Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October One Day at a Time

I love these day by day posts because finding something to highlight each day helps to make the day more fun somehow.

Since October is my favorite month of the year, I decided to give you a peek at October in my world, one day at a time.

1 - My granddaughter Cassidy plays Fall Ball every year, the only girl on an all boys team. It is a family thing, her Dad coaching and her Mom keeping score. Cassidy is at bat with her neon yellow socks!

2 - My large hardy salmon colored Mum finally bloomed. The rain spread it out but it still looks pretty.

3 - Sadly, last evening we were given the news that our dear friend Fred passed away from a massive stroke. As my daughter put it, "he was one cool old dude". He was a father/grandfather figure for our family. The strangest thing happened on the day he died...October 2nd. Earlier that day my sister texted me to remind me that my natural Father died 49 years ago that day. That evening we heard of Fred's death.

4 - How lazy can a fat cat get? Here is Cyrus, laying down using his paw to pull the dish up to his mouth so he can eat. This cat has personality plus!

5- Wednesday is my day with my grandson JC. He likes to play with all the toys, even the necklaces. Hey, pirates wear them!

6 - Today was Fred's memorial service. It was a celebration of him and the wonderful life he lived till the age of 86. Here are a picture of his sons, Mike and Kevin and my husband Frank. The brothers told my husband that Fred thought of him as a son, which meant the world to Frank.

7 - I found this treasure at the local Habitat for Humanity Restore. It is a mercury glass pumpkin that is pink on the outside. Goes perfect on my parlor mantel and is so pretty lit up at night.

8 - On a weekend away to a Fall festival in Ellicotville, NY, this was a scene we passed by while walking. Kind of Harry Potter-ish.....

 9 - I picked up some leaves while there and brought them home to wax.

10 - My sister Michele was home from Florida for the weekend so we all decided to get together on Columbus Day since the kids were off from school. We went on an apple tasting tour to local farm markets. It was a sunny, crisp and chilly day so we huddled close together to get a selfie while the kids played.

From left to right, my daughter Jena, me, my sister Rosanne,
sister Michele and my daughter Candice
11 - I took a drive to check on my booth today at Ye Olde Schoolhouse Country Store. It was a beautiful sunny, clear day.

 I found a few things were sold and I needed to move some things around. That's always a good thing!

12 - My son does not feed himself lunch so is usually starving by dinner. He wanted something easy to make and mentioned in jest that he should become a real college student by eating Ramen noodles. So, when I was at Aldi's I picked up a pack of them. He loves them and is now an official college student :-) Did you know that the stuff has 900+ mg of salt in it? Bleh.

13 - Every month on the 13th my husband and I celebrate our wedding day with a small gift to each other. His gift, from me, was a homemade apple dumpling with caramel sauce from a local farm market and mine is this t-shirt from the Fringe Fest. Our Community Theatre performed at this anything goes arts festival in downtown Rochester. I have a thing right now for t-shirts (especially gray) with logos on them. This says "The Fringe. Unordinary" with a skyline of Rochester.

14 - Twice a year, Spring and Fall, I look forward to the barn sale on Johnson Rd. in my town. The owners of the antique store on Main St. hold a huge barn sale at their home with extra stuff from their shop. I have gotten some great stuff with really low prices. Today, another gorgeous clear day, was the day for the Fall sale!

15 - My bucket of Bacopa is still blooming, or more like blooming again! The perfect little lavender flowers die off and then appear all at once several times throughout the summer. I was surprised to see them again in mid-October!

16 - It was 75 degrees today so after church we decided to take a ride to Yia Yia's Ice Cream Shoppe for one last Monkey Madness sundae. They close for the season on October 17th. That sundae is so good and so big. It is hot fudge, peanut butter sauce, peanuts, bananas, waffle cone pieces, vanilla ice cream and repeat! Topped off with whipped cream and a cherry. I was so busy digging in that I forgot to take a picture of the sundae!

17 - I finished my Christmas project! I just thought these trees were adorable when I saw a similar project on the internet. I decided to make some of my own to sell in my booth. I had the thread spools, Hymnal book pages and the "snow". I found the cute bottle brush trees on Etsy and the pearl and rhinestone peel and stick embellishments at Michael's. I made 16 in all. They are all just a little different from each other.

