Thursday, January 29, 2015

Guess How I Spent My Birthday?

Thrifting, of course!

I was going to go thrifting alone but my husband took the day off from work, my son had a day off during mid-term week and my daughter found a babysitter so she could have a day out.

We started by having brunch at Panera, an easy decision since they gave me a free pastry for my birthday and their coffee is phenomenal. I had the steel cut oats with strawberries, pecan and cinnamon crunch topping. For my free pastry I chose an orange scone.

Have you seen Panera's pastries, namely their cinnamon rolls? They are at least 6" in diameter. Here is my son working through his second one after his breakfast sandwich.

 We needed to get moving after that and burn off some calories!

Off we went to a new to me place in the city of Rochester.....Rochester Greenovation. A warehouse so chock full of vintage and antique items that it is overwhelming!

Right away the sweet girl behind the counter directed us to the thrifty section behind the blue line. You could fill a box for $5. We spent most of our time there!
My husband and I both filled a box while he and my son played a game that awarded them a chocolate bar for the most points in finding an item that I actually put in my box to buy.
The rest of the place was a thrifters dream with everything you could imagine, from items hanging from the rafters to a builders supply room and a Free Market room.


There was a pair of bright fuschia pink mannequins that I wanted and huge Styrofoam chain link stretched across a booth. A separate vendors booth decked out in pink was not open today. I will have to go back for that!

Here is my box of goodies. The girl behind the counter was so helpful and sweet, I had to have a picture of her!
I will be sharing my treasures in an upcoming post.
We knew we were having a big dinner so instead of a big cake we decided to go to Savoia's Bakery to get individual desserts for all of us. They have a Cannoli Cake that is so good and it is sold in individual pieces, so that was my choice.
I dare you to leave here without a box of goodies! The smell when you walk in is so Savoia's (it's the one thing everyone comments on!)
Here's our dessert in lieu of a large cake! My 3 year old granddaughter ate that whole cupcake cookie!

It seems to have become a tradition now to have New England Seafood Boil for my birthday dinner.

It is so good with all the spices, clams, shrimp, red potatoes, corn and sausage. Throw it all on newspaper in the center of the table and dig in!
The rest of the week includes lunch with girlfriends today and Friday and then I am going to take a break from eating!
Happy Weekend!
AnnMarie xoxo
I am linking up to these fun blog parties!




  1. Looks like the perfect birthday and so much fun.

  2. Oh AnnMarie, yours sounds like a perfect birthday! Lovely photos!
    Enjoy you weekend!

  3. How fun! My kind of day for sure. I'm stopping by from Katharine's Corner. Have a great day!

  4. What a fun day! I'm still amazed your son could eat two of those cinnamon rolls AFTER his breakfast sandwich! Have a great day!

  5. Sounds like a perfect Birthday to me! Junkin, family, food and dessert!

  6. This sounds like a terrific way to celebrate a birthday. Thrifting and eating all day. It doesn't get much better than that!

  7. Happy birthday friend!!! How wonderful that your family joined you!!! And how fun does that thrifting experience look!! You had me at that cannoli!!! Wishing you a blessed week! Nicole xo

  8. Happy Birthday. Looks like you enjoyed a wonderful time with your family over brunch and then shopping that wonderful market. I would love to visit there.
    Enjoy the rest of the week and your fun celebrations with your friends. Best wishes.

  9. What a wonderful way to spend the day! I'm happy for you. Hope you have a wonderful birthday week!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  10. Happy Birthday!!! I can't think of a more perfect way to spend a birthday that thrifting with the family...:) Can't wait to see what you bought. Have a blessed Friday and weekend!

  11. It looks like so much fun! I don't know this place, but next time I'm up north I need to check it out.

  12. What a happy way to spend your birthday with family and having so much fun.
    Happy Birthday!

  13. Birthday blessings to you, dearest friend! How wonderful and extra special to have your family there with you - it looks like the day was delightful. The goodies you enjoyed have my mouth watering and the treasures you found have me wanting to come to your place so we can go thrifting together :)

    Happy weekend! Hugs to you!

  14. First, Happy Birthday (belated), AnnMarie. Second, what a great way to celebrate, and how wonderful that your family arranged to spend the day with you doing what you enjoy. And, obviously, they enjoy the same things. I miss Panera. It was always one of my favorite places to go for coffee or a meal -- none near us now. :( The market where you shopped looks amazing. Lots of great finds there, I'll bet. Hugs, Nancy

  15. Well happy bithday!!!!!! Looks like it was a blast!

  16. This sounds like a perfect way to spend your special day. I'd go crazy in a place like this, so much to see and I'm sure the prices were excellent. Happy belated birthday to you.

  17. What a wonderful birthday! You have such a beautiful family. I would have loved to fill one of those $5 boxes at the thrift center, how fun! A seafood boil is my kind of idea of a perfect birthday dinner, yum!

  18. Happy Birthday! What a great place to pick! You have a lovely family and obviously you are loved, the best gift of all!

  19. What a wonderful birthday week! I think you may have found junker heaven.


    What a fun, fun time :)

    Can't beat those wonderful moments with our loved ones right :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, cheers, T. :)

  21. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!!!

    What a glorious day you are truly blessed! These are the best birthdays to have with loved ones. The great picking & the yummy treats are the icing on the pun intended! :)
    Best wishes,

  22. Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family. How fun to pack a box for $5!
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Happy Birthday! Sounds like the perfect day--loved ones, thrifting and Panera! Hugs, Cecilia

  24. Happy Birthday my friend! I always see commercials for Panera and think it looks so delicious, but we don't have one here. Glad you had such a fun day! Filling a box for $5 is a great deal. Hubby and I did a fish boil in WI and loved it. A seafood boil would be even better. We are planning a trip to New England this Fall. Will be sure and find one! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!!

    You had such a wonderful time with your sweet family, with delicious food and pretty desserts; what a lovely and happy day, browsing your new haunt for treasures, sound ideal. All the very best!:))


  26. Sounds like it was a great day, AnnMarie! I wish they had a place like Greenovation near me! Happy Happy Birthday!!!

  27. Dear AnnMarie, What a beautiful day full of birthday memories!!
    How nice to be able to eat 2 of those wonderful cinnamon rolls!!! Those were the days!
    Happy Birthday and many more years of smiles and blessings, xo Catherine

  28. I'm so sorry I missed your birthday, AnnMarie!! Sounds like a fantastic day all around. I cannot tell you how jealous I am of your visit to the Greenovation--amazing opportunities for junking! What a beautiful family you have; I'm so glad you got to spend the day together. (I would have chosen cannoli cake, too.)


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