box is awesome!! You always seem to find the neatest things AnnMarie!! Come to Nashville and take me shopping with you. I obviously do not have "the eye" that you do!!

  8. I remember the post last year when you found this place, AnnMarie. I thought it was a cool place then, and I think so even more now. You came away with some fantastic finds. That scale is amazing! xo ~ Nancy

  9. I remember this junker heaven from last year, too! I want to go! Love the tin juicer - I have not seen one either. Which items are being listed in your Etsy shop?

  10. I'd be in junkin' heaven in a place like this! What a load of goodies you found for just $5. Love that rusty truck party, clock, and wig box too. Thanks for sharing at Talk of the Town.

  11. Such a deal! I remember your other post about this place, and I'm glad that you got to go back. When I saw the metal juicer, I suddenly thought of my grandmother, so she must have had one.

  12. Hi Anne Marie, some nice finds there. Our Sally's op shop does $2 bags occasionally and my daughter gets herself bargains there.


  13. What scores Ann Marie! I remember your trip to this place last year. Gosh, $5 a box is unheard of around here. I love all metal kitchenware and have a couple of the fluted pans. I have plans to create a few Valentine goodies using some of my small jello molds. That red clock made my heart skip a beat! lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. Wow - you got some great finds! Love the hat case.

  15. Wowie, so many of us would be in heaven having a great place like that to shop at. Love all your tin finds and the amazing hatbox. :)

  16. Great finds AnnMarie. Love the tins and I would have snapped those up too. 5 dollars a box is a great selling feature. Wonder what the size is? Love the red treasures. The clock is awesome.
    Happy New Year and blessings to you. Celeste xo

  17. I think I've said it before--but that sounds like my kind of place to thrift! You surely got your money's worth. Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!

  18. We have a long time to keep dreaming girlfriend! While we don't have any snow yet, I know we've got a least a couple of months of winter left and very few sales :( Boo hoo. I did hit a couple of estate sales today and found a small pile of "stuff." I'd love to go to your Greenovation sale some day. Looks fab. Hope the rest of your week-end is great--

  19. There are some wonderful offerings here!!! What fun! Hope you have a great upcoming week. It has been a busy one for us around here. xo Diana

  20. Love that hat box and clock especially! Great idea, filling a box x

  21. How fun....I got to go once in the last two weeks and basically found little, but one treasure...Fun junkin' with you...grins, Sandi

  22. I LOVE your finds and naturally your bundt pan:) but of course you and I are both wild over bundt cake.
    A couple of years ago I found some precious little individual jello molds and I gave them to my oldest daughter, for her Birthday.
    You have such a keen eye for fabulous finds!

  23. Hi AnnMarie, I just love all of the treasures that you found. Especially the molds. There is so much crafting that you can do with those. I'm adding sale dates to my calendar every day thinking of the treasure hunting days to come. Enjoy your finds!

  24. That looks like a fun place, wow! I know you had fun! Fun finds too.

  25. What great finds you found! I haven't been anywhere since my visit to Texas in September. We're driving back there in March and I really want to get to Waco and I would love to go to the big Round Top flea market that Chip and Jo go to on Fixer Upper. We'll be there for the next big one, but it's a few hours drive from our son's place, so very debatable right now.

  26. wonderful post my dear ! I really enjoyed it!

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  27. What fun to see all of these vintage finds, especially the baking ones! :)

  28. Sounds like a fun sale and you found some real treasures! I love your red clock! x Karen

  29. Thanks for linking up to my party - I featured your scale!

    I hope you'll link up again soon.
    Dagmar ~ Dagmar's Home

  30. Loved your finds! That hat box is awesome! I featured you today for "Let's Talk Vintage!" Enjoy the day!

  31. Great finds and I love the ideas of filling a box for $5! The scale is my fav. of your finds!

  32. Fabulous finds AnnMarie. Of course I love all the great bakeware items, and that red case is awesome!

  33. Hi AnnMarie,
    Wow, oh my Gosh that store is hugs...I would be so excited I don't know if I could contain myself! Nor could I contain myself just to 1 box!! ;)
    You got some amazing things for $ it all, and that scale is amazing!
    Loving red lately and love that clock and red hat box!!
    Not much to find here right now either, once people start Spring cleaning there will be more finds!!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  34. Hey AnnMarie, I want THAT CLOCK! I have 10 in my collection but no red ones. How fun!

  35. Thanks so much for sharing your post with the #fleamarketfriday link up party! I have featured it today in this week's party! I hope you can join in again! Have a great day...Brooke from


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