 18 - Every year my sweet friend Bonnie and I celebrate our birthdays together.We go out to lunch and then find a new coffee shop to try.  Today was for Bonnie's special day. This year we found the Glen Edith Coffee Roasters, off Park Ave in Rochester, NY. I forgot to take a picture of the two of us but I did take one of the latte's.....yummy Fall flavors called Oktoberfest and Honey Harvest.

19 - We had comfort food for dinner tonight....White Chili. This stuff is so good with chicken, white beans, green chilies, corn, sour cream and cream. It warms the belly. Don't eat too much or it will fatten the belly!

20 - I live one block from the intersection of the "Four Churches of Palmyra",  a signature site in the town, and three of them had rummage sales today! It was pouring down rain but I made it to all three between dropping my son off at school and getting to work at the shop where I have a booth. This is my haul....not as much as usual but still good. Two things are not shown because I already took them to my booth.

a sunhat made out of twigs, a 1950's ceiling light, a fridge
jar, a wooden Santa, a box of vintage pins, two metal Sexton
antique car wall hangings all on top of a snowman flag

21 -  It is a miserable day with cold, damp rain expected all day. I am not going anywhere so I decided to make another 3 Ingredient Pumpkin Cake. My son will eat it for breakfast and then I will serve it later with coffee when a girlfriend comes over. Love this cake!

22 - In the 44 degree, rainy, damp weather I went to a flea market today. Yup, I am one of those diehard thrifters and yes, we have had non-stop rain for three days!! I found some great stuff, the best of which is this upcycled wooden coke crate, made into a tray table. It can be a mini bar, a planter box or, with a piece of glass or wood, a side table. Actually I bought two of them! One for my booth and one for my Etsy shop.


23 - My husband and I took Chloe and JC to pick pumpkins today at a local farm market. It was so busy there, it was crazy trying to pick pumpkins and keep track of two little ones. We survived and here is Nonno leading the way out of the whirlwind!

24 - I went out on a limb today and bought some Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer at Aldi's. I usually don't go for that kind of stuff because it is way too sweet, but I was in the mood for something pumpkin in my coffee. I tried it in my after dinner decaf. I was cautious not to fill the bottom of my cup with it....I just put little bits in with my usual non-flavored creamer and it is pretty good. Just a light taste of pumpkin spice. Hmmm, if you go by the serving size on the bottle of 1 tablespoon it is not too bad!

25 - The Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies are baked and ready for grandkids to decorate tomorrow. I have peanut butter and buttercream for frosting, candy corn, mini chocolate chips, M & M's and sprinkles to decorate with.

26 - Today JC is home sick so it is Chloe and Cassidy decorating cookies. There are no rules and as much as I try to get them to make faces on the pumpkins, this is more fun!

My daughter got in on it too, decorating a few to eat before running off to work.

27 - Woke up to snow this morning...I had to capture it early before it melted....wishful thinking!

28 - We drove the 3 1/2 hours to Toronto, Canada today to see an NBA basketball game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Toronto Raptors. We were in the nosebleed section....literally! I felt quite dizzy up there! The Cav's won 94-91.

29 - We had the whole day to spend in Toronto before heading home tomorrow. We went to Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament for a chicken dinner you eat with your hands and a tournament of knights and horses that involved games and jousting. It was a fun, must see event if you are in Toronto.

30 - Today I am the featured guest post for Ms. Toody Goo Shoes Favorite Things feature. I got to pick a few of my favorite things and write about them!

31 - With Halloween comes cute pictures of my grandchildren in their costumes. My daughter Candice (Cassidy's Mom) wore the mouse costume that I made when she was about 2. She is 34! Oh, the memories!

Cassidy - the accident victim

JC & Chloe - cat and mouse
Coming up this Friday, November 4th, my Etsy shop NaNa's Things will be featured on At Home With Jemma. Jemma's Old Fashioned Christmas Shopping feature will highlight a different Etsy shop each Friday. Shopping for Christmas décor and gift items each week will be fun in the comfort of your own home. I will be offering 15% off all items in my shop......there are over 520 great vintage and holiday décor items.  I hope you will stop over and browse my selection of vintage goodies to decorate with or to gift to a vintage lover you know. There's nothing like vintage to warm your home at Christmas!

