Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pickin' My Stash For Fall

I have been crafting up a storm lately and I am not sure what has gotten into me. It is not
what I usually wake up thinking of doing. Maybe it is the anticipation of Fall and all the decorating to be done?

I like to pick and thrift great vintage things and just resell them in my Etsy shop.

Today's mini haul from Restore
Really easy.

Of course you have to have an eye for that and there's all that research and picture taking and writing a description and figuring out a price....

It is still better, I think, than taking the time to make things that may not come out good!

Because Fall is almost here, my motivation is my booth. I need Fall things to fill it up for an upcoming Open House.

There's not a lot of nice Fall vintage stuff out there.

But there are supplies. And there's a lot of craft stuff and paint in my stash.

I found a huge bunch of faux ranunculus (or are they zinnia's?) in gorgeous Fall oranges and reds and a cute basket with painted pumpkins on it at Goodwill.

I had the other assorted fixin's around the house and also picked up a small Fall arrangement at Restore to take apart for my basket centerpiece.

I added a couple of burlap pumpkins from the Dollar Tree and a pinecone.

The back

I am hoping someone will want to take it home for their Fall table centerpiece.

I have had the bee stencil for awhile and decided to finally play with it on a bread board I thrifted. I added one of my favorite sayings conveniently made into a stencil.

I think it came out pretty cute!

I love how it looks with my bread board collection. But, alas, it has to go to the booth.

The Autumn blessings sign is something I found at the Dollar General. It was originally green and orange stripes so I painted over it with chalk paint, distressed it a little and done!

I recently discovered Saltwash and have been experimenting with it.

I found this galvanized metal planter in the shape of a watering can. I painted it with the saltwash combined with chalk paint and then spray painted it Teal. A very light sanding and it is ready for a huge mum.

I found a few things for myself too.

I took a chance and drove a few towns away to go to a moving sale, "whole house, everything must go" kind of sale. I got there and there were two tables with some tools on them and a cast iron doorstop. I asked if that was all there was and the gentleman said there was some furniture in the house! What?! I asked about the price on the door stop and while he was off finding out from his daughter, I started looking around the garage.

Hanging up in the rafters I found a heavy wrought iron candleholder, a rusty old bucket and the great sage green birdhouse. I asked if he was willing to sell them. I drove all that way, I was not leaving without something great!

I got a great deal on all three things and decided to make the birdcage into a light for my side porch.

I now have a trio of birdcages out there.

I passed on the door stop....too pricey!

Imagine my delight when I found this great rusty metal two tier stand at Goodwill. It is a perfect match to my dining room colors.

I just happened to have enough stuff in my stash to fill it up to create a Fall centerpiece.

A close-up...

The back....

I had to come back and edit this by adding a picture of my updated dining room table. I found these faux nut candle wreaths at Restore for $.50 each. They fit perfectly around my rusty pumpkin candleholders that have not come out of the cupboard for a few years. I think they complete the look.

One more thing for me.

Hmmmm....seems I have almost as many things for me that I do to sell.

Works for me!

The last centerpiece is for my dining room. This one is for my kitchen.

I have been playing with it every time I walk by it over the last few days. This is today's arrangement from things I had at home. I found the metal and crystal pedestal stand at a flea market, hand made and only $5! I had to keep it. The bottom tray is an old metal tray shaped like a sunflower. It's too pretty to cover up, but for this I had to sacrifice!

Just one more thing I want to share with you....

Despite our extremely hot, dry weather all summer that killed the grass and made most of my flowers suffer, my succulents are thriving.

These are the before pictures when I first planted them.

And these are from today.

Wow! I really hope I can winter these over so I can put them out again in Spring.

Are you ready for Fall? Decorating, sweaters, boots, crisp cool mornings....

