Monday, August 29, 2016

(Incredible) Deep Dish Pizza

Ya know when you find a great recipe and you find yourself wanting to make it again within the week?

This Deep Dish Pizza is that recipe.

I do not know where I got the recipe and it is one of those that was not specific about amounts for the ingredients. You know, a throw a little of this in, then a little of that, kind of recipe.

I'm not going to do that to you. I figured out how much I used of each ingredient to make this the most delectable pizza.

My first try came out flat. I realized I just had to add more layers! You can add any other ingredients you'd like but I encourage you to try it the first time with just the ones listed here. So good!

This luscious looking pie.......

started out like this....

With the top crust on ready to bake.

I used frozen pizza dough from Wegmans grocery store because it is the best!

Here is the recipe:

Deep Dish Pizza

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees

1 pound pizza dough (homemade or from the grocery), halved
6 oz. of ricotta cheese
1/4 pound sliced pepperoni
8 oz. bag spinach
8 oz. mozzarella, shredded
Sliced provolone cheese (optional)
1 cup pizza sauce
Parmesan cheese

Roll the two pieces of dough until they are fairly thin.  
Place one piece inside a 9" or 10" pie pan,
like you would line a pie crust.
Spread ricotta cheese on the bottom.
Layer with pepperoni, spinach and shredded mozzarella. I added
sliced provolone to mine.
Keep layering until the ingredients are piled high. It will flatten out
somewhat during baking.
Top the pie with the other piece of dough.
Crimp the edges all the way around.
Press down the center of the pie to make a pool for the sauce.
Make slits on the top and then pour the sauce in the center.
Spread it to the edges.
Top with  grated parmesan cheese.

Bake at 500 degrees for 30 minutes.
Let sit for at least 15 minutes before cutting.

You can vary the amounts of the ingredients to your liking. At 500 degrees it will cook quickly so keep an eye on it!

Will this be your next pizza on pizza night?


  1. Wow...this looks amazing!
    Mary Alice

  2. Amazing!! I will most definitely give this a try and I know my husband is going to love it.

    Have a glorious week~~

  3. Saved for later! I love a good pizza!

  4. I LOVE making pizza, and this is a must try for me. Thanks Ann Marie (or maybe I shouldn't thank you lol)


  5. Hello AnnMarie, your pizza looks and sounds so good. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and share this with us at Cooking and Crafting with J & J. Enjoy the week.

  6. Well this sounds so delicious!

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  7. I'm so craving this now. My hubby will only eat thin crust and I always try to let him choose but I really want this.

  8. Heavens!!! AnnMarie....that pizza looks amazing...l bet it tasted awesome too. l'm no cook but l might even try to make that recipe. Thanks for sharing:-)

  9. That cerainly looks like one full meal. Not just an average pizza but much more. I'll have to pin this one.

  10. Wow, this is amazing deep dish pizza. I would have never thought to make it this way. Yummy and so happy you shared at Dishing it and Digging it link party. We love having you.

  11. Well goodness this looks, sounds and I know that it is a delicious dish! What a wonderful recipe and thank you so much for sharing it too!

  12. Oh my....I want some of this now! I was going to make Swedish meatballs for summer, byt methinks I should make this instead :) Thanks for the recipe, my friend. I will definitely be trying it.

    Hugs to you!

  13. Oh, this looks sooooooo good! I can practically taste it - Yum! So easy, too - thanks for the recipe! x Karen

  14. Oh my, if it tastes half as good as it looks it is delicious! YUM!! Pinning.

  15. Oh my mercy this looks sooooo good! I just made several thin crust pizza's and they turned it out good. I am pinning this recipe. Cannot wait to make it. Visiting from Thoughts of home today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Damn that looks soooo good


  17. That looks amazing Living in the Chicagoland area, we know deep dish pizza and thats deep dish!

  18. Yummy! Thank you for sharing at SYC! xx Jo

  19. The deep dish pizza looks sooo good!! Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe!
    Hugs, Jody

  20. Thanks most sincerely for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~, I appreciate it so much !
    What a lovely blog you also have, thank you for sharing your stunning Pizza !

    Wishing you the most beautiful weekend ever

    Xx Daniela

  21. Holy Pizza! This looks amazing! I love the ricotta and spinach to it. Thanks for linking this one up on Happiness is Homemade.

  22. That looks insanely delicious!
    I could see making this over and over!
    Thanks for the recipe!

  23. Wow, your deep dish pizza is oozing with deliciousness, AnnMarie!! Thank you for sharing the recipe. Me thinks I will just have to cook this gastronomical treat, though me thinks I will be licking my fingers after I have finished a piece or two or three.......

  24. Oh my word.... Must try! Luv your recipe posts!

  25. This really does look incredibly yummy ♥

  26. May I just say WOW!!!!! I'm so envious - I'd love a Wegmans near me, but the closest one is 2+ hours away, oh so sad! This looks great, thanks for sharing!

  27. I am absolutely positively going to make this!! Sharing on Facebook because it looks amazing. :)

  28. This looks amazing, AnnMarie! I'm a pizza junkie, so it's getting pinned immediately!


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