Hello November!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am sharing with these fun blog parties:


  1. What a delightful post, my friend. I just loved the photo of you with your daughter, sisters, and niece. You and your sister with curly hair look quite alike :)

    I had to laugh about your son being an official college student...so true :) When I am craving something REALLY salty I eat a pack of Ramen noodles. I'm usually satisfied for months- HA!

    Your bottle brush trees are darling, my friend. LOVE the music notes around the wooden spool.

    Please know that I am truly sorry to hear about Fred's passing... Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and hugs to you!

  2. So sorry about your friend Fred's passing, that's terrible news. That 3 ingredient pumpkin bread really caught my attention - I'll have to give that a try!!

  3. Hi AnnMarie - sorry to hear about your friend's passing. He sounds like a wonderful man. Love seeing all the things you had going on in October and the sweet photos of your little grands. Lots of fun finds and delicious goodies. I'll be sure to stop back Friday. Love those little spool trees! Sending hugs xx Karen

  4. Hi AnnMarie, So very about your friend Fred's sudden stroke. My sympathies go out to your family and his. Lovely pic of your hubby with his sons.
    I really enjoyed this post. Your month is a fun adventure. I adore your bottle brush thread spool trees. In your thrifting finds, I had to smile. The wooden santa is like one I used to paint years ago and the little antique style cars were like a set on my son's bedroom wall when he was a little toddler.
    Ramen noodles do make a collage student official. Good thing the young folks seem to burn off the salt. I would be a swollen mess!!haha!
    I love the photo of you, your daughters and sisters. What a great memory maker together.
    Your cake looks so good. I've made the 2 ingredient cake but will have to try yours next. Thank you for sharing.

    Looking forward to your feature at Jemma's Friday. I will be sure to visit your wonderful etsy shop. My day is the 18th. Jemma is so kind, thoughtful and creative to share our shops all month in her special Christmas shopping days. It is going to be great fun!!

    Have a great afternoon and see you Friday. xo

  5. Forgot to say, I so enjoyed your feature yesterday at Amy's. Great post!!

  6. What a fun post. I missed quite a few things that I missed in the last month. That three ingredient pumpkin cake sounds too good to be true...but I copied the recipe over anyway and I will let you know how it goes. I wonder if I could substitute walnuts for the chocolate chips? Gonna try it!
    Have a great 1st of November. xo Diana

  7. Looks like your month was full of some wonderful moments, but unfortunately, some heartache too. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your October.

  8. Oh boy I love that crate table idea!!! Super cool!

  9. AnnMarie,

    What a wonderful month October was for you.


  10. Although I am sad to hear of your friends passing, other than that you had a fun filled month! Great to celebrate your birthday and anniversary. I'm sure you enjoyed your sis visiting. The photo of you girls was super cute! We have attended the Medieval Times in CA and enjoyed it. The kids costumes are all so fun! Thanks for sharing your month with SYC.

  11. I am so sorry about the passing of your friend...but you shared lots of fun and memory making for October! Pam @ Everyday Living

  12. I am very sorry to hear of your friends passing, prayers for the family and for you too.
    Your October looked like a well loved month and it was fun seeing all of the festivities.
    Tomorrow begins the first day of our series on Etsy shopping and I am so thrilled that you will part of the big event!
    Thanks so much for joining in!

  13. I loved every bit of this post Ann Marie, except the part about your dear friend. It looks like he was an artist? Do you own any of his paintings?

    Congrats on getting featured over at Jemma's! She's a sweetheart :).

  14. Oh I see why you love October. It looks like you have been having the best time. It's a great month to make memories.

  15. So much "thankfulness" in this lovely post, AnnMarie. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your friend, Fred. He seems to have been one wonderful man. Those spool Christmas trees are very cute. I bet they fly off the shelves. Love the selfie photo with your sisters and daughter. How lovely to enjoy a wonderful day together. Great post, AnneMarie.

  16. Hi AnnMarie,

    So sorry for your loss. Fred sounded like the sweetest man.

    Your October happenings were many and marvellous! From family get togethers to date nights with your hubby, meeting up with friends and baking up seasonal sweets, your favourite month will long be remembered.


    Your October was full of fun and exciting and delicious things.


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