I am!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these great blog parties:

Share Your Cup
Thoughts of Home
Simple & Sweet Fridays
Home Sweet Home
Best of the Weekend
Happiness is Homemade
Tiered Tray Extravaganza
Make It Pretty Monday
Thrifty and Vintage Finds
Let's Talk Vintage
Vintage Charm


  1. LOVE your bee bread board, fall center pieces and your "gardens" have taken off.

  2. Love the centrepieces, especially the kitchen one. The bee bread board is so cute, and I love the bird cages on your porch. We had the same kind of summer and I'm so ready for fall. I don't decorate much for it, but I love the cooler temps. Your succeulents look amazing!

  3. Oh I'm so ready for fall. Your goodies are so inspiring. Love everything you have created and pulled together. You sure have an eye for crafting. Your garden succulents are gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend sweet friend.

  4. Scored again! Such pretty, useful items, and wow! The birdhouse is lovely!

    Thank goodness at least your succulents did well. I don't have any, but after this season, I probably should!

  5. Hello AnnMarie, oh I love your fall decorating and I love the autumn blessings. I can't wait for cooler weather to decorate outside with mums.
    Enjoy the weekend. Julie xo

  6. Lots of awesome projects! Your arrangements are all so pretty. I have never tried a salt wash but it sounds like something I need to experiment with. My favorite is your succulent! They are gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

  7. All of your projects came out great, AnnMarie. I knew you had to come home with a few things for youself! Wow - those succulents are awesome!

  8. You definitely have a good eye for 'picking'. You did a great job on all your projects. I can tell you are anxious for Fall. Not so sure here-feels like I missed out on summer completely. Hope you have a great weekend- xo Diana

  9. Sadly, I could only see part of your photos. Probably something with my ancient computer. I did see the succulent pictures, tho'. I really love succulents-- there's such an enormous variety besides hens and chicks! I am growing a couple other types and hope to get more. Sorry, I can't tell you the names of them.

    I'm not thrilled about fall, yet. Our summer here in Michigan has been either hot and humid or raining it seems. Sure put a kibosh (sp ?) on my gardening activities. I'll come around and start putting up some fall decorations eventually. Looking for some little white pumpkins to start.

    Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. I love to see what people score from thrifting! One of my favorite activities.

  10. AnnMarie I am so ready for Fall, crisp cool air and sweaters, but sadly Fall is not ready for us. Philadelphia is still locked in the 90's. Sure looks like you know all the best places to shop, lucky girl. I love your autumn vignette and arrangements very creative. Have a fun weekend.

  11. Hi Ann Marie, You are a very crafty lady. I loved all the fall center pieces you made. Your porch is adorable.Love the little gardens too. Wishing you a great's coming in 11 days. Do you wonder where summer got to? I sure do. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. Oh you have some wonderful craft creations! A new season is such a great idea stimulus! Happy fall!

  13. You have been BUSY!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. You HAVE been busy! Love,love,love the bee stenciled board, your awesome succulents and pretty tiered tray display!

  15. wow, busy your tiered stands and the way you decorated them...have fun visiting everyone at the party today....xoxo

  16. Love your tiered trays and all the other goodies you have been working on!

  17. Love your trays, beautiful decor!

  18. Gosh! You're very busy with the crafting! Great tiered trays with the fall pretties throughout.

  19. It's not very often this late in the summer that I get to pin a gardening picture. I definitely had to pin your birdbath full of succulents. That's gorgeous!

    I'm very impressed with your tiered tray finds. I love the one with the bird on it. You're such a fabulous thrifter.

    I'm glad you joined us today. ♥

  20. Love this post. Everything looks so pretty. Your tiered trays are lovely. It's great being a thrifter. So many fabulous finds. The succulents have caught my eye as well.

  21. I love your tiered tray, but I also love all of your finds.
    You had my attention at the title of your post.
    There is nothing better than going througgh our stash.
    Enjoyed visiting.
    Thank you for joining us!

    White Spray Paint

  22. Your Goodwill find is a delight! Your autumnal touches are lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing this gem.

  23. My goodness AnnMarie, you have been busy! Your succulent plantings have just exploded and they are gorgeous. I do hope you can winter them over. Love your "bee" bread board and bird cage light fixture--nice work.


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