Wednesday, September 14, 2016

3 Ingredient Pumpkin Cake

This post is from last Fall.

I thought it was worth repeating.

I just bought the ingredients to make this cake because it is time and I can't wait any longer! Isn't it funny how we don't make certain recipes until the "correct" season?

If you saw this post last year and saved the recipe, dig it out and start baking!

Have you seen the recipe for this pumpkin cake/bread that's been going around the blog world and Pinterest since last Fall? I first heard of it from my daughter Jena who said it was only 3 ingredients and really, really good.

I am particular about anything pumpkin I make so I was a skeptic. A box cake mix? Not for this from scratch girl. After all, I had been making the same pumpkin bread for over 30 years and it is all I'd make....until I tried this!! It is more than really, really good. It is stupid good (what exactly does that mean?!?).

There's the 3 ingredients.....spice cake mix, 15 oz. can pumpkin and 1/2 bag chocolate chips. I bought the mini chocolate chips by mistake but it turns out I like them better in this cake.

Preheat the oven according to the box for the pan you will use. Mix just the powdered spice cake (without adding water, egg, oil), the whole can of pumpkin and about 1 cup chocolate chips in a mixer till all combined. Spray your pan, spread it out and bake it for about 25 minutes (according to the cake mix box). Done!

No need to frost.

The texture is cake-y but with a sweet bread consistency. It is a pumpkin cakey bread. It is so much easier and so delicious that I have retired my 30 year old pumpkin chocolate chip bread recipe (for now). So sad.


AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:

Share Your Cup
Happiness is Homemade
"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday
Dishing It & Digging It
Tickly My Tastebuds Tuesday
No Rules Weekend Blog Party
Full Plate Thursday


  1. Ann Marie...simple is my favorite kind of cooking. This looks too good to be true. I am certainly going to try this. Thank you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Oh my goodness, this looks so good. And so much easier than my "traditional" pumpkin cake. And no added oil - love that! Hope you're well and looking forward to cooler weather as I am. Karen

  3. I can't wait to try this recipe. Yummy and easy!

  4. Thank you for posting this. I am so glad I have this for the fall and it looks so easy.

  5. WOW this looks so good Ann Marie and simple too. I did the same thing once with the mini chips for something I was baking and ended up liking them better.
    Thanks for sharing. I will be trying this one for sure.
    Have a great reat of the week. xo

  6. Perfect for Fall Ann Marie. Really looks yummy! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. I love anything with pumpkin. This looks absolutely delicious!

  8. Yes mam it was worth repeating for sure. Thanks for the recipe. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. Ann Marie, I just saw this and I am so excited to try it out for our fall shindig on Saturday! It is easy and sounds delicious! Thank you!!

    xo Dianne

  10. This is definitely something I want to try. I have a feeling the pumpkin and chips will bring it over the top.


  11. Oh, yummy - yum! I love how easy it is, too! Thanks for the recipe! Hugs xo Karen

  12. No extra liquid added? Wow, I'm definitely going to have to try this. Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. This is such a great idea. Three ingredients and you're done and I know the combination of pumpkin and choclate must be so delicious.

  14. Ann Marie, these are wonderful! I made 2 batches to take to a fall shindig party and I have to wrap them up so I don't eat them all. Thank you so much!!

    xo Dianne

  15. MMMH! Looks and sounds delish! I am like you, I like to cook from scratch and have nary a box cake mix in my pantry... however, upon your word, I may just try it! Have a blessed day :)

  16. I love anything with pumpkin in it. This recipe sounds and looks so delicious. Unfortunately, here down under I don't think we have anything like a spice cake mix, though I think I will have to try and hunt one similar, down. This cake must be good if you have said goodbye to a 30 year favourite!

  17. This sounds really good and I would love to make this for the fall! Thanks for the recipe! :)

  18. We will just love your Pumpkin Cake, it looks delicious. Thanks so much for sharing with us today at Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Miz Helen

  19. You had me at three ingredients! I love anything and everything pumpkin, and the chocolate chips don't hurt, either